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*** 2015 *** THREAD still hoping, hoping..... *** 2015 *** THREAD still hoping, hoping.....

04-15-2015 , 12:04 AM
04-15-2015 , 12:27 AM
Took me about 10 minutes. Brag I think.
04-15-2015 , 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
I was the only male waiter where i worked and made more than the majority of the other servers. (It was west LA though, so between the gay dudes and rich divorcees I might have had the leg up...) Being an attractive female gives you a leg up but how much a waiter makes has as much, if not more, to do with how good they are at upselling and turning over tables than it does the avg % tip you receive. Attractive females have disadvantages when it comes to turning over tables, for obvious reasons. As well the numerous other things attractive females have to deal with in the restaurant industry.

From my experience at least, females are a lot better at the multitasking that needs to be done to wait tables. So females making more than their males counterparts isnt all about sexist customers. It prob has something to do with them being inherently better at the job.

Curious, are people against the tipping system also against commission sales? I see that as a much worse system than tipping. Having the person youre trusting to provide you information being strongly influenced by other factors than providing you the best information seems like a horrible way to do things imo. All tipping does is put the power to decide what kind of service the wait staff provides in the hands of customers instead of management.

Only back to this discussion because the Emotional Support Animal discussion in OOT has me too frazzled to go back.
From what I have read there is pretty big evidence that attractive females make more in tips than men

Also there is evidence attractive female make more than less attractive ones as well so I am not sure it's just down to multitasking etc

Just relaying what has been found in studies never worked in the industry so have no experience

You should listen to the podcast I linked also talks about some other inequalities if tipping also like it's pretty clear black people don't get tipped as well (if I recall this is because they are tipped poorly by other black people and tipping is not in the culture).
04-15-2015 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
I don't think just being hot gives the waitress a big tip, but if she puts her hand on my shoulder and call me 'hon', I'm her huckleberry.
Actually I think this happens a lot
04-15-2015 , 09:33 AM
To clarify a couple of Buffy's summary points. In at least the podcast they did not find women or men were tipped better on average. Attractive women were tipped better than less attractive women, but with men level of attractiveness had a negligible effect.

I was a little surprised that an attractive woman in her 30s is tipped better than an attractive woman in her 20s. The sweet spot is a slender, blonde, large breasted woman in her 30s. I guess once you are in your 30s people see it as a career with possible dependents.

On the black servers making less - strangely, both black and white customers tip black servers less than white servers. That's where they discuss whether tipping is a discriminatory practice that should be illegal. Also since tipping is largely hidden income on the side, it invites corruption.

Originally Posted by SiQ
I'm almost done reading it but I'm enjoying it so much I couldn't wait to recommend The Art of Strategy: A Game Theorist's Guide to Success in Business and Life
thanks, was looking for something like this. ordered!
04-15-2015 , 10:02 AM
Hey. I got accepted into a masters degree (2 years) for music therapy in Limerick in Ireland (just completed psychology undergrad). Some Irish poker players are from down there (members of 'the grid' paul carr and weesh).
I'm not sure whether to take a years sabbatical to give poker one last hurrah (supposing the course is still there for me following a year out) or go straight into the course and be a qualified therapist quicker. Going to see if the games are good in the summer and take it from there.
04-15-2015 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by entim
Hey. I got accepted into a masters degree (2 years) for music therapy in Limerick in Ireland (just completed psychology undergrad). Some Irish poker players are from down there (members of 'the grid' paul carr and weesh).
I'm not sure whether to take a years sabbatical to give poker one last hurrah (supposing the course is still there for me following a year out) or go straight into the course and be a qualified therapist quicker. Going to see if the games are good in the summer and take it from there.
Do both
04-16-2015 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by SiQ
I'm almost done reading it but I'm enjoying it so much I couldn't wait to recommend The Art of Strategy: A Game Theorist's Guide to Success in Business and Life

It isn't poker related (although it does mention poker a tiny bit) but it's more of an intro to game theory with examples of real world application in life, war, games, and business.
I've already been into game theory for a few years so I didn't learn much in the way of how game theory works but it was a good little refresher, and I found some of the examples/stories of how game theory is used in business (, war, and everyday life) fascinating and fun to read.

If you're familiar with game theory you might find it a little basic but probably fun to read. If you're interested in game theory (and why shouldn't you be?) this is a great book to start out with - it's not math heavy and it does a really good job of explaining the forces at work to the layman.
My current job is essentially applying game theory to negotiation strategies, which is really cool stuff.
We generally recommend people the following books after giving trainings:
- Thinking Strategically: Competitive Edge in Business, Politics and Everyday Life, Avinash K. Dixit, Barry J. Nalebuff, 1991 (W.W. Norton)
- Co-opetition, Adam M. Brandenburger, Barry J. Nalebuff, 1997 (Crown Business)

First one is excellent as it covers all sorts of different topics.
Second one is more applied to business strategy.
04-16-2015 , 09:25 AM
Derby, you still in HK with same company? Sounds like yes.
04-16-2015 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by entim
Hey. I got accepted into a masters degree (2 years) for music therapy in Limerick in Ireland (just completed psychology undergrad). Some Irish poker players are from down there (members of 'the grid' paul carr and weesh).
I'm not sure whether to take a years sabbatical to give poker one last hurrah (supposing the course is still there for me following a year out) or go straight into the course and be a qualified therapist quicker. Going to see if the games are good in the summer and take it from there.

Hey tim

Not sure how much you have been involved with poker lately but my advice would be to do both if you can or just go with your studies

Nice work on getting into the masters course and it sounds like you found a course perfect for you as well
04-16-2015 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Regret$
Derby, you still in HK with same company? Sounds like yes.
I work in the Netherlands, always have (although I relocated within the country a few times), but travel for my work very frequently, mostly Asia indeed.
04-16-2015 , 04:20 PM

The first one (which you think is excellent) is the first edition of the book that I recommended
Same authors, and basically it's the exact same book with a few updates.
04-17-2015 , 04:07 PM
Haha, didn't click your link, just looked at the title and thought hey I can recommend a good similar book. :-)
04-18-2015 , 07:58 PM
Deactivated my FB account earlier today, damn that felt ****en good.
04-20-2015 , 04:40 PM
o/u on regrets return to facebook? 4 days?
04-20-2015 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by SiQ
o/u on regrets return to only lurking 2p2? 4 days?
Fixed it up for you.

There are like 3 people in the whole world I miss on facebook. That site is little but an altar to already popular people's popularity. I have no desire to be that person, so there is really no end game the more I think of it. The amount of effort I put into that site compared to the reward was way the upside down (sounds familiar). Sorry I just don't give a ****.
04-21-2015 , 01:15 PM
You don't have to take it that seriously. It does have to serve an end game purpose imo.
04-21-2015 , 01:41 PM
I can't find the gif, but 'facebook, where your enemies check your page more than your friends.' I'm just soooo over that site man. Could I kick 75% of my friends list off and only thumbs up people who are reciprocal? Sure, or I could just uninstall and move on. It's about the same thing imo.
04-21-2015 , 01:41 PM
I use Facebook almost strictly for comedy/promotion of events, and because I'm politically active I need to have an active page, although I don't post firm stances on things. It's nearly 99% a networking tool, and honestly, a really fantastic networking tool. I've booked people on shows and gotten jobs based on relationships made via Facebook.

It's not and never has been a diary/chronicle of my daily life
04-21-2015 , 01:53 PM
Just use it to keep in touch with friends and creep on chicks. If you're trying to use it as some platform for high level discourse then youre gonna have a bad time.
04-21-2015 , 09:20 PM
^^^ This. My sister unfriended me because we are both outspoken about our political/world event views.

She got tired of always being wrong and when her "friends" started siding with me? No more FB interaction. All's good, we get along in real life just great.
04-22-2015 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by SlackerMcFly
^^^ This. My sister unfriended me because we are both outspoken about our political/world event views.

She got tired of always being wrong and when her "friends" started siding with me? No more FB interaction. All's good, we get along in real life just great.
I unfriended my brother last week for something similar. However pretty sure I am right in not supporting xenophobic and borderline racist views.

Just caused to many arguments tbh

Also make use of the block from your feed those people that use it to show how 'awesome' their life is!
04-22-2015 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by buffyslayer1
Also make use of the block from your feed those people that use it to show how 'awesome' their life is!
So that's why u never like my posts, FU! ;-)

But indeed blocking from feed option works wonders.
04-22-2015 , 01:55 PM
Yeah the block from feed and hide status from XXXXX options are pretty clutch. Especially when you grew up politically in hippyville oregon and have fam in rural North Carolina.
04-24-2015 , 08:29 PM
for anyone interested:
doug polk (2p2's own WCG|Rider) representing humanity in the battle against artificial intelligence

claudico is the newest version of tartainian7.
2 teams of 2 players (4 of the best HUNL players in the world) playing the bot for 80k hands. right now it seems like the bot has some big errors and the humans are looking in good shape overall.
