So I bet small with the idea to fold if he is AI (maybe?). But the min re-raise, can't fold it? How often does he have his flush here?
And here is a bubble spot, I am on the button and blinds are 20/8 and 9/6 respectively, big blind looks like conservative reg, but a small sample of hands on both. So with AK here do we shove or pretend to steal with minraising and calling a re-shove? On the one hand, why risk this bubble spot, on the other I find these players reshove A rag so often. What do we think? I don't have enough blind defending stats on them, the small blind defended his small once out of 4 times, and the big hasn't defended the big in 8 times.
I shoved and they folded and I am happy about it, but though I would take a poll of what others would do?
Bet the flop. Bet the turn and do not fold. As played, bet it bigger and kick yourself in the balls for not betting the flop. Then on the river, meh. You should have narrowed his range down more by playing the hand properly and now you're in a bad sort of spot. Probably just check behind because he doesn't have that much he can call you with.
what was your reason for not betting flop? you get so much so much value that way and allows you to set up much bigger bet on the turn. if he's on FD you have to charge him. if he flopped a set yea it sucks w/e.
folding to the check-minraise on river, you are always beat if the villain is a random. checking back the river for pot control as played + board.
AK is a fistpump shove. Not shoving J9 with those stacks though.