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4,9max, AQs, turn pair river flush 4,9max, AQs, turn pair river flush

02-20-2011 , 04:00 PM
Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t15.00/t30.00 Blinds - 8 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter By DeucesCracked Poker Videos

MP2: t1455.00 48.50 BBs
CO: t3145.00 104.83 BBs
BTN: t1425.00 47.50 BBs
Hero (SB): t1720.00 57.33 BBs
BB: t1470.00 49 BBs
UTG: t1680.00 56 BBs
UTG+1: t1465.00 48.83 BBs
MP1: t1140.00 38 BBs

Pre Flop: (t45) Hero is SB with A Q
UTG calls t30, 1 fold, MP1 calls t30, 3 folds, Hero calls t15, BB checks

Flop: (t120) 7 6 K (4 players)
Hero bets t90.00, BB folds, UTG calls t90, MP1 calls t90

Turn: (t390) A (3 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets t150.00, MP1 folds, Hero raises to t495, UTG calls t345

River: (t1380) 4 (2 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets t1065.00, Hero calls t1065

Utg limp is a random, hidden, playing 24/18/2.3ag after 81hands, other limper is 24/13 reg(?).

My thoughts on each street...

pre, im a nit i guess
flop, standard enough
turn, If i bet, both players will fold most of their Kx hands, but might bet Kx or draws I have dominated when I check. I was planning on c/c, but when he bet small I changed my mind. I'm not sure how I feel about raising the turn. I don't think I like it since I can't really expect him to b/c Kx ott, when I don't even expect him to peel the turn if i had bet myself.
river, Maybe I should just shove, but I figured he'll shove all the same hands he'd call a river bet with + missed straight draws. But I'm not really sure how confident I can be that he shoves river with 2pair/sets
4,9max, AQs, turn pair river flush Quote
02-20-2011 , 04:24 PM
Pre: Yes you are a nit make it one thirty to one fiddy imo
Flop: Standard
Turn: I like your plan of c/c turn, dunno wtf he's doing with bet but I'd also raise small.
River: I would check or make a real weak bet. Meh on further thought I like a small river bet a lil more

Even though I never do it completing has it's merits, but I still think we pass on too much value tho
4,9max, AQs, turn pair river flush Quote
02-20-2011 , 04:26 PM
Pre seems fine, 150ish raise would be okay too.

Is it really standard/correct to bet that flop 4-way? I can very easily see you getting raised out of the pot, when you really just want to see a cheap turn.

As played, I would bet the turn 200 - 260. It seems somewhat likely that you could induce a semi-bluff here if a villain puts you on Kx, you make them pay for draws, and you have no problem getting it in.

Again as played, I'm betting river 100% of the time. It doesn't have to be a shove, and you can even donk to induce or get value from a Kx that villain would otherwise be content to show down w/out further action.
4,9max, AQs, turn pair river flush Quote
02-20-2011 , 04:27 PM
First I don't like to lead this flop since I feel most hands that are going to pay us if we hit our flush are TPGK at worst and sets/2pr which (should)are going to make us pay to get there. By betting we are charging ourselves more for our draw, so even though its a very transparent play I like to c/c reasonable sized bets and i will even c/f to a PSB vs one opponent. Yeah we have AQs+NFD and it looks pretty but we only have 30 invested pre + we are oop so I don't wanna get too involved here.

As played OTT I think I continue my betting, 195 sounds fine. We don't want to push anyone out ldo but checking is missing out on some value I think.
After we check and villain bets I might just try to get him to continue bluffing at it or let him Value town himself or something by just calling. I def don't like the c/r since I think 90% of the time we either see a snap fold from hands we beat and a shove from the hands we don't. Seems like he has a draw after just flatting.

As played on the river I think I go c/c as well since im putting him on a draw after the call, FD's got there obv and straight draws might spaz.
4,9max, AQs, turn pair river flush Quote
02-20-2011 , 05:24 PM
I'd play it the same pf.
I like the flop.
I don't like a turn raise, but I do like your reasoning here for it.
That being said I really don't understand the river check, I would be horrible if he checks some 2 pairs or sets behind. Just shove, you set it up perfectly and your turn looks so tricky that he may call shenanigans and call with Ax or something.

Other than that nh.
4,9max, AQs, turn pair river flush Quote
02-20-2011 , 05:41 PM
meh...i think the river is probably a shove...when u c/r the turn and he calls he's never really gonna be folding...or at least not very often

pre...i think raise or call is fine
flop...good...c/r used to be a better line but most ppl have learned not to play cowboy, they will normally check it around and u don't want that...i lead/3bet here a lot now...obv once we lead we are never folding the flop
turn...good...i think u keep ur range wide open with a check here and it's an obv c/r spot for value
river...i think ur lucky he bet for u or at least had a hand to bet with...he's committed here i think so i slam so he doesn't cib

other than the river vwp
4,9max, AQs, turn pair river flush Quote
02-20-2011 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by unrealzeal
flop...good...c/r used to be a better line but most ppl have learned not to play cowboy, they will normally check it around and u don't want that...i lead/3bet here a lot now...obv once we lead we are never folding the flop
I just don't get leading out or c/r on this flop. Even assuming there are three aces left in the deck and that they're actually outs, you're only even money at best to beat any hand that is going to give you action. How is c/c not a better line? This is a four-way pot, somebody hit that flop harder than op did!
4,9max, AQs, turn pair river flush Quote
02-20-2011 , 07:02 PM
good question but ppl do and will fold better hands a certain % so when u factor in FE + SDE, leading this flop is more profitable way to build the pot and get ppl to fold middle pair hands that may have you beat

the thing is we want to build a pot here because it's much easier to get paid off when we hit our flush

if we didn't have the one over i think c/c is better but with the one over that gives us about 45% equity vs Kx hands, assuming they are going to fold more then 5% of the time with, say 88 or w/e, betting the flop will show a profit...we can't assume ppl always have an ace, coz they don't...AK would usually raise pre tho some like to lmp with it

also there are draws we have crushed in ppl limp range on this board...for example we are way ahead of 98s, a hand that ppl will check IP

so i think when u factor in the times we actually have the best hand, ppl fold worse, call with much weaker draws, suck out vs Kx, leading is very profitable

the other way to go is c/r...but that really depens on the action...if utg bets and it gets called by all players, then c/c is going to be very profitable since u are making a profit by clicking don't need FE...if utg checks and one of the other players bets, then we possibly need our FE so we raise

i think checking is fine, but leading is better and it depends on the action on what to do with any bets

Last edited by unrealzeal; 02-20-2011 at 07:09 PM.
4,9max, AQs, turn pair river flush Quote
02-21-2011 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by unrealzeal
good question but ppl do and will fold better hands a certain % so when u factor in FE + SDE, leading this flop is more profitable way to build the pot and get ppl to fold middle pair hands that may have you beat

the thing is we want to build a pot here because it's much easier to get paid off when we hit our flush

if we didn't have the one over i think c/c is better but with the one over that gives us about 45% equity vs Kx hands, assuming they are going to fold more then 5% of the time with, say 88 or w/e, betting the flop will show a profit...we can't assume ppl always have an ace, coz they don't...AK would usually raise pre tho some like to lmp with it

also there are draws we have crushed in ppl limp range on this board...for example we are way ahead of 98s, a hand that ppl will check IP

so i think when u factor in the times we actually have the best hand, ppl fold worse, call with much weaker draws, suck out vs Kx, leading is very profitable

the other way to go is c/r...but that really depens on the action...if utg bets and it gets called by all players, then c/c is going to be very profitable since u are making a profit by clicking don't need FE...if utg checks and one of the other players bets, then we possibly need our FE so we raise

i think checking is fine, but leading is better and it depends on the action on what to do with any bets
Like your thought process.

About the hand :
I am not playin that high and obviusly gonna bet on river because ppl are calling so ***** wide and always paying off, but in your limits it might be profitable and is obv is a great move here. Played well and got paid well!
4,9max, AQs, turn pair river flush Quote
