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16 18m bubble/ Ace 8 suited 16 18m bubble/ Ace 8 suited

10-27-2010 , 02:11 AM
I'm pretty sure that the blinds don't call wider than A10o, maybe BB calls A9s or something like that.

Pretty thin shove.

Do you make it?

*Sorry DC Converter aint working, thanks*

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 16 Tournament, 300/600 Blinds 50 Ante (5 handed) - Poker-Stars Hand Converter from

BB (t6745)
UTG (t5655)
Hero (MP) (t4545)
Button (t2655)
SB (t7400)

Hero's M: 3.95

Preflop: 1 Fold, Hero is MP with A, 8
16 18m bubble/ Ace 8 suited Quote
10-27-2010 , 02:22 AM
I make the shove but feel a little dirty. idk if it's correct or not.
16 18m bubble/ Ace 8 suited Quote
10-27-2010 , 02:23 AM
I'm getting like A2s, A9o, K8s, KTo, Q8s, QTo, J8s, JTo, T8s, 44+, but doubt I would shove that wide in game. +.18-.21 depending on btn shoving range, so folding this seems like a mistake.
16 18m bubble/ Ace 8 suited Quote
10-27-2010 , 02:29 AM
Regrets are you sure that isn't set on 9mans. If not and you have a chance do you reckon you could post a screen shot, I just wanna figure out why we're getting drastically different readings.
16 18m bubble/ Ace 8 suited Quote
10-27-2010 , 02:32 AM
Ah actually this probably comes down to what the button's calling, the shove becomes very thin when I've got him set on a slightly broader range than the blinds. Thanks.

The question I wanted to ask though really is would you take a shove that registers around 0.07/8 here?
16 18m bubble/ Ace 8 suited Quote
10-27-2010 , 02:52 AM
Understand I'm really not great with pushfold (espesh not in game ), but with these close ones I would go to the touchy feely factors like if you saw a few of the players playing very poorly I would play tigher, if the blinds are about to go up, I would be more likely to shove, etc. On that last note, if you think the intangibles are really close, 5 handed I would lean towards shoving, and towards folding 4 handed. I really have no idea if this correct, but my intuition tells me that the ICM effects are exagerated 5 handed and we need to try to keep our stack health to have a good finish distribution. Back when I played these more, the play was particularly bad 4 handed after everyone gets ITM syndrome so I would play tighter a little. All of that said, if the estimated effects of the intangibles leads to a BE shove, I think you should in theory always shove for $/hour and stack utility reasons.

Cliffs: I just randomly click buttons.

Last edited by Regret$; 10-27-2010 at 03:00 AM.
16 18m bubble/ Ace 8 suited Quote
10-27-2010 , 03:16 AM
Cliffs: Regrets is modest as always.

Yeah I've been trying to look into various spots generally at how tight/loose I've been playing on the bubble especially with these sort of middling chip stacks. The point you make about tightening up when 4handed is interesting because I'm probably guilty of loosening up slightly myself. Food for thought, Thanks.
16 18m bubble/ Ace 8 suited Quote
10-27-2010 , 03:21 AM
I need a reason to fold this
16 18m bubble/ Ace 8 suited Quote
10-27-2010 , 03:47 AM
I get a 12.2% shove range on ICM Trainer, but of course people always don't stick to it.
Tricky one. What limit?
16 18m bubble/ Ace 8 suited Quote
10-27-2010 , 01:44 PM
I can get 70% in wiz which obv we're never that wide but I get this in pretty rapidly.
16 18m bubble/ Ace 8 suited Quote
10-27-2010 , 02:43 PM
Yeah, I obviously picked the wrong spot to post as I when I first looked at it I thought it was closer in Wiz but it's extremely malleable.

As I said the question I wanted to ask really was how thin a shove should I be prepared to take here, something like QJs, or K10s anything that registers around 0.05-0.09. I guess that question also boils down to where I should be setting my edge which is something I'm particulary lost on.
16 18m bubble/ Ace 8 suited Quote
10-27-2010 , 05:25 PM
Your mistake is looking at your cards. The stacks are all pretty similar so you are pretty much getting into a game of chicken. You can shove a lot of hands here like 76s QJs 8Ts A8s etc. The only nice thing about A8 is you have some card removal of likely calling hands. But when you shove 76s and get called you are more likely in a 40-60 than a 30-70. This is as long as there isn't a play who will call with such a wide range to include QJs, which yea I see all the time. A successful shove here is a net gain of 1200 chips, folding can lead to a net loss of about the same until you get another chance. That is a pretty big spread when looking at your stack.
16 18m bubble/ Ace 8 suited Quote
10-27-2010 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Manhat10ite
Your mistake is looking at your cards. The stacks are all pretty similar so you are pretty much getting into a game of chicken. You can shove a lot of hands here like 76s QJs 8Ts A8s etc. The only nice thing about A8 is you have some card removal of likely calling hands. But when you shove 76s and get called you are more likely in a 40-60 than a 30-70. This is as long as there isn't a play who will call with such a wide range to include QJs, which yea I see all the time. A successful shove here is a net gain of 1200 chips, folding can lead to a net loss of about the same until you get another chance. That is a pretty big spread when looking at your stack.
Well you make alot of sense as per usual. I'm not one to ever bog myself down with ICM, which makes reviewing my play harder. In this case possibly folding a slightly +EV spot really purely because I know it won't play well.
16 18m bubble/ Ace 8 suited Quote
