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24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? 24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered?

03-17-2008 , 10:20 PM
After reviewing my hand i think i missplayed and should fold to reraise preflop, but would still like some feedback, thanks. No reads on villain.

Full Tilt Poker, NL Hold'em Tournament, 20/40 Blinds, 9 Players - Hand History Converter

MP2: 3,050
CO: 2,940
BTN: 4,415
SB: 2,915
BB: 2,910
UTG: 6,095
UTG+1: 3,315
Hero (UTG+2): 3,045
MP1: 1,420

Pre-Flop: (60) A Q dealt to Hero (UTG+2)
2 folds, Hero raises to 120, 3 folds, BTN raises to 420, 2 folds, Hero calls 300

Flop: (900) 3 J Q (2 Players)
Hero checks, BTN bets 900, Hero raises to 2,625 and is All-In, BTN calls 1,725

Results: 6,150 Pot (6,150 Rake)
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-17-2008 , 10:29 PM
I think folding to the preflop reraise is good here. Almost anything you hit isn't likely going to give you much confidence, and you're OOP.
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-17-2008 , 10:32 PM
Yeah AQ early pos to a reraise sucks.
I think postflop is fine.
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-17-2008 , 11:02 PM
I don't fold to the PFR. You're getting 2:1. Bet 600 on flop, see how much he likes his hand. Absent any reads, he r/r you and you can get away from hand w/o shoving to find out you're beat.
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-17-2008 , 11:34 PM
fold to the 3 bet, obv you're getting 2-1 the donk said omg I has AA bet pot...
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-18-2008 , 06:34 AM
fold to the PF 3bet, you don't wanna play a highly likely dominated hand OOP this early...
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-18-2008 , 07:17 AM
This early in the tourney with that a big of a stack, I'd also fold to the 3-bet.
You still got plenty of time to get ur chips in, in a better spot.
As played you have to bet flop like 500-600 to get information.
If villain calls or raises I'm done. Even then you still have a comfortable stack to go on.
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-18-2008 , 07:57 AM
Thanks for answers. At what blinds would i have to go with the hand in same situation?
I also have another hand from stars 3R, where i think i played fine, but would still like some opinions. Villain was a bit crazy, but also shown every hand a monster, however he has 13BB and to me that looks like an easy call.

Poker Stars, $3 + $0.30 NL Hold'em Tournament, 5,000/10,000 Blinds, 8 Players - Hand History Converter

MP2: 384,327
CO: 313,050
BTN: 450,256
SB: 197,313
BB: 162,318
UTG: 134,060
UTG+1: 323,836
Hero (MP1): 246,532

Pre-Flop: (23,000) A Q dealt to Hero (MP1)
UTG raises to 133,060 and is All-In, UTG+1 folds, Hero raises to 245,532 and is All-In, 5 folds

Results: 289,120 Pot (289,120 Rake)
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-18-2008 , 08:04 AM
[QUOTE=OvisAries;3214953]Thanks for answers. At what blinds would i have to go with the hand in same situation?

You would be commited to the hand if you had 20 bbs or less left in your stack.

Then we are not folding to a reraise
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-18-2008 , 08:39 AM
Calling the three bet with AQs is not going to be a productive move long term with the blinds at 20/40. Certainly OOP on a board like that your in trouble.
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-18-2008 , 10:11 AM
2nd hand is standard
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-18-2008 , 06:36 PM
Fold for 300 (7.5BB) w/ 2600 back PF in early round, but go AI for 246K (24.6BB) PF w/ same hand at final table? UTG is getting short, but he's not broke. After SB/BB (antes?) he still has 11+ BB and POSITION. I don't see the call as correct, unless this guy is just in panic mode.
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-18-2008 , 07:57 PM
The size of the bet (7.5BB vs 24.6BB) can mean less than the size of the stacks (>75BB effective vs. 13BB effective). Villain's range in hand 1 is (or should be) much tighter than villain's range in hand 2. Risk/reward is different too. There's not that much reward available in hand 1, and big risk, since villain covers. In hand 2, risk is small (only if somebody wakes up with a crushing hand behind), because hero covers and will have a playable, if short, stack if he loses. Reward, on the other hand, is big. Get a big stack at the FT and immediately move one step up the pay ladder.
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-18-2008 , 08:56 PM
I agree villain's range should be wider in hand 2. However, as played, we don't find out how good villain's hand 1 is until he calls hero's all in, and then it's too late. In hand 2, unless he's pushing with more than the top 25% of hands, we're 60/40 favorites and only getting 1:1 odds. I don't feel the risk of losing half our stack justifies the all in.

Gap concept and final table position dynamics dictate when we make a move and more importantly, when to be the agressor. I'm all in 100% with AQs if first to act, I just don't like the move as much after someone else's all in. Likewise, I don't auto call an all in in this scenario w/ AK. Do we really want to race at the final table, when we have chips and time to be agressive, to say nothing of possible fold equity. Here, there is no fold equity.

A lot of my thoughts are guided by the Gap Concept. Again, if we're relatively certain he'd push w/o AK-AJ, AA, KK, ( or any pair for that matter) in this particular situation, then I can see the all in move to isolate. Otherwise, I'm going to wait and try to be the first agressor in another hand.
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-18-2008 , 09:31 PM
2nd hand
It is down to 6 tables not final and whole table has been as agressive as it gets. I had been card dead and no chances to pick up a pot or even opening it, except one resteal. I really dont know, at the moment looked like snap to me.
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-18-2008 , 10:42 PM
Ok, as usual it's easier to Monday morning q'back than it is to actually be in the hand. I don't know why I thot it was the FT...With reads, it's a different story. Just don't let frustration make your decision...
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-18-2008 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by atcjhall
I agree villain's range should be wider in hand 2. However, as played, we don't find out how good villain's hand 1 is until he calls hero's all in, and then it's too late. In hand 2, unless he's pushing with more than the top 25% of hands, we're 60/40 favorites and only getting 1:1 odds. I don't feel the risk of losing half our stack justifies the all in.

Gap concept and final table position dynamics dictate when we make a move and more importantly, when to be the agressor. I'm all in 100% with AQs if first to act, I just don't like the move as much after someone else's all in. Likewise, I don't auto call an all in in this scenario w/ AK. Do we really want to race at the final table, when we have chips and time to be agressive, to say nothing of possible fold equity. Here, there is no fold equity.

A lot of my thoughts are guided by the Gap Concept. Again, if we're relatively certain he'd push w/o AK-AJ, AA, KK, ( or any pair for that matter) in this particular situation, then I can see the all in move to isolate. Otherwise, I'm going to wait and try to be the first agressor in another hand.
this is a simple pot odds and hand ranges problem. A weak loose player is shoving so much garbage here that AQ is like da friggin nuts. He'll show up with 22, A2, and QJ here and very rarely have AA and KK.

and lol at ONLY 60/40 (it's not 1:1 because of blinds and antes), do you realize what a big edge that really is? If you'd knowingly pass up a 60:40 with or without overlay you are burning money.
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-19-2008 , 12:13 AM
AQ and three bets just don't mix. I'm out when that happens early. As for the second hand, late in tournaments AQs is gold. Happy to get in in there.
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-19-2008 , 12:17 AM
I would have been out so fast after his re-raise preflop. I just give people credit early on. If the blinds are big and you have reads on his style ex. he is aggro as hell, then of course a re-re-raise ALL-In is viable.

You know nothing about him.

Your M is like 999999999 (infinity) here. no rush to commit so many chips preflop. In fact I believe it's actually -EV in long run if you do make this call against 22 every time... because you compramize 1/6 of your stack and are usually folding lots of the time getting outplayed. You'll be thinking "damn I should have known he had 1010 or J10 or AK or... anything that scares you"

Keep limping with 45s-89s 22-JJ (raise JJ in late pos.) J10s (maybe K10-KQ if you are in late pos. I suggest raising 2.5 with marginals in late pos. if you're feeling "crazy" that way you get an idea of where you are at but I wouldn't play K10 to a raise unless I had huge implied odds against some donkey)

Raise with AQ-AK, AJ (if on button), QQ-AA

Your looking to play standard poker. Your PF raise is ok here, but think for maybe 10 seconds then fold. In order to be successful you have to be able to lay AQ down early on. It's just that simple. You've got to give the donkey credit for now. Let him soil his credibility so that when it comes down to 150/300 with a 25 Ante, you can re-pop him all in with AQ and have him crushed. Also, this is not my advice.

Info credit to Dan Harrington.
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-19-2008 , 12:18 AM
hand 1- fold to the 3bet but once you call and face that bet we're gettin' it in.

hand 2- shoving's good. folding isn't weak though. AQ is the least i'd reship here.
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-19-2008 , 06:55 AM
I dont think hand 1 is that bad... BTN range isn't that tight. He may even be 3-betting you something like 77+ ATo+. I think your play is fine right through, obv. everyone else ses something i don't but its certainly a call IMO pre, and the flop play is fine, obv. you are dumping if you miss but when you hit i think he c-bets after 3-betting with a pretty wide range, thus allowing you to extract value most of the time... I think the 2nd case is closer. Where tournies generally play pretty shallow anyways his open shove is generally not as weak as u think... Anywho i hope that helped...
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-19-2008 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by mjw006
I dont think hand 1 is that bad... BTN range isn't that tight. He may even be 3-betting you something like 77+ ATo+. I think your play is fine right through, obv. everyone else ses something i don't but its certainly a call IMO pre, and the flop play is fine, obv. you are dumping if you miss but when you hit i think he c-bets after 3-betting with a pretty wide range, thus allowing you to extract value most of the time... I think the 2nd case is closer. Where tournies generally play pretty shallow anyways his open shove is generally not as weak as u think... Anywho i hope that helped...
search reverse implied odds imo... calling hand 1 without a read that the guy is a lagtard dumper is total spew.

His shove is probably as weak as I think, how many MTTs have you played this year?
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-19-2008 , 11:07 AM
150 MTTs
I know i have some big leaks, that is why i post on this forum. When i know my game is better i will also try to contribute to other topics, for now i think is better i dont.
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-19-2008 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by OvisAries
150 MTTs
I know i have some big leaks, that is why i post on this forum. When i know my game is better i will also try to contribute to other topics, for now i think is better i dont.
I wasn't referring to you, I just get a little annoyed when someone challenges me on something that seems really obvoius to me. I don't want to discourage anyone from posting or disagreeing with me. I certainly am far from perfect.

I do, however, think I am experienced and proven enough in ssmtts that people shouldn't just post saying I am wrong without providing a little logic.

FWIW I have played 1500 MTTs this year and it is my job.
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
03-19-2008 , 11:42 AM
First hand, fold pre, unless you have a read that he's a lunatic. I suppose you have to call the flop once you're but you're like *never ahead* when he bets the pot on a two-flush cordinated board after pf.

Second hand, he's opening shoving 13bbs in the $3r as the shortest stack at the table? That's a call. AJs is probably close against a real nit from MP so it's not that straightforward but my default range for him would be AJ+, KQ+ and any pair and he can easily have any ace, any two broadway...
24$ freezeout-missplayed or coolered? Quote
