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k Gtd OPS event, down to 11, should I just shove pre or am I being too results oriented? k Gtd OPS event, down to 11, should I just shove pre or am I being too results oriented?

09-20-2014 , 08:24 AM
2 spots from the FT an in $11 15k gtd..Villain was playing pretty tight (18% vpip iirc) at the time even with a big stack, but based on notes/stats I had him marked as a weaker player.

Merge, $10 Buy-in (20,000/40,000 blinds, 4,000 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 5 Players
Poker Tools by CardRunners -

MP: 506,473 (12.7 bb)
CO: 1,289,052 (32.2 bb)
BTN: 491,979 (12.3 bb)
SB: 555,720 (13.9 bb)
Hero (BB): 1,022,150 (25.6 bb)

Preflop: Hero is BB with Ad As
MP folds, CO raises to 100,000, 2 folds, Hero raises to 240,000, CO calls 140,000

Flop: (520,000) 2d Qh Tc (2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets 346,666, Hero raises to 778,150 and is all-in, CO calls 431,484

Turn: (2,076,300) Js (2 players, 1 is all-in)
River: (2,076,300) 9h (2 players, 1 is all-in)

Results: 2,076,300 pot
Final Board: 2d Qh Tc Js 9h
CO showed Ks Qd and won 2,076,300 (1,054,150 net)
Hero showed Ad As and lost (-1,022,150 net)

I thought about just jamming PF to take it down blinds+his raise without risking too much, but I don't think he's calling. He's been MR-ing up until this point when he decides to add an extra 20k to his raise. It felt/seemed weak, and I wanted to extract as much value as I possibly could with my bigger hands vs a weaker player. Even if I am about to play a huge pot vs the 1 person who can bust me near the FT, I'm also thinking him being the only player who can 2x my entire stack, and about Vegas and the ****ing Mirage (this would have been my biggest score to date if I went on to win)..

Figured the best option was to 3-bet and either snap off or 5-bet shove.

After he flats I'm putting him on AQ, KQ, 66-99. I think he's good enough to fold anything weaker, but not good enough to hold-back jamming (or at least 4-betting) any stronger hands PF.

I check to pot control/give him a chance to bluff his air. After he snap-bets +300k I'm 99% sure it's aq/kq.
TT crossed my mind, but all I can do is kick myself for not shoving pre if that's the case bc it's obv all going in.
I CR jam, he snaps, runner runner grossness, gg me. Dreams at shipping a nice payday end with a $70 profit, while my fishy friend goes into the FT with over 2 mil and the CL (Ended up finishing 2nd after loosing most of it 3-handed).

So now I'm trying not to be results oriented, but I'm thinking in this spot with ICM at play, it was probably better to just jam and take it down PF.

I'm giving a player who probably never folds to a MR a good price to see a flop, even with his weaker std-cnctr/small-pair type hands.
But I also don't want to loose value with hands like AA when the blinds are getting huge, especially against a player I feel I have an edge on.
I'll seriously beat this back and forth all day, looking forward to hearing a different perspective or any critique on the hand. Thanks.
k Gtd OPS event, down to 11, should I just shove pre or am I being too results oriented? Quote
09-20-2014 , 10:06 AM
this is close to BBV given that your line maximized expected value, got all stacks in while well in front etc etc

i don't think many players are blowing off a 1.2MM stack with KQ here once you 3bet and c/jam, so the best line against competent opponents might be a topic.

out of interest - what are you 3b/f and 3b/c ranges here pre?
k Gtd OPS event, down to 11, should I just shove pre or am I being too results oriented? Quote
09-20-2014 , 10:34 AM
Cooler. That said, I know you are more concerned with the way that it played out (hence being result orientated), but the money went in with you being over 3 to 1 favorite (would you ever turn that down... I hope not).

On another note - and like the previous poster -, do you have a 3bet bluff range here? It seems to me that you are not very balanced in your range/sizing, as you will not get that much fold equity with a 2.4X 3B OOP (I prefer 2.5-2.7X myself, and I am on the smaller side).

Outside of maybe not having a balance 3B range, you played it right... Sorry for the bad beat.

edit : actually - I haven't played online MTTs in a couple of months, so pardon my mistake -, I usually 3B to 2.4X myself, come to think about it... But am definitely on the smaller sizing side of the spectrum within the regs...

Last edited by Dubnjoy000; 09-20-2014 at 10:42 AM.
k Gtd OPS event, down to 11, should I just shove pre or am I being too results oriented? Quote
09-20-2014 , 11:40 AM
BBV. Pushing pre is probably bad. I would cbet the flop though.
k Gtd OPS event, down to 11, should I just shove pre or am I being too results oriented? Quote
09-20-2014 , 12:42 PM
Agree, bad flop to give a free card.
k Gtd OPS event, down to 11, should I just shove pre or am I being too results oriented? Quote
09-21-2014 , 05:19 AM
You are actually extremely result oriented and you're not even in the right section in term of BI. Still doubt that this thread is for real tho.

Your thinking process is absolutely atrocious. Didn't have the strenght to read all your post but just read somewhere that you would consider more safe to jam AA pre-flop for icm reason... and remaining players are fishes...? C'mon man seriously... if you can't understand it, just stop mtt today. And flop was a very trivial cbet btw.
k Gtd OPS event, down to 11, should I just shove pre or am I being too results oriented? Quote
09-21-2014 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by oldsilver
out of interest - what are you 3b/f and 3b/c ranges here pre?
Originally Posted by Dubnjoy000
On another note - and like the previous poster -, do you have a 3bet bluff range here? It seems to me that you are not very balanced in your range/sizing, as you will not get that much fold equity with a 2.4X 3B OOP (I prefer 2.5-2.7X myself, and I am on the smaller side).

Outside of maybe not having a balance 3B range, you played it right... Sorry for the bad beat.

edit : actually - I haven't played online MTTs in a couple of months, so pardon my mistake -, I usually 3B to 2.4X myself, come to think about it... But am definitely on the smaller sizing side of the spectrum within the regs...
Honestly, in this spot (2 spots before the FT with most sitting on ~10 effective BBs), I'm prob not 3b bluffing at all. At least not OOP vs villain who would feel he's committed enough to see a flop after any PF open, like he did here. If I was in pos, I might have some 3b bluffs in my range.

I could also see myself 3b or shoving light vs a a shorter stacks BTN raise if I thought they were capable of folding. In that spot, I'd say my 3/b/shove range would be about 13%..

With the stack-sizes at play at my table, I'm priced in to call if any SS shoves over my 3b. The only player I could (somewhat) comfortably 3b/f to at this stage is the villain, and that's still costing at least 1/4 of my stack. So I don't think I'd be getting out of line much here.
Otherwise, if I ended up winning this hand, I'd have a little more room to 3b/f or 3b/c in pos with medium strength hands vs. some other 15-20bb stacks at the FT.

MY 3-bet/c range (vs villain or similar stack-size) would probably be about 4 - 4-2%. I'm not going to pretend like I'm super-knowledgeable when it comes to 3-bet/4-bet bluff/call ranges, so if I'm far off on any of this (which I'm sure I am), pls Lmk.
Against a better player I'd have more options, since they're probably going to be a lot more polarized and capable of folding.

I usually only play turbo MTT's where there really isn't much room to 3/4b-f. After level 12 (250-500), which is only 1 hour in, you're probably putting in at least 1/4 of your stack to 3b, so there's really not much room to mess around.
But I do have some 3-bet bluffs in my range in better spots where I have a little more room.

If I was playing against stronger players, I know I should have a balanced 3-bet b/c range, but I really can't say there would be any hands I'd 3-bet bluff off 1/4 of my stack with in this spot.

I'm sure I'm completely off with a few things here, so please feel free to let me know.

Originally Posted by betgo
BBV. Pushing pre is probably bad. I would cbet the flop though.
I'd say I'm usually c-betting here 90% of the time. I felt I had a pretty strong read on the hand at this point, and was honesty checking expecting at least a 1/2 pot sized bet to jam over.
I was pretty confident that he's betting every time I check here, especially with the pot size and FT bubble situation at play.
I can't say I wanted a call after i cr-jam, even if I was pretty sure that I was ahead. I'd be much happier taking it down otf avoiding any FT bub sweat.

Glad to know I'm not that far off with the not wanting to shove pre, even it it did cost me big this time. Who knows, he seems like the type of player who could have even talked himself into a call if i shoved pf..As crazy as that sounds.
k Gtd OPS event, down to 11, should I just shove pre or am I being too results oriented? Quote
09-21-2014 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by Inepsyrrr
You are actually extremely result oriented and you're not even in the right section in term of BI. Still doubt that this thread is for real tho.

Your thinking process is absolutely atrocious. Didn't have the strenght to read all your post but just read somewhere that you would consider more safe to jam AA pre-flop for icm reason... and remaining players are fishes...? C'mon man seriously... if you can't understand it, just stop mtt today. And flop was a very trivial cbet btw.
Thanks for being the douchebag of the thread. So glad there's always 1 of you to drop by and offer nothing but your "I'm better than you" perspective.

I'm here to improve my game. The title doesn't "Look how ****ing good I played this hand!", does it?
I could honestly give a **** what you have to say about my hand if you can't get through a post without feeling the need to put down people who you feel aren't on your level of play.

Also, notice how every other post had some constructive criticism without having to trash my play/thinking like you do in yours. What does that say about you?

Last edited by thatsnotplusev; 09-21-2014 at 06:00 AM. Reason: Also x2: What section should I be posting $10 BI event HHs in, being that you've posted $10 BI HHs in this section too?
k Gtd OPS event, down to 11, should I just shove pre or am I being too results oriented? Quote
09-21-2014 , 04:45 PM
lol you're so mad, it says nothing to me because your thread has nothing to do here. It's not even legit for the ssmtt section. So you got final table bubbled, you lose AA<KQ putting all the chips in with like 80% eq? It's soooo sad story bro. I don't blame your play what I don't like is your ******ed RO thoughts. You want that ppl tell u that shoving pre is better? There are no points to discuss , just fold pre next time & unreg
k Gtd OPS event, down to 11, should I just shove pre or am I being too results oriented? Quote
09-22-2014 , 12:13 AM
Mad? Ehh not too much.. Laughing pretty hard that you're still coming back to comment on this thread that you think is such a ridiculous waste of time? Maybe.
Thinking that if you were actually half as good as you thought you were, you probablyyy wouldn't be telling a player who u think isn't as good to STOP REGISTERING for tournaments. Definitely.

But thanks again for stopping by!
Glad 2+2 has people like you to tell the horrible players to just give up and stop playing. Some next level thinking going on there, man.
k Gtd OPS event, down to 11, should I just shove pre or am I being too results oriented? Quote
09-22-2014 , 05:20 AM
Man, no need to so much calculation, writting and so on... U played it perfectly, thats a bad beat... Wtf?? Nh! Just unlucky.
k Gtd OPS event, down to 11, should I just shove pre or am I being too results oriented? Quote
09-22-2014 , 03:04 PM
Don't start threads for hands you wouldn't post if you won.
k Gtd OPS event, down to 11, should I just shove pre or am I being too results oriented? Quote
09-22-2014 , 07:35 PM
k Gtd OPS event, down to 11, should I just shove pre or am I being too results oriented? Quote
09-22-2014 , 09:37 PM
Shoving AA pre here wouldn't be good at all unless villain was the purest of stations.

Would rather you just cbet the flop, rather than give villain a chance to take a free card.
k Gtd OPS event, down to 11, should I just shove pre or am I being too results oriented? Quote
09-23-2014 , 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by ArtanisAce
Man, no need to so much calculation, writting and so on... U played it perfectly, thats a bad beat... Wtf?? Nh! Just unlucky.
lol I know, I'm long-winded as hell.
2 different people who seemed to think it was a somewhat interesting spot were asking what my 3b-b/c ranges would be in this spot. And since I'm not that great with the percentages, I was trying to explain and see if I wasn't that far off.
I do apologize for making your eyes bleed, though, kind sir.

Originally Posted by Dragons_Egg
Shoving AA pre here wouldn't be good at all unless villain was the purest of stations.

Would rather you just cbet the flop, rather than give villain a chance to take a free card.
Thx for the reply. I prob do 90% of the time in this spot, but with the Ft situation I guess I was thinking pot-control and too blinded by the idea of busting to try extracting max-value, figured the board was def hitting his range.
Plus I guess if he is calling with JJ or a lower-pair I'm giving him a chance to bluff instead of basically exposing my hand.
k Gtd OPS event, down to 11, should I just shove pre or am I being too results oriented? Quote
09-23-2014 , 05:55 AM
k Gtd OPS event, down to 11, should I just shove pre or am I being too results oriented? Quote
