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22$ KK 22$ KK

05-01-2008 , 12:31 PM
His unlikely to have JT here. This flop is good for me if he has AQ,AK or QQ Im getting paid.

Turn is an ugly J but I couldnt imagine him having AT or JT here. Is the river call bad? Shove turn? arrgggh

If he has AT is his flop call bad? He doesnt beat anything from my range with it except JJ/TT which I wouldnt cbet here so he basically beats nothing.

Poker Stars $20+$2 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t10/t20 Blinds - 9 players
2+2 Hand Converter Powered By DeucesCracked

MP2: t2950
CO: t2680
BTN: t3800
SB: t2090
BB: t4950
UTG: t2090
Hero (UTG+1): t2970
UTG+2: t2550
MP1: t2920

Pre Flop: Hero is UTG+1 with K K
UTG calls t20, Hero raises to t80, UTG+2 calls t80, 4 folds, SB calls t70, 1 fold, UTG calls t60

Flop: (t340) Q A K (4 players)
SB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets t260, UTG+2 calls t260, SB folds, UTG calls t260

Turn: (t1120) J (3 players)
UTG checks, Hero checks, UTG+2 bets t700, UTG folds, Hero calls t700

River: (t2520) 4 (2 players)
Hero checks, UTG+2 bets t1510 all in, Hero calls t1510
22$ KK Quote
05-01-2008 , 12:35 PM
I think I'd go ahead and lead again to the tune of about 350 on turn. Gets you more info. Really hard to lay this one down. Can't really blame you for river call.
22$ KK Quote
05-01-2008 , 01:07 PM
against two opponents, the turn is an obvious check fold. well, unless they give you sexy odds to draw to the boat, which isn't the case this time. you are also out of position against the player who leads on the turn, so I think your turn and river calls are pretty spewy

I usually 4x +1bb per limper on the first couple levels too, so personally I prefer to raise it to 100 pf, then bet pot on the flop. And like I said, just probably give up on the turn given you are against two players
22$ KK Quote
05-01-2008 , 01:13 PM
Might be obvious but its still really hard to lay it down.

I dont think its too spewy bc theres so many other hands than AT/JT that might be betting here. They both might be betting with a big range of hands like AK AQ AJ JJ QQ KK.
22$ KK Quote
05-01-2008 , 01:19 PM
I think you're reasoning here is really off. You're basically negating hands that could beat you, even though they are definitely in villain's range.

It's not unlikely he has J10, or A10. I think the turn is definitely check fold, unless you're getting heller odds to draw to the fh. The only street played well was the flop.
22$ KK Quote
05-01-2008 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by anytwofine

I dont think its too spewy bc theres so many other hands than AT/JT that might be betting here. They both might be betting with a big range of hands like AK AQ AJ JJ QQ KK.
given that they just called pf, I would take AK, KK, QQ and probably JJ out of that range. I'd stick em with a AT-AQ, KQ, KJ, K10, QJ, Q10, J10. maybe the call on the turn isn't terrible, but when you don't boat up on the end it should be a snapfold. I'm sure its a straight about 98% of the time
22$ KK Quote
05-01-2008 , 01:25 PM
Thanks for the answers. It was too hard for me to lay this down. Next time I know better.
22$ KK Quote
05-01-2008 , 02:06 PM
imo you are literally never ahead here. i dont mind betting turn small hoping for a cheap river to get a FH, or just c/f or c/c small bets. river is easy fold
22$ KK Quote
05-01-2008 , 02:19 PM
I see no reason for folding the turn, odds for the boat are not that bad, largely enough given implied odds it seems.
22$ KK Quote
05-01-2008 , 07:27 PM
It's ok OP, I got outplayed too. C/f is right.
22$ KK Quote
05-02-2008 , 04:01 AM
Raise more PF playing 150 BBs deep in a $20 tourney. I'd make it at least 100, probably 120, you just can't narrow people's ranges down very much making it 80 since everything on earth has implied odds, and the limper is going to encourage them to come along. Remember, AA and KK especially are hands that can hurt you as well as your opponents. If you know you have a hand you'll have trouble getting away from later do whatever you can to make your decision making easier.

Flop is good, no reason you should suspect trouble, but that turn bet is strong. I mean to bet into you and the other guy there is pretty much the nuts or a terrible player. You can discount another set almost completely because of the PF action (possibly QQ I guess, but unlikely) and would 2 pair really bet into you there? I kinda doubt it. He can't think he has much FE. I do think the turn is a fold, although could I have made it in the heat of the moment? Probably not.
22$ KK Quote
05-02-2008 , 08:02 AM
If we call turn planning to fold river if we miss & shove if we hit, and assuming unrealistically we never ever have the best hand, we need him to call a river shove on a paired board one third of the time to breakeven. (23% of the time we hit we get the 2500 pot so we need another 500, since 23%x3000=700)
Donks hate laying down hands. We have the best hand some of the time. Calling the turn is profitable.
22$ KK Quote
05-02-2008 , 08:07 AM
I'd prolly c/f turn, villain is 95% not betting without a 10 in this spot (which he can easily have, don't just rule that out )

@Pokerfarian, if your math is correct there, I guess calling can be profitable, looks good... is it? I just hate calling 1/3 of my stack on some stupid 25% draw even if it is mathematically correct (ok well, stacks are so deep, we'd still havee ~100bbs if we don't hit -- AND FOLD the river)
22$ KK Quote
05-02-2008 , 10:41 AM
First, while I think Villain normally has a ten here, I don't think it makes up 100% of his range. Villain might bet a set, and villain might bet something like AK, AQ. So I put villain on the straight maybe 80% of the time (note that if the turn brought a T I think the odds of the straight are higher), with us ahead 20% of the time. So between that and our outs (10 for boat/4 of a kind, 1.5 for a chop) I think folding the turn is far too weak. Villain is going to have a hard time folding if the board pairs so we should get paid off if we hit quite frequently.
22$ KK Quote
