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2 Pair vs. Limper at Final Table 2 Pair vs. Limper at Final Table

07-28-2015 , 05:58 PM
Final 5 of a $3 tourney.
I'm Sitting in BB with about 40k.
UTG: about 18k.
CO: about 43k.
Button: about 35k.
SB: about 80k.

Blinds are 700-1400 with 150 antes.

CO limps in. Folds to me in the BB with 10-6 suited. I check. I don't raise because the CO seems to limp a lot. I don't think he's folding to a raise and I don't want to inflate the pot here.
Despite the fact that villain limps a lot, we've seen the cards very few times. The only one I remember is 109 off-suit.

Flop comes 10-4-4, rainbow.

I lead out for about 2500. Villain calls.

Turn is a 7. I bet 5000. Villain calls.

River is a 6. I check. Villain bets around 12k. Hero???

I figure that there are two types of hands that make this play. I think a 10/8-10/K makes this play (I htink A10 is a raise pre) or A4. I think the 6 is a good card for us because we're now ahead of random 10x. Obviously, we're behind to A4. You call here?
2 Pair vs. Limper at Final Table Quote
07-28-2015 , 07:17 PM
i think this is a call spot, A4 suited is really the only hand that he limps with here that beats you, and as you said you can put a lot of 10x hands into his range
2 Pair vs. Limper at Final Table Quote
07-29-2015 , 02:33 AM
Not sure why we're checking the river against a passive player - I think the river is a b/f but as played call
2 Pair vs. Limper at Final Table Quote
07-29-2015 , 02:42 AM
Check flop
2 Pair vs. Limper at Final Table Quote
07-29-2015 , 06:40 AM
[/QUOTE] I figure that there are two types of hands that make this play. I think a 10/8-10/K makes this play (I htink A10 is a raise pre) or A4. I think the 6 is a good card for us because we're now ahead of random 10x. Obviously, we're behind to A4. You call here?[/QUOTE]

Regarding the 10 with kicker (8-K) >> anyone getting to river this way with those hands is almost always checking back. You can significantly discount those hands imo.

Check flop 100%. Weird spot because he shouldn't have very many bluffs at all. And he has tons of sdv with of his hands that call ur lead twice. You kinda have to call as played though.

inb4 JJ / A4 lol
2 Pair vs. Limper at Final Table Quote
07-29-2015 , 04:39 PM
check flop
as played check turn
as played b/f riv
as played snap call riv
2 Pair vs. Limper at Final Table Quote
