$10 6 man SnG, advice with pocket tens
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 69
NL Texas Hold'em $10 Buy-in + $1 Entry Fee, Level:5 Blinds(75/150-(no ante)) - Tuesday, April 15, 19:59:59 GMT 2008
$10+$1 NL Holdem #1716122
Table 1 6-max (Real Money)
Seat 1: pissyoldman ( 1,565 )
Seat 2: D390 ( 1,908 )
Seat 3: TRIPDAD ( 1,277 )
Button: ElMerchanto ( 1,050 )
SB: collector1 ( 2,033 )
BB: lacrevette ( 1,167 )
Tourney Level:5 Blinds(75/150-(no ante))
collector1 posts small blind [75]
lacrevette posts big blind [150]
reflop: ElMerchanto is dealt T♥, T♦
pissyoldman raises to 440, D390 folds, TRIPDAD folds, ElMerchanto raises all in 1,050, collector1 folds, lacrevette folds, pissyoldman....
table had been playing pretty tight until now and raises had been respected. new player so any advice welcome. is this standard or should i wait for a better spot?
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 22,792
Completely standard, no way you can ever fold 7x with wTT regardless of who is raising here.
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 8,743
2.8-1 and he is never shoving tight enough to make this a fold.
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 69
thanks gator. sry for the obvious question! pretty new to the game.