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 turbo - limped AT got trouble  turbo - limped AT got trouble

06-08-2008 , 08:26 PM
no reads since it's early.. should I quit now he fires again or should I push? Also what about pre-flop?

Full Tilt Poker, $11 + $1 NL Hold'em Sit n' Go, 20/40 Blinds, 9 Players - Hand History Converter

UTG: 1,535
UTG+1: 1,355
UTG+2: 1,640
MP1: 1,500
MP2: 1,450
CO: 1,345
BTN: 1,420
Hero (SB): 1,460
BB: 1,795

Pre-Flop: (60) T A dealt to Hero (SB)
UTG calls 40, 6 folds, Hero calls 20, BB checks

Flop: (120) A 9 3 (3 Players)
Hero checks, BB checks, UTG bets 120, Hero calls 120, BB folds

Turn: (360) 9 (2 Players)
Hero checks, UTG bets 360, Hero ???
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
06-08-2008 , 08:33 PM
Why not lead out at the flop? Checking and calling leaves you with little idea of where you stand imo. As played it looks like a fold to me, as he could easily be limping AQ/AJ here, and you have little invested. I dunno though, pretty meh situation.
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
06-08-2008 , 09:49 PM
Its a fold...imo
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
06-09-2008 , 12:29 AM
Preflop Options at this level:

Most Often: Fold
Sometimes: Raise to 150
Never: Limp

The determing factors are stack sizes, my table image and UTG's table image.

As played, lead the flop.
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
06-09-2008 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by NYCNative
Never: Limp
So wrong.
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
06-09-2008 , 12:44 AM
Well sure, I guess you can limp and hope to flop Broadway...

Limping here with a small PP or a suited connector I can dig because you almost always can use position to figure out where you stand. Limping here hero has no idea where he stands and even if he leads the flop as he should have, he still bleeds off 10% of his chips in the face of aggression. Why waste 10% of your stack in such a marginal situation?
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
06-09-2008 , 03:30 AM
Don't be results oriented. Of course you can limp AT for half a bet. If BB bet and not UTG, we'd not even be having this conversation.
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
06-09-2008 , 03:51 AM
Originally Posted by mauri21

Pre-Flop: (60) T A dealt to Hero (SB)
UTG calls 40, 6 folds, Hero ??
I would complete here with any reasonable hand like: any ace, Kxs Qxs Jxs Txs , most higher KQJT any suited connectors over 45s, one gapper suited connectors over 35s, connectors like T9 or 98...after more limpers even wider I think.

AT is a hand to complete here for sure...but still should be played with caution.
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
06-09-2008 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by NYCNative
Most Often: Limp or fold
Sometimes: Limp or fold
Almost Never: Raise
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
06-09-2008 , 02:01 PM
PF I don't think there's any question that completing the SB with A-10 is fine and better than folding or raising.

On the flop I like to lead out with t100.
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
06-09-2008 , 02:29 PM
If you wanna check call the flop, lead the turn and fold to more heat.
It's cheaper and some of the time we'll get free showdown.
Scope stats on UTG would be nice..


Originally Posted by Oczkusss
I would complete here with any reasonable hand like: any ace, Kxs Qxs Jxs Txs , most higher KQJT any suited connectors over 45s, one gapper suited connectors over 35s, connectors like T9 or 98...
this is too loose..
correct me if I'm wrong obv
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
06-09-2008 , 04:10 PM
I mean its a range of hands which I CAN complete...but I don't do it as a rule...especially after at least 2 limpers...just to vary my game from time to time. Obviously I would do it more frequently with A8o than 98o...
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
06-09-2008 , 05:42 PM
the pf limp is good. just lead out about half the pot on flop to get to know where you stand.
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
06-09-2008 , 08:09 PM
Okay, you lead out and are called. Where do you stand?
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
06-09-2008 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by drzen
Okay, you lead out and are called. Where do you stand?

We can say this about any flop, can't we? Say we have AK and hit a K on the flop. We bet and we're called. How do we know they don't have a set or two pair? We never totally know where we stand, but isn't betting the best way to find out here? Surely betting with TPDK is better than c/call here.
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
06-10-2008 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by Doublez-Down
We can say this about any flop, can't we? Say we have AK and hit a K on the flop. We bet and we're called. How do we know they don't have a set or two pair? We never totally know where we stand, but isn't betting the best way to find out here? Surely betting with TPDK is better than c/call here.
unless we got read "floating w' 2nd pair" we'd really want to lead the turn again obv
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
06-10-2008 , 06:02 AM
I think this hand is played fine on every street. Fold turn.
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
06-10-2008 , 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by Doublez-Down
We can say this about any flop, can't we? Say we have AK and hit a K on the flop. We bet and we're called. How do we know they don't have a set or two pair? We never totally know where we stand, but isn't betting the best way to find out here? Surely betting with TPDK is better than c/call here.
I'd probably bet. But it doesn't tell you much if you're called. And are you going to checkfold the turn if you are? Bet the turn and fold to a raise?

The guy can have any ace, or some other made hand that he doesn't want to fold because he thinks you might have had a stab at it because it was limped.

If you check, and someone else bets, they likely have an ace or air. Call their bet and on the turn, if they bet again, you can credit them for the ace. If they don't, you know where you stand: you have the best hand.

I'm not sure which turns out cheaper but I think playing it WA/WB works okay here.
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
06-10-2008 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by drzen
I'd probably bet. But it doesn't tell you much if you're called. And are you going to checkfold the turn if you are? Bet the turn and fold to a raise?

The guy can have any ace, or some other made hand that he doesn't want to fold because he thinks you might have had a stab at it because it was limped.

If you check, and someone else bets, they likely have an ace or air. Call their bet and on the turn, if they bet again, you can credit them for the ace. If they don't, you know where you stand: you have the best hand.

I'm not sure which turns out cheaper but I think playing it WA/WB works okay here.
 turbo - limped AT got trouble Quote
