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 DoN flopped set from BB  DoN flopped set from BB

02-22-2010 , 05:45 PM
A jolly good day to all those in STTF, been cruising the threads a bit in the last 6 months or so - been well useful and thought it was time to get some feedback on some of my hands....

Wondering how strong you guys play bottom set early in a DoN?

2nd hand of tourney, so no reads on villians.....

Poker Stars $10.00+$0.40 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t10/t20 Blinds - 10 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

CO: t1460 M = 48.67
BTN: t1460 M = 48.67
SB: t2040 M = 68
Hero (BB): t1500 M = 50
UTG: t1460 M = 48.67
UTG+1: t1500 M = 50
UTG+2: t1080 M = 36
MP1: t1500 M = 50
MP2: t1500 M = 50
MP3: t1500 M = 50

Pre Flop: (t30) Hero is BB with 3 3
2 folds, UTG+2 raises to t80, 4 folds, BTN calls t80, 1 fold, Hero calls t60

Flop: (t250) 9 3 5 (3 players)
Hero checks, UTG+2 bets t80, BTN calls t80, Hero calls t80

Turn: (t490) T (3 players)
Hero checks, UTG+2 bets t300, BTN calls t300, Hero ???
 DoN flopped set from BB Quote
02-22-2010 , 06:39 PM
C/R flop to like 300.
Ifffff you check call (dunno why)
Check shove turn.
 DoN flopped set from BB Quote
02-22-2010 , 06:43 PM
reraise on flop, you give them posibility to see cheap turn and complete there draws. On the turn i'd push
 DoN flopped set from BB Quote
02-23-2010 , 03:55 PM
I guess I was trying to be tricky and greedy and get some more chips from my set. I tend to do this and then shove turn or bet turn if no action, and it gets more chips in.

I find that the play is so tight at DoN's that in this first level its tough to get as much value (as many chips) if played strong.

Obviously I'll not pay off when there's 3 cards to a straight or flush, but there's 410 in the pot when i just call and there's way more to be won (1090) once theyve bet the blank.

 DoN flopped set from BB Quote
02-23-2010 , 05:01 PM
against two villians you need to be check raising the flop, and betting or shoving the turn.

there is a good chance one, if not both (UTG+2 semi bluff) are on a flush draw and you're giving them great odds to call when you call behind

against one I suppose you could mix up your play but at the early stages it's best to just play hard and fast when you flop a set on a two tone board IMO
 DoN flopped set from BB Quote
02-23-2010 , 05:26 PM
well firstly i'm folding pf, wasting chips in my opinion in a don set mining when pot odds matter less. I'm then raising flop against two opponents, since it is a don, the inital raiser's range is not as wide so overpairs are more likely, by just calling your going to find it hard to extract chips from just one pair when the board gets more tricky, raising also gets any FD's out of your way.
 DoN flopped set from BB Quote
02-25-2010 , 01:54 PM
Cheers dudes. I guess the message here is tighten up and play you're good hands hard!
 DoN flopped set from BB Quote
