I realize flatting the 3b is probably pretty optimistic with an early position open who can 4b but his 3b was <5% so I figured we can see it pretty often. 3 bettor had 13% 3b and not as much variation by position as you would expect. Once the 4b comes in we kind of have to set mine imo being 3 ways and over 200 deep. Thoughts on that? And does anyone like stabbing turn/river? Do we have enough FE vs two villians? I feel their ranges are pretty capped after flop checks through and mine isn't.
It's going to be really hard to win the pot when you cold call a 3bet and follow that up by calling a 4bet, going multiway with 88 OOP, and almost never having a range advantage postflop with your range.
So I think it's a clear 4bet/fold spot for 25-30bb. Folding to the 3bet is an option too, but too tight IMO.
Last edited by EggsMcBluffin; 02-18-2019 at 10:26 AM.