Okay, I’m a first time poster on here. Wanted some feedback on a hand I played on a $2.50 STT on UB today. This was early in the tournament, so blinds were 5/10. Noted that villain had made a couple fishy/aggressive plays already. Had been raising most pots. There had not been enough hands to get a great read on him.
-UTG raises to 50
-Folded to hero OTB with AsQh.
-Hero raises to 150.
-The blinds fold and UTG calls. (Pot=315)
Flop: 3s Qd 3d
-UTG bets 70
-Hero raises to 262 (half pot)
-UTG calls (pot = 839, hero has 1053 left)
Turn: 3s Qd 3d 2d
-UTG bets pot (839)
I thought he had a solid hand preflop, though I think he would call a reraise with a good chunk of his range. The flop bet was scared-ish feeling, so I eliminated the probability of a set. JJ – 44, 22 were reasonable possibilities. AJd, ATd, KQd, KJd all made a good bit of sense. Maybe some suited connectors too, perhaps?
On the flop, I’m thinking diamond draw or lower pocket pair, though I was leaning toward lower pair. On the turn, he makes the weird pot-sized bet for most of his stack. I would expect a simple push from him if he had just drawn out. Moving all-in seemed best to me. Is the right answer to just avoid this scenario in the first place? Am I supposed to talk my self into a fold preflop? On the turn?
Pre is not great. I fold AQ a lot when someone raised from utg. So you should mostly just fold pre. Against a loose villian I can see some value in making a call here in position. But there is no need to 3bet AQ here. As played flop is fine and now get it in on turn.