Originally Posted by AbsoluteLoser
I know it is a nash shove but these fishes doesn't call nash so i guess we have to make some changes here.
Well most people do not play according to nash, so yeah it will be the hero's job to try to put them on a range :P Even loose players though may not call wider than nash, but rather may be calling too tight. Again hero's job to kind of figure out what the tendency implications are.
There are a lot of factors involving reads and game flow so it is difficult to say exactly what I would do with any given hand, but this is definitely a shove without any other information. Would venture to say you should be shoving a lot wider than this. 30%? 35%? 40%? Maybe way more, but I would imagine not less.
EDIT: Did not realize there were no antes, but above mostly still holds true - point being we should probably be thinking wider, not narrower. Use the program's capabilities to put them on a bunch of different ranges and stack sizes to try to get a better feel for what factors change your decision, and what factors will call for either widening or narrowing your range. Spend a lot of time with the program and collecting HHs and you'll get the hang of it.