$110k guarantee....Facing flop x/r vs LAG with QQ....
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 95
I posted last week when it was $100K guarantee but field was big they so decided to up the guarantee for this week's tourney.....
Local card room, $130 buy-in, $110K guarantee. Twelve day ones (A-L) that play 18, 20 minute levels. All survivers return to final day 2
Mid/late on day 1K, level 13 with blinds at 4000/8000/8000
V: Young black guy. LAG and very animated and funny. Came into town specifically to play this event. He came in right before the last break for late reg and add-ons, level 9, with starting stack (40k). He immediately asks who wants to flip for the add-on (40k) money ($100). No one answers and says we're all nits and prob play tight poker. He proceeds to keeping asking to flip for $5-$100. He didn't play much post flop but instead jammed ai (mostly ai bc he would leave behind 5-10k) frequently to pick up blinds and antes
H: Tag. Chipped up throughout the day in position and showing down good hands
OTTH: Playing 9 handed
Folds to H (200k) in CO and raise to 20K with QsQd. This raise was on the smaller side as everyone else was raising 3-5x
All fold to V (141k) in BB and does a little finger dance (like he is anticipating good cards), peeks at his cards and let's out a "hmmmm" and calls (no idea what all of that meant)
Flop (52k) comes Ad7s5s
BB x, H bets 17.5k, BB auto x/r to 50k
Should I be checking back this flop? But I hate giving free cards...
V seems like he is so wide that I would be ahead of most of his range: Spade draws, straight draws and pairs of 5 or 7s. I'm mostly worried about a small A that testing me but that seems more like a flop x/c.
So, I semi-tank call the 50k to see what comes on the turn and what V does.
Turn (152k) Jh
BB auto x, I think for 5 seconds and x back
River (152k) 10h
BB bets 57k and leaves 6k back (he's done this several times)
Now again, I think he either missed the spade/straight draws or maybe he backed into two pair with 10sJs. Obv I lose to all stupid Ax and possible 57 hands too. Thoughts?
Last edited by flossinlo; 03-15-2020 at 02:32 PM.
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 6,803
If you are not folding to the checkraise on the flop, I can't see folding the river now.
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 95
I would agree, since flush and straight draws brick out, a river call seems standard but not 100%.
I find myself in these tough spots often. What are the senerios where I would:
1) Check back the flop
2) Fold to BB x/r
3) Bet/jam the flop after BB x/r
4) Bet the turn after BB x
5) Fold to river BB bet
I'm really trying to widen my thought process in these spots...
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 6,803
Guys that come to the table and give the nit speech are either a nit themselves and are trying to advertise he is loose or a solid lag player. A buddy of mine would do this everytime he sat down at PLO table and then show a bluff and call everyone puxxies.... and nit it up for the rest of the session. Regs coming to the table would ask, "hey, did Colin show his one bluff yet" when coming in after him.
I would guess he is a weak tight nit as you describe his play because I would venture his all in (less a few k) were never called and were huge overbets in spots he knew a call was unlikely. It's easy(ier) to put all your chops in middle I feel you know you won't get called.
I would either fold flop c/r or reshove on him if I think he had a shitty j or 10 kicker and test him and make him think I have ak. I like the river call a whole lot less here but whatever math you did to call the check raise, it's still the same on the river.