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5 NFL Survivor Pool 5 NFL Survivor Pool

09-09-2010 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by Jason Young
the stragglers are flowing in!!! we appear to be over 80...still confident we can hit 100...and as far as the rebuy goes, thats how it was advertised and I like it anyway having to pay 200 for the rebuy in first 5 weeks? will juice up pool nicely...PLUS first couple weeks have a lot of tough games....
didnt see that one. fail. the first couple weeks should have the tough games.

don't like it, but oh well i guess it will add to the prize pool, but <0% chance only 1 person is left standing now.
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-09-2010 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Jason Young
the stragglers are flowing in!!! we appear to be over 80...still confident we can hit 100...and as far as the rebuy goes, thats how it was advertised and I like it anyway having to pay 200 for the rebuy in first 5 weeks? will juice up pool nicely...PLUS first couple weeks have a lot of tough games....
I made my pick with the rebuy in, please keep it. Let's gambooooooool.
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-09-2010 , 07:47 PM
pm me info pls
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-09-2010 , 08:54 PM
Well only 60/78 people made their picks. There better not be anyone else allowed in, because it shows the picks of everyone, so the 18 people who didn't pick would have an advantage of seeing who picked what teams before makign their picks...
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-09-2010 , 10:28 PM
Yeah, something ****ed up...he told me I didn't need to have my pick in unless I was picking tonights game, so I didn't. He's gonna have to throw out week 1 probably.
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-09-2010 , 10:31 PM
Was this also a pool that I had to make my pick prior to the start of the Thursday game? If so, that is a joke. I hope I don't have to rebuy because of this.
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-09-2010 , 11:11 PM
I picked NYG week 1 but I have DeAngelo Williams on my fantasty team. Pretty gay.
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-10-2010 , 12:17 AM
We should just move it to yahoo. Using that site is stupid anyway. The 18 people who didn't pick should just be refunded, throwing out week 1 is really stupid.
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-10-2010 , 12:27 AM
if there's a way they can participate w/o it being too difficult, i'd rather keep the money in the pool (fyi i made my pick)

but i'm not sure how it can go down.
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-10-2010 , 12:37 AM
oops didnt pick
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-10-2010 , 02:27 AM
We should move the pool to yahoo. It would take everyone 2 minutes.
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-10-2010 , 09:49 AM
nah, doubt i need another username and password somewhere. The season has already started and there is really no point now.
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-10-2010 , 10:08 AM
everything is all fine...originally i had in the setting that the picks had to be in by the kickoff of the first game, which was MY mistake...the people that didnt make picks yet can still make picks for the sunday games...only one person picked the game last night, and that was one of my entries....its really not that big of a deal in week 1 that the email went out with the picks...we are trying to increase numbers in the pool, and the week is not gonna be thrown out or anything like that, and its not gonna be i am still accepting entries through the start of games sunday....everything is fine, everything is fineeeee...keep em coming...
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-10-2010 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by BraveJayhawk
Was this also a pool that I had to make my pick prior to the start of the Thursday game? If so, that is a joke. I hope I don't have to rebuy because of this.
NO...your still good bro...
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-10-2010 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by C Lovett
oops didnt pick
pick before kickoff sunday
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-10-2010 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Jason Young
everything is all fine...originally i had in the setting that the picks had to be in by the kickoff of the first game, which was MY mistake...the people that didnt make picks yet can still make picks for the sunday games...only one person picked the game last night, and that was one of my entries....its really not that big of a deal in week 1 that the email went out with the picks...we are trying to increase numbers in the pool, and the week is not gonna be thrown out or anything like that, and its not gonna be i am still accepting entries through the start of games sunday....everything is fine, everything is fineeeee...keep em coming...
I better be able to change my pick if I want then.
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-10-2010 , 01:07 PM
You really have to use admin controls to take out the names of people who have not paid ,etc.. It should be clear what the prize pool is and who is still in and entered.
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-10-2010 , 01:39 PM
shipped to ootsk on ftp from chipnachrrrr and made my pick
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-10-2010 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by airdraw
I better be able to change my pick if I want then.
If you are going to be like this all season, maybe you should just get refunded and be taken out of it. You moan like a 60 year old woman going through menopause, it's enough now. Having to lock in the pick before lasts night game was ******ed - it should have been before sunday's slate of games.

But now that it happened, there is a fairly simple solution that in the grand scheme of things basically does absolutely no harm to anyone. I did this mainly for fun I do not give a **** about the $105 it was just for a fun season sweat, I don't care at all there was a procedural gaffe in week one.
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-10-2010 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by shipontilt
If you are going to be like this all season, maybe you should just get refunded and be taken out of it. You moan like a 60 year old woman going through menopause, it's enough now. Having to lock in the pick before lasts night game was ******ed - it should have been before sunday's slate of games.

But now that it happened, there is a fairly simple solution that in the grand scheme of things basically does absolutely no harm to anyone. I did this mainly for fun I do not give a **** about the $105 it was just for a fun season sweat, I don't care at all there was a procedural gaffe in week one.

You don't see how it is an advantage for the 18 people who didn't pick to be able to pick their team based off of who picked what team? Let's say for example, they see that over half the field is picking one of two teams, you don't think that gives them an edge?

I am just looking for fairness. I'm sorry if you take that as bitching.

Originally Posted by kazor
You really have to use admin controls to take out the names of people who have not paid ,etc.. It should be clear what the prize pool is and who is still in and entered.
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-10-2010 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by airdraw
You don't see how it is an advantage for the 18 people who didn't pick to be able to pick their team based off of who picked what team? Let's say for example, they see that over half the field is picking one of two teams, you don't think that gives them an edge?
Never said it wasn't. What I am saying is that it is not that big of a ****ing deal to sit here and whine like a 12 year old about it. it's 1 week in a 17 week season where people can rebuy the first 5 weeks anyway and I am in looking at the situation from the totality of the whole *it does not matter*
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-10-2010 , 03:40 PM
Glad it was easily fixable, but we should definitely make it crystal clear what happens if you forget to pick now (hopefully no one does, but feel like it's bound to happen one week), so there's no hard feelings.

With the way it's set up now, if you miss the Noon games on Sunday, you're still able to pick the 3pm games, if you miss those games, you could still pick the Sunday Night Football/Monday Night Football Game.

Earlier when I asked this question, you answered that you'd get "best available" if you forgot to pick, but that can't work, because you could freeroll that if it was the noon game and if they lost, you could still manually pick the Sunday Night/Monday Night game, if they won, just don't pick at all and get the lock win.

My guess is if we're doing the picks "lock" at gametime, you basically have to be eliminated if you forget to pick any game for the week. (Obv, if you forget on Sunday, you'll still have the option of picking the Monday Night Game, if those teams are still available to you.)

Does this make sense?
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-10-2010 , 03:43 PM
people should need to lock in games by 5 mins to kickoff on sunday for the early games. if they dont have their picks in by than, the "best avail" team should be picked automatically and locked in.

not having all games locked in by kickoff for the early games on sundays is dumb.
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-10-2010 , 03:53 PM
I doubt there's an option for "lock games on first kickoff on Sunday Specifically" on the website

It's probably lock games @ kickoff of 1st game (which is Thursday Nights...i guess not till November now), or lock games @ individual kickoffs.

Also, when it happened last night, the teams that didn't pick weren't automatically given "best available", they were just left blank.
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
09-10-2010 , 11:46 PM
OK....deadline for picks each week is 1PM EASTERN TIME EACH SUNDAY...if you want a thursday game you obviously have to pick before kickoff thursday...and autopick IS working...we are completely good to go....At this point it looks like <5 are unpaid and not in touch...but I WILL give them until Sunday to take care of things are good...
5 NFL Survivor Pool Quote
