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 rebuy FT ICM and river spot  rebuy FT ICM and river spot

03-03-2015 , 05:39 AM
Hi V was 22/17/6 over 50, thoughts on river? we are final 6 with payouts as follows



[converted_hand][hand_history]Poker Stars, $2 Buy-in (7,000/14,000 blinds, 1,750 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 6 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #35331381

Hero (BTN): 356,903 (25.5 bb)
SB: 644,175 (46 bb)
BB: 254,694 (18.2 bb)
UTG: 393,465 (28.1 bb)
MP: 292,926 (20.9 bb)
CO: 223,837 (16 bb)

Preflop: Hero is BTN with Q T
3 folds, Hero raises to 28,000, SB folds, BB calls 14,000

Flop: (73,500) 3 7 5 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero checks

Turn: (73,500) T (2 players)
BB bets 28,000, Hero calls 28,000

River: (129,500) 4 (2 players)
BB bets 64,750
 rebuy FT ICM and river spot Quote
03-03-2015 , 09:16 AM
I really dislike opening pre here, if the blinds aren't complete nits then we are getting shoved on or 3bet a lot of the time.

With 25BBs I think we have to call the river, I would range V on some kind of suited hand that would flat pre hence missed. Any AT+, 66+ he would shove pre in my opinion. KTo/s would be a viable hand that is a part of his range but it such a small percentage that I would go with it.
 rebuy FT ICM and river spot Quote
03-03-2015 , 01:04 PM
^QTo is too strong a hand to fold pre. If we are likely to get 3bet, i'd much rather limp than fold. But with a BB with 6% 3b i'm virtually always minraising.

Gotta c-bet that flop tho. Q high has little showdown value and at this point in the tourney we can make the bet small enough that it can never be exploited.

As played, i'm really not happy calling river but i think we kinda have to. He's gonna have worse Tx or bluffs way more often than 25%
 rebuy FT ICM and river spot Quote
03-03-2015 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Viral25
^QTo is too strong a hand to fold pre. If we are likely to get 3bet, i'd much rather limp than fold. But with a BB with 6% 3b i'm virtually always minraising.

Gotta c-bet that flop tho. Q high has little showdown value and at this point in the tourney we can make the bet small enough that it can never be exploited.

As played, i'm really not happy calling river but i think we kinda have to. He's gonna have worse Tx or bluffs way more often than 25%

lol at folding QT pre.

regarding c-betting flop, I think it's fine because this flop doesn't hit BB's flatting range on such a short stack well at all. If we were deeper, I might check back Qx, but in general I'd rather be checking back Ax/Kx (obv.)

otr, I think we have to call. I don't know that he bets a worse T, but I think once we check back flop and turn is a non-face card, he can lead into us with ATC. Then river card is great for him to represent a hand with all of his air. To me this is a "at the top of our range --- have to call" spot

Last edited by RalphWaldoEmerson; 03-03-2015 at 08:08 PM.
 rebuy FT ICM and river spot Quote
03-04-2015 , 01:17 AM
Yuck spot. Doubt he value-bets anything we beat, so it depends on how capable we think he is of bluffing here. Nothing but a 6 or maybe a set would value bet here otr (and most PP's likely shove pre), so villain is repping pretty thin. Like 76 or 56. A6 should prolly jam pre too.

An interesting line could be to raise his turn bet, but it would depend on how bad you thought your opponent is. By raising ott you don't rep much, as you're capped to top pair, but if villain is bad at hand reading you could do it to avoid getting bluffed otr if a scare card comes, and to charge him for the times he has some sort of draw or weaker showdown value hand that he doesn't want to fold. Just a thought.
 rebuy FT ICM and river spot Quote
03-04-2015 , 05:22 AM
I think if we call ott we call otr. I dont like it though. I agree with cbetting otf - this is a spot where I don't mind narrowing his range as he really can't continue otf w/o a hand. Our objective was to steal the blinds. Now that this dumb ass called pre let's put him to the test.
 rebuy FT ICM and river spot Quote
