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<img  MTT Linecheck <img  MTT Linecheck

09-14-2017 , 12:11 PM
200/400 blinds, 50 ante

UTG+2: 30,849 (77.1 bb)
MP1: 5,410 (13.5 bb)
MP2: 3,905 (9.8 bb)
MP3: 15,547 (38.9 bb)
CO: 2,827 (7.1 bb)
BTN: 25,736 (64.3 bb)
Hero (SB): 17,970 (44.9 bb)
BB: 20,511 (51.3 bb)

Preflop: Hero is SB with Jh Tc
UTG+2 calls 400, MP1 calls 400, MP2 calls 400, 3 folds, Hero calls 200, BB checks

Flop: (2,400) 2c Jd 3h (5 players)
SB checks, BB checks, UTG+2 checks, MP1 bets 400, MP2 folds, Hero raises to 2,400, BB folds, UTG+2 calls 2,400, MP1 folds

Turn: (7,600) Kc (2 players)
Hero checks, UTG+2 bets 800, Hero calls 800

River: (9,200) Js (2 players)

~45 players left, 35 cash for 3x BI, Hero is mid stack.
Preflop: I think completing JTo getting great odds is fine

Flop: Not sure how to play multiway limped pots like these and hitting TP. Was planning to c/c flop, c/decide turn but when MP1 min bets I raise to try to fold out other player's equity + try to GII vs short MP1.

Turn: I feel like betting doesn't seem to accomplish much (better hands call, worse hands fold) so I check.

River: 1.55 SPR behind. Betting and getting jammed on is sick especially with ICM. Villain could have AJ, QJ that might jam on us. If we check Villain will certainly bet his weaker Jx and we have an easy c/c. Is c/c or leading river better? If the latter what size to bet and call or fold if we get jammed on?
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09-14-2017 , 03:22 PM
I don't like the flop raise as we are bloating the pot with a so-so hand and little idea of where we are - just call the min raise and reconsider on the turn - as played - I prefer a x/c on the river let them bluff and value bet their worse hands - don't want to either gii or get blown of by what could be a worse Jx
<img  MTT Linecheck Quote
09-14-2017 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by oldgoat
I don't like the flop raise as we are bloating the pot with a so-so hand and little idea of where we are - just call the min raise and reconsider on the turn - as played - I prefer a x/c on the river let them bluff and value bet their worse hands - don't want to either gii or get blown of by what could be a worse Jx


we have a strong bluffcatcher otr, so we should play accordingly. also i assume you would have zero bluffs to lead river with, which makes leading JT even worse.
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09-17-2017 , 08:44 PM
Agree with not raising on the flop; our hand is not strong enough to play for stacks especially so close to the money
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09-18-2017 , 01:29 AM
yes just go into x/c mode
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09-18-2017 , 09:40 AM
i personally fold this pre, because i don't wanna play a multiway pot like this out of position with a pretty poor hand, even if you hit top pair you are very often beat at low stakes because people overvalue KJ QJ etc. you basicly never know where you are at if you hit top pair.

does anyone think this is a mistake?

sorry to hijack your topic :P
<img  MTT Linecheck Quote
09-18-2017 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by Azoxy
i personally fold this pre, because i don't wanna play a multiway pot like this out of position with a pretty poor hand, even if you hit top pair you are very often beat at low stakes because people overvalue KJ QJ etc. you basicly never know where you are at if you hit top pair.

does anyone think this is a mistake?

sorry to hijack your topic :P
you don't play this type of hand to hit tp so i disagree with you. Calling 200 into a pot of 2.2k with a hand that plays extremely well post flop is std.
<img  MTT Linecheck Quote
09-18-2017 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Glaciem
you don't play this type of hand to hit tp so i disagree with you. Calling 200 into a pot of 2.2k with a hand that plays extremely well post flop is std.
how does this hand play very well post flop in a 5 way pot? outside of when you hit the nuts
<img  MTT Linecheck Quote
09-18-2017 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Azoxy
i personally fold this pre, because i don't wanna play a multiway pot like this out of position with a pretty poor hand, even if you hit top pair you are very often beat at low stakes because people overvalue KJ QJ etc. you basicly never know where you are at if you hit top pair.

does anyone think this is a mistake?

sorry to hijack your topic :P
I think it is a mistake! Calling 200 for a 4-5 way pot is great with much worse hands considering the odds. You can know where you are at with a one pair hand by betting it and evaluating. You will also sometimes outflop those hands you mentioned here and there.
<img  MTT Linecheck Quote
09-21-2017 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by Azoxy
i personally fold this pre, because i don't wanna play a multiway pot like this out of position with a pretty poor hand, even if you hit top pair you are very often beat at low stakes because people overvalue KJ QJ etc. you basicly never know where you are at if you hit top pair.

does anyone think this is a mistake?

sorry to hijack your topic :P
This is a big mistakes to fold pre IMO. Of course its less of a mistake so close to the money but you are getting such great odds to hit top pair, hit middle pairs and a gutshot type hands and be able to check call with good odds or hit two pair, trips, straights to go for value-mode.

I see what you are saying about lower stakes players over playing KJ type hands but if that were true then that means they are probably over playing T9 and J7s type hands which we crush. And other implied odds are much greater in small stakes games
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