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12/180 open-shoving UTG (4 hands) 12/180 open-shoving UTG (4 hands)

07-26-2008 , 04:54 PM
Hand #1
Poker Stars $11+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds - 8 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

UTG+1: t8265
MP1: t6110
MP2: t4790
CO: t3760
BTN: t11275
SB: t3785
BB: t5865
Hero (UTG): t4302

Pre Flop: Hero is UTG with Q 5
Hero raises to t4252 all in, 3 folds, CO calls t3710 all in, 3 folds

Flop: (t8720) K 9 8 (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t8720) K (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t8720) 4 (2 players - 2 are all in)

Hand #2
Poker Stars $11+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t125/t250 Blinds - 8 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

BTN: t6580
SB: t4300
BB: t915
Hero (UTG): t1603
UTG+1: t6630
MP1: t2080
MP2: t2802
CO: t3120

Pre Flop: Hero is UTG with A 5
Hero raises to t1578 all in, UTG+1 raises to t3250, 6 folds

Flop: (t3731) Q 2 7 (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t3731) T (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t3731) 7 (2 players - 1 is all in)

Hand #3
Poker Stars $11+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds - 9 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

UTG+1: t4390
UTG+2: t2045
MP1: t1455
MP2: t1695
CO: t860
BTN: t785
SB: t3090
BB: t5630
Hero (UTG): t1295

Pre Flop: Hero is UTG with 9 J
Hero raises to t1295 all in, 5 folds, BTN calls t785 all in, 1 fold, BB calls t1095

Flop: (t3475) T 7 6 (3 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t3475) T (3 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t3475) T (3 players - 2 are all in)

Hand #4
Poker Stars $11+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t400/t800 Blinds - 7 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

CO: t13260
BTN: t4020
SB: t7400
BB: t34184
Hero (UTG): t4390
UTG+1: t7927
MP: t9255

Pre Flop: Hero is UTG with 4 T
Hero raises to t4315 all in, UTG+1 raises to t7852 all in, 5 folds

Flop: (t10355) T 3 3 (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t10355) K (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t10355) J (2 players - 2 are all in)

a couple (well, knowing me, probably all) of these are probably pretty -EV, but i wanted to post all four just to get some ppl talking about what it's like in the mid-late game when it's almost impossible to find an unopened pot and the blinds are constantly coming to get us.
12/180 open-shoving UTG (4 hands) Quote
07-26-2008 , 04:56 PM
in hands 2 and 3 you will lose a ton of FE if you let the blinds hit you so I definitely push those

the other ones, Ill probably pass up and shove ATC on the SB/btn
12/180 open-shoving UTG (4 hands) Quote
07-26-2008 , 04:57 PM
1 and 4: Bad

2 = Standard

3 = Okay at some tables
12/180 open-shoving UTG (4 hands) Quote
07-26-2008 , 05:41 PM
I agree 1's bad (b/c we have 7 bb and still have some FE after the blinds hit us), I think 4 is good. We have 5 bb and will be down to 4bb once we're in the sb. Also, there's no guarantee that it'll be folded to us in the sb/btn. Because of that, I think shoving here is best...yeah?
12/180 open-shoving UTG (4 hands) Quote
07-26-2008 , 06:40 PM
For sake of conversation, lets pretend every player calls with 66+,ATs+,AJo+

Push 1:
My thoughts: atrocious

SNGPT: Surprisingly, nets a solid 37 chips in the long run. Though if any *one* person at the table calls looser than that, its -cEV afterall, and quickly worsens with more people calling looser as well

Verdict: At ridic tight tables its a small winner, anything looser its a pass.

Push 2:
My thoughts: Ok though I don't love it

SNGPT: Nets a 150ish profit long run. Obv put BB on a fairly loose range here. This one stands up to others loosening up though. Even if all, save BB who calls WIDE, calls you at this: 44+,A7s+,A9o+,KJs+
Its still a t100+ chip winner.

Verdict: EZ push

Push 3:

My thoughts: Don't like it. Think its pretty bad.

SNGPT: With the other two shorties calling you wide: 44+,A7s+,A9o+,QJs+
This is a breakeven loser at -t30 chips
With the other two shorties calling you wide: 22+,A2o+,KJo+,QJs+
This is a breakeven loser at -t57 chips
Even with the whole table calling you at a looser range though, this
only goes to a -t100 chip loser

Verdict: Bad push, though not as bad as I previously thought

Push 4:

My thoughts: I think people panic too much with a 5 BB stack. I'll take 4 BBs on my BB over a 5 BB UTG ATC push *any day of the week* I don't like it *AT ALL*

SNGPT: Tough to report the actual findings for this one. It seems to rely greatly on FE. With every player calling you as tight as stated at the beginning of this post, its a great winner. t222 chippies! :-)

However with our stack and the BB so big, I imagine *at least* he'll be calling you wider. Shifting *just that one player* to 22+,A2s+,A3o+,KTs+,KJo+,QJs
Puts us at a loss of t33 chips. If everyone calls you that loose or even slightly tighter, its a pretty big loser. Somewhere between those two extremes we find a basically neutral push. Which means we probably shouldn't do it.

Verdict: Depends on table dynamics I guess. At the ridic nitty tables where the BB is ONE OF THOSE NITS AS WELL (crucial) then its an ok push I guess. Any other table, its really a fold. Obvious to me, but again - I hate the 5 BB UTG ATC push. Its pretty bad IMO.

Extra Info: On this one just for kicks, I actually remembered to run the other part of this program and found out what we should be pushing here! Again depends on what their call ranges all are, but on average it seems to be about this:

Push hands: 22+,A2+,K8o+,K2s+,Q8o+,Q3s+,J8o+,J5s+,T8o+,T6s+,98 o,96s+,87o,85s+,75s+,65s,54s (47%)
12/180 open-shoving UTG (4 hands) Quote
