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.80 DON - Correct Shoves? .80 DON - Correct Shoves?

08-19-2010 , 11:12 AM
Few hands below (that I lost) and just checking they are standard
.80 DON - Correct Shoves? Quote
08-19-2010 , 11:13 AM
Hand #1
Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t75.00/t150.00 Blinds - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

UTG: t2915.00 19.43 BBs
MP: t3354.00 22.36 BBs
Hero (CO): t1000.00 6.67 BBs
BTN: t1215.00 8.10 BBs
SB: t3858.00 25.72 BBs
BB: t2658.00 17.72 BBs

Pre Flop: (t225) Hero is CO with A 2
2 folds, Hero raises to t985, BTN raises to t1200, 2 folds

Flop: (t2195) 3 Q 2 (2 players)

Turn: (t2195) J (2 players)

River: (t2195) 9 (2 players)

Hand #2
Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100.00/t200.00 Blinds - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

UTG: t3690.00 18.45 BBs
MP: t2875.00 14.38 BBs
CO: t1770.00 8.85 BBs
Hero (BTN): t1395.00 6.97 BBs
SB: t3935.00 19.68 BBs
BB: t1335.00 6.67 BBs

Pre Flop: (t300) Hero is BTN with A Q
3 folds, Hero raises to t1375, SB raises to t2550, 1 fold

Flop: (t2950) 4 Q T (2 players)

Turn: (t2950) 8 (2 players)

River: (t2950) 5 (2 players)

Hand #3
Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t50.00/t100.00 Blinds - 9 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

MP1: t2625.00 26.25 BBs
MP2: t1747.00 17.47 BBs
CO: t2370.00 23.70 BBs
BTN: t2250.00 22.50 BBs
SB: t1180.00 11.80 BBs
Hero (BB): t525.00 5.25 BBs
UTG: t1485.00 14.85 BBs
UTG+1: t933.00 9.33 BBs
UTG+2: t1885.00 18.85 BBs

Pre Flop: (t150) Hero is BB with A 2
7 folds, SB raises to t900, Hero calls t425 all in

Flop: (t1050) 9 9 J (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t1050) 3 (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t1050) K (2 players - 1 is all in)

Hand #4
Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100.00/t200.00 Blinds - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Hero (SB): t750.00 3.75 BBs
BB: t5150.00 25.75 BBs
UTG: t3320.00 16.60 BBs
MP: t2390.00 11.95 BBs
CO: t2010.00 10.05 BBs
BTN: t1380.00 6.90 BBs

Pre Flop: (t300) Hero is SB with 3 5
4 folds, Hero raises to t730, BB calls t530

Flop: (t1460) 9 2 Q (2 players)

Turn: (t1460) A (2 players)

River: (t1460) 9 (2 players)
.80 DON - Correct Shoves? Quote
08-19-2010 , 11:31 AM

Type of spot I really hate at the 5s because so many players will call way too loose with Ax. This is the 10s and have had no good experiences with them yet . But if you feel like there are players left to act that will play that way I fold this at t150. Otherwise shove away.


nh wp


Kind of icky spot because blinds are so low and you are so shortstacked SB should be tighter than you want him to be in this spot for you(the good old raise enough to put him all in but not shove is generally also a sign that he has something) to call and be happy about it. Having said that, I don't know if I fold it. I suck with shortstacks in the relative early stages though, so I could be totally wrong with my leaning towards fold.


Totally depends on reads, but since he has 5k I think this is a fold. Shoving really wide though, like 22+ A+, K+, Q6+, J9+, 65s+, 68s+ or something like that. (being bit wider because table line up sucks for you, shorty right before you and 2 monsters after you, if you shove next hand pretty decent chance it's going to be three handed.)
I would ofc shove ATC if losing 500 meant anything to BB.
.80 DON - Correct Shoves? Quote
08-19-2010 , 12:47 PM
On second thought prolly be even wider in hand 4, something like 22+, any face card but some really weak jacks, 65s+, 68s+
.80 DON - Correct Shoves? Quote
08-19-2010 , 05:10 PM
hand 1 - not in love with this. Are all three villains tight enough to shove this through, given it's got down to the bubble already and we're still only on BB150? I doubt it and you can probably find better spots or wait for someone to do really something stupid before the blinds get much bigger.

hand 2 - standard

hand 3 - standard

hand 4 - probably do something cheeky like raise to 600 and hope villain is busy on other tables, sees he's safe with 5k chips, folds and doesn't notice it's almost all our stack. If you shove he knows you're all in because he only gets a choice of 2 buttons, call or fold.
.80 DON - Correct Shoves? Quote
08-19-2010 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by TeamTrousers
hand 4 - probably do something cheeky like raise to 600 and hope villain is busy on other tables, sees he's safe with 5k chips, folds and doesn't notice it's almost all our stack. If you shove he knows you're all in because he only gets a choice of 2 buttons, call or fold.
I see people doing this all the time, and really dont know why I haven't cottened on to doing it yet!
.80 DON - Correct Shoves? Quote
08-19-2010 , 07:56 PM
I definately fold #4. I expect him to call almost ATC here and I'm not going to take my chances on some cheap trick that probably will fail most of the time. My suggestion in this type of spots (shortstacked, BB will call 100 or close to 100%): If we have a top-50 hand we push. If we have something worse we fold and hope for a better spot to double up in some of the coming hands.
.80 DON - Correct Shoves? Quote
08-20-2010 , 01:59 AM
ive just done some icm calculations (cr= call rate)... also we do not require the result of the hand as it is irrelavent
spot 1
assuming button has 10% cr, sb and bb each have 8% cr
a shove would be -0.07% diff (eqP 11.59 eqF 11.65), my thoughts r that most every spot you play here is likely to be negative so i would probably get it in
spot 2
assuming sb and bb have a 20% cr (any pair any ace) a shove is +0.54 (eqP 14.47 eqF 13.92)
spot 3
assuming tigtish call rate button 7% sb 14% bb 14%
a shove is +0.72 (eqP 5.27 eqF 4.55)
spot 4
im assuming bb calls 100%, a shove is -3.27 (eqP 5.37 eqF 9.10)
your shove only becomes positive when he folds 60% of hands

I use sitngo wizard to do my ICM calculations, but i think it is a pretty accurate idea
.80 DON - Correct Shoves? Quote
