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02-28-2016 , 01:15 PM
Hero: 5500. 25/200/400. Levels about to double (in 5 minutes).

Q6o. 4 Limpers including SB. All have me outstacked. Average stack 15K.

Flop 665 Two Diamonds. Obviously I am going to get all of my chips in, my question is, should I push, or hope to get more chips in by check/pushing?

At least on one the players bets lots of draws. But, more generally, should I be trying to maximize my chance of winning the pot, or making the most chips when I do?

One other thing, this was a bounty tournament, should that enter my thinking?
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02-28-2016 , 11:06 PM
the levels double from 400?? what kind of ****ty tournament is that

let's start with a check and see what develops
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02-29-2016 , 10:29 AM
Yeah, it's a sh$$$y tournament. But, I like it. Thanks for the answer. I was hoping for more thoughts on the general situation, of trying to get a double up, or just maximizing the chance of winning the pot.
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02-29-2016 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by 3for3poker
Hero: 5500. 25/200/400. Levels about to double (in 5 minutes).

Q6o. 4 Limpers including SB. All have me outstacked. Average stack 15K.

Flop 665 Two Diamonds. Obviously I am going to get all of my chips in, my question is, should I push, or hope to get more chips in by check/pushing?

At least on one the players bets lots of draws. But, more generally, should I be trying to maximize my chance of winning the pot, or making the most chips when I do?

One other thing, this was a bounty tournament, should that enter my thinking?
I think that's 95% true, but not 100%. If you have a bet, a reraise, and an all in and another shove, are we always calling?

I'd start with a check and then look to get a raise in (possibly all-in depending on numbers/sizing). I'm leading any turn if it's checked through.
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03-01-2016 , 02:00 AM
Check shove, somebody is for sure going to take a stab on this board in a limped pot
0 live Trips in BB Quote
03-01-2016 , 11:36 AM
Hitchens: Sure, if there is heavy 4 way action, I can see folding, since your scenario would probably mean someone has 55, and the other 6 may be dead too.

I did check shove, as a 3 bet. Thanks for the answers.
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03-01-2016 , 11:51 AM
Just for another point of view:

There's ~2K in the pot with 5 players. We have just over 5K behind. A c-bet/donk bet/lead of say 1K sets up a turn shove pretty easily and might get several callers for a small net gain over a check-shove, esp. if we get a turn caller of the shove. It may allow someone to see the turn card and call it off that would fold to a check shove OTF.
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03-01-2016 , 12:18 PM
I was going to say this ^^^^

CRAI turns your hand pretty much face up. I understand that you're really shallow and it's a turbo structure, but you wouldn't believe what some live villains will fold.

Bet 1400-ish/shove all turns widens your range a lot which is good because you want as many callers as you can get here.
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03-01-2016 , 12:56 PM
I would lead for about 1,300 to set up a turn shove. Obv if the flush hits, you're going broke, but this way, if the flush misses, you double up against someone chasing the flush. But no one is putting money in on the river with a missed flush. So you need to plan on getting your two bets in the pot by the turn, and we cannot plan on someone else betting for us. If there was a raise and there was an expectation of a c-bet, then the check/raise is better here, but this is a limped pot and there is no guarantee someone else is going to bet for you.
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03-02-2016 , 01:26 AM
lead 1K > shove flop = c/jam
0 live Trips in BB Quote
03-03-2016 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by hitchens97
I think that's 95% true, but not 100%. If you have a bet, a reraise, and an all in and another shove, are we always calling?

What did I win?
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