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2 off bubble with AK 2 off bubble with AK

10-18-2009 , 01:15 AM
UTG...AK...M is 3.5. Only two players to make the money so that's going to happen if I fold a few hands. I push and get called by AA and finish 2 off the money in 50 dollar on Stars.

I will survive, but this play might not be right. I can probably push any two cards in a few hands and take down a pot. I can still damage players to my left even after blind. I don't know.
2 off bubble with AK Quote
10-18-2009 , 01:16 AM
And by the way hello, nice to meet you, glad to be here.
2 off bubble with AK Quote
10-18-2009 , 01:20 AM
Post the actual hand history. It's hard to say what you should of done without seeing chips, positions, etc. By the info you gave it sounds like you just got caught with a cooler.
2 off bubble with AK Quote
10-18-2009 , 01:24 AM
yeah use the HH converter at the top of a new post, its a wee click box you can expand, just paste the HH in there and convert it to the text. But yeah..AK running to AA on the bubble is a cooler basically, esp if you are the agressor in the hand.
2 off bubble with AK Quote
10-18-2009 , 01:47 AM
never fold AK with an M under 8 preflop in a buy in under 22$. Never fold it on cake or a non ftp/stars site at any limit with an M under 8.
2 off bubble with AK Quote
10-18-2009 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by BarryLyndon
You must let go of that poisonous combination of fear and hubris that makes you think that you are about to do something special with AK by folding preflop.

You are not a world class surgeon with the cards. You cannot dissect AK any further. You will not find a theoretical breakthrough for folding AK in a small stakes, non-satelite online tourney almost ever. Numerous Small Stakes tourney theoreticians have tried before. In fact, about one tries every day. It always fails. It fails as hard as communism or Coke Zero. Except, communism always makes for a better read.

You are not a magician. If you fold AK, your online chips will not transpose themselves from the computer screen to your desk moments later and unravel like flowers in bloom, only to reveal sheaths of gold.

You have AK with an M of 8 - ??. There's a push in front of you with an M of 10. There's another call with M of 15. . It's late. It's early. Your dreams of making a final table are only one and a half hours away. And there's a break coming up! It's a +EV play to push here. That's all it is. +EV. That's what poker is: EV moves. Deal with it.

You're pyschology or greater wants mean nothing. All that matters in the end is the "long run" promise of cEV. Chips only translate to more potential returns if you play them correctly. Please think about this.

2 off bubble with AK Quote
