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Mission to Mexico Mission to Mexico

10-04-2014 , 06:13 AM
Before Party Poker NJ, I've spent years driving down to Borgata to play poker. I've heard stories, on more than one occasion, of people who have traveled down to Mexico to play internet poker.

In my simple point of view; I find moving to Mexico to play internet poker utterly preposterous. Life on this universe is very short & the mere notion of making such a journey seems absurd. Again, this position comes solely from me. I am only one human, and any human that has considered the endeavor; or who has taken on the journey, may find my opinion unsettling.

A buddy of mine I met at Borgata decided to embark on the journey down to Mexico to try and give the internet poker thing a go. He met some dude that knew the language (some unique rural Mexican dialect) who had the same aspirations & visions as he. Thus, my buddy decided to room with him.

Well, this dude ended up getting super steamy & tilty too soon too fast. The dude spazed out all too often. My buddy tried to hit the road but the dude went psychotic & kidnapped my buddy. After a week of terror my buddy managed to secretly call me. He begged for my help. He didn't have to. I flew over on my chopper, ditched the chopper mid-air & parachuted down to my buddies rescue. I broke out my AK suited 47 & my tech 9 that I purchased from the party poker store using my points earned from grinding 10nl, took out the Spanish speaking, psycho, tilty , steamy kidnapping roomy & completed my mission by rescuing my buddy & came back to beautiful NJ & we lived happily ever after. Not in the same bedroom of course.

Ok ok all that's true until the kidnapping part. I guess the moral of the story is rather simple. If your going to embark on a mission to Mexico, make sure your going there to rescue your buddy from a poker mission gone wrong he was involved in.

That's it! Ive just discovered my "calling" on the fly. I'm Going to be a "Professional Rescuer of Poker Missions Gone Potentially Deadly Wrong Dude" So, if you decide to engage in a poker mission that involves potentially being trapped inside a foreign country, take my card 1st. The Vercetti myster will chopper right in.

My question is: have any of you ever considered such a journey prior to NJ internet poker?

I simply couldn't fathom sitting in front of my computer playing some six max table game in middle of Mexico & questioning what my life has become.
10-05-2014 , 04:48 PM
Id rather go to Canada.
10-06-2014 , 04:58 AM
I don't Loyd the French are as--sssholes
10-06-2014 , 05:01 AM
In all seriousness, which tends to be hard for me; I would never leave my family for poker.
10-06-2014 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Vercetti81
I simply couldn't fathom sitting in front of my computer playing some six max table game in middle of Mexico & questioning what my life has become.
Yea Im sure everyone making six or seven figures a year is wondering how they ended up so bad.

Your obviously not good enough to make a living doing it therefore you cant fathom ever moving abroad to do it. How is this even a thread?
10-07-2014 , 02:39 AM
Heyyyy you watch your mouth mr. Many threads I read tend to turn into one human making many efforts to challenge & belittle another. Poker isn't as serious to me as it is to most.

Consequently, I like Party Poker b/c I get to hang by myself & not have to worry about running into an individual who enjoys controversial dialogue & may in fact, intellectually put himself ahead of anyone he may be engaging in a conversation with. Furthermore, many chats I read while playing involve one player criticizing the play of another all too often. The player, I argue, is putting himself above the person he's criticizing.

Thus, threads & chats that involve such personalities are neither enlightening nor entertaining to me. I'd like to think I'm here on earth to inquire as much of both as possible. Conversely, I'm not here to challenge the posts, chats or threads of another.

I play for fun & I post threads for fun. I like to enjoy this short stay here on earth as much as I humanly can.

I have much conflict embedded within in my own nature as a human, thus you Mr Vision are not my enemy. I am my enemy.
10-22-2014 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Vercetti81
In all seriousness, which tends to be hard for me; I would never leave my family for poker.
I would leave your family for poker.

10-23-2014 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Vercetti81
I don't Loyd the French are as--sssholes
Canada is part of France now?
10-23-2014 , 06:36 PM
Do you know how many expats live in mexico? Huge canadian/american population in cancun/playa del carmen. the quality of living is great and safety is no issue.

but you're probably just trolling
10-24-2014 , 08:47 PM
Did op decide to open a thread and randomly post it anywhere?
10-25-2014 , 01:21 PM
American propaganda makes people associate Mexico with squalor.
I lived in a beachfront condo in a safe gated area for <$400/month. The weather was beautiful and the locals were nice to us because we were a much-needed boost to their struggling economy. Living outside of the little safe bubble I grew up in and immersing myself in a new culture was an invaluable experience.
11-17-2014 , 06:13 AM
Surprised your wife dont tell you to leave!!!
12-11-2014 , 03:54 AM
How did wutang & tupac get in this thread? No way Jose am I going to defend my position against those thugs. Hey wutang guy. Did you graduate h.s. ? You come across as rather foolish; or is that your strategy? You make everyone think your a dumbfounded uneducated individual, but somewhere deep down in that "seemingly" microscopic brain of yours, theirs a genius lurking & waiting to burst on to the scene. So when can we expect the genius in you to come out? I know it's in there somewhere. This front you put on doesn't fool me buster. That razor sharp genius in you is coming out one day. I simply hope I'm not present when it does. Wutang coming through in his ice cream truck . Put the woman & children to bed b/c wu is coming through. Oh yeah, hide the doggies too b/c the dirt-bag is an animal hater. He may have graduated to humans at this stage of his life, so I suggest every living-being get out of his way. Anyone with extremely low self-esteem who has an IQ of a 6th grader is dangerous not only to himself but to all of mankind. Stay away from the animal hater.
