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119 - KK on Qhigh flop vs reg.........ugh 119 - KK on Qhigh flop vs reg.........ugh

05-01-2008 , 09:27 PM
This guy is a new reg but i can tell he's solid. once he reraises i put his range on QQ+, AK, but it could be even tigher, KK+. i just call to try and get the 3rd guys money in (huge donk) but he folds.

Full Tilt Poker
No Limit Holdem Tournament
Blinds: t15/t30
9 players

Stack sizes:
UTG: t1500
hero: t1500
MP1: t1595
MP2: t1500
MP3: t1485
CO: t1455
Button: t1285
SB: t1605
BB: t1575

Pre-flop: (9 players) hero is UTG+1 with K♠ K♥
UTG folds, hero raises to t90, MP1 folds, MP2 calls t90 (pot was t135), 4 folds, BB raises to t260, hero calls t170 (pot was t425), MP2 folds.

Flop: 9♣ Q♣ 6♣ (t625, 2 players)
BB bets t300, hero

on q high flop i figure to be behind EVERYTHING, but i still cant make the fold. i end up shoving. how bad is this....
119 - KK on Qhigh flop vs reg.........ugh Quote
05-01-2008 , 09:36 PM
Why didn't you push PF?

edit- okay I see you called to bring the other guy along, but that's a bad idea IMO. Just push and get it in against AK/QQ/JJ.
119 - KK on Qhigh flop vs reg.........ugh Quote
05-01-2008 , 09:37 PM
I definitely cant think of one reason not to reraise and protect KK. I take these times to double up early. bringing in 3rd IS not something I would do. Multi way KK Dont like it. Heads up You might not be as behind. Shoving is fine. Calling might have been better,
Couldve seen one card if it hits fold if it doesnt you might be more like to win it with a shove on the turn. Unless he turn aa then you were meant to lose.
119 - KK on Qhigh flop vs reg.........ugh Quote
05-01-2008 , 11:07 PM
i'm piushing preflop as well. you have the added benefit that villian does not know you very well so his calling range will be expanded a bit.
119 - KK on Qhigh flop vs reg.........ugh Quote
05-02-2008 , 01:43 PM
+1 to LJ.

As played, fold flop as we dont have Kc? Even with Kc are we mucking with a range of QQ, KK, AA, and possible AcKx hands

As a sidenote, I would RARELY 3bet AK oop here vs ep raiser + flatter , or probably vs anything other than a button/sb raise
119 - KK on Qhigh flop vs reg.........ugh Quote
