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r ft, options pre, quick check r ft, options pre, quick check

11-08-2012 , 01:39 AM
OR is tight player, was pretty silent -- 10/9 in 470 hands

SB is an aggro, we have a lot of aggro history.
An orbit ago I doubled up through him when he 3b/called A7s CO-HJ for ~20bb 7handed.
His stats are 26/23/12 in 1k hands.

BB is fishy one, calling a lot pre -- 27/14/9 in 150 hands.

I run 17/15/4. Snug image at FT.

PartyGaming - $10+$1|2500/5000 NL - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

CO: 202,752.00
Hero (BTN): 203,514.00
SB: 96,465.00
BB: 213,422.00
UTG: 228,840.00
MP: 221,127.00

CO posts ante 500.00, Hero posts ante 500.00, SB posts ante 500.00, BB posts ante 500.00, UTG posts ante 500.00, MP posts ante 500.00, SB posts SB 2,500.00, BB posts BB 5,000.00

Pre Flop: (10500.00) Hero has J 9

fold, fold, CO raises to 10,000.00, Hero..

I thought I can flat-call considering BB is fishy, but SB would often jam.
Though, I`m unsure SB would because OR is tight.... ))

So I ended up like fold > call > 3b/f vs tight OR

Last edited by Elephants_pride; 11-08-2012 at 02:05 AM.
r ft, options pre, quick check Quote
11-08-2012 , 01:42 AM
lol yeah its a fold buddy
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11-08-2012 , 02:09 AM
fold > call vs this aggro SB w/ reads

vs non-regs/passives, you can flat this esp if you think you have a good post-flop edge
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11-08-2012 , 04:10 AM
every option seems close so i'd fold since he is tight
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11-08-2012 , 06:30 AM
r ft, options pre, quick check Quote
11-08-2012 , 11:34 AM
r ft, options pre, quick check Quote
11-08-2012 , 11:59 AM
How can we ever fold here
nice hand
ELephants price <3

and a lot of factors more
we cann call or 3bet i would coooooooool
r ft, options pre, quick check Quote
11-08-2012 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by lissistinkt
How can we ever fold here
nice hand
ELephants price <3

and a lot of factors more
we cann call or 3bet i would coooooooool
I`m getting suspicious Lissi )
r ft, options pre, quick check Quote
11-08-2012 , 12:28 PM
I'm not a huge fan of flatting because I think the PFR has an opening range more weighted towards value than steals (which means we can't get him to fold as often postflop when we flop a draw) and I think it's likely that flatting will induce squeezes from the SB.

Honestly can't decide between 3b/f and folding. I'm a bit concerned about how narrow the PFR's opening range is and also that SB might 4bet jam a wider value range than if we were deeper.
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11-08-2012 , 06:35 PM
Never ever calling against this guy + SB can jam pretty wide. So it's 3b or fold, I lean toward fold
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11-08-2012 , 07:19 PM
I'd rule out 3betting pretty much always. If you really think the SB is going to be jamming heaps then just muckemsayuhh, otherwise see three.
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11-08-2012 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by CBorders
I'd rule out 3betting pretty much always.
A bit curious about this
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11-08-2012 , 10:37 PM
It's a waste of a good hand. Against a different villain I think you can 3b but this guy's range consists primarily of hands that won't fold to a 3b and almost always dominate you. If you flat you keep his entire range in with a hand that plays pretty well and you have position. Flatting also keeps effective stacks deeper so you maximize pressure when you flop 2 pair or better, a pair plus draw, etc. and you manage the pot better when you flop a top pair type hand since you have the button.

I think folding is probably best though as the SB has shown aggression and has little incentive to pass up marginal spots so you'll get squeezed quite often.
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11-09-2012 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by furo
every option seems close so i'd fold since he is tight
If the opener is tight shouldn't that be more of a reason to flat with position? Also with a tight opener we may get shoved on by SB less if he is paying attention.

I want to at least try to see three
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11-09-2012 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by ssnyc
If the opener is tight shouldn't that be more of a reason to flat with position? Also with a tight opener we may get shoved on by SB less if he is paying attention.

I want to at least try to see three
i dont think our pair value with J9 is high vs his range and we dont get alot of value with out straights/flushes vs a tight player.
SB's 3bjams will reduce the EV of the flatcall as well.

as said, i dont hate a flat, fold or 3b in this spot. its just hard to say (at least for me) whats best without knowing all dynamics/reads etc, so i'd take the lowest variance route which is folding.

if there are 40/10 stations in the blinds and our pair+draw value goes up obv flat with position > anything else, 3b would be a waste and folding is laughable.
r ft, options pre, quick check Quote
11-09-2012 , 04:32 AM
I think next to the risk of villains behind squeezing us out of the pot, people advocating a flat also overrate the prettyness of our hand. Vs a 15% range, we only flop 40% equity or more about 1/3 of the time. For a 20% opening range, it's only 35% of the time. So we will end up folding flop often and when we don't fold flop, we will still end up losing quite often. Of course we have position and villain may play bad/face-up post, but we're only 40BB deep and at that stack depth, sheer equity def matters.
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11-09-2012 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by pablito_21
I think next to the risk of villains behind squeezing us out of the pot, people advocating a flat also overrate the prettyness of our hand. Vs a 15% range, we only flop 40% equity or more about 1/3 of the time. For a 20% opening range, it's only 35% of the time. So we will end up folding flop often and when we don't fold flop, we will still end up losing quite often. Of course we have position and villain may play bad/face-up post, but we're only 40BB deep and at that stack depth, sheer equity def matters.

so...fold or 3b/f?
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11-09-2012 , 06:45 AM
Just reread OP and BB being a callhappy fish, flatting becomes slightly better. OR will be more honest in a 3way pot and we can win the pot more often without flopping anything. SB is still a worry though.

With a snug image, I think it's def a good hand for 3b/f; I'm just not sure whether we actually need to have a 3b/bluffing range vs a 10/9.
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11-09-2012 , 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by pablito_21
we're only 40BB deep and at that stack depth, sheer equity def matters.
thats a good thing if we decide to bluff him in hu pots
20BB eff he will often go with the hand
70BB eff our raise/barrel is alot less of effective stacks
40BB is perfect to apply pressure without committing/loosing playability
r ft, options pre, quick check Quote
11-09-2012 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by pablito_21
I'm just not sure whether we actually need to have a 3b/bluffing range vs a 10/9.
you don't.

but i think 3b/f plays well against (i.e. discourages) squeeze happy blinds
r ft, options pre, quick check Quote
11-09-2012 , 09:17 AM
i like the flat, we can hit things and float a ton vs someone straightforward, SB folds more often than rejams
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