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Live vs online at the Borgata? Live vs online at the Borgata?

04-07-2014 , 01:15 PM
Obviously, there are many intangibles that may incline one to play online vs live. But if one was to go to the Borgata for the weekend, could a better hourly be attained playing live or their online client. I know it's a bit nonsensical to ask about hourly for a weekend. But for a 1/2 or 2/5 game, those who have played both, which would you say is more +EV?
04-07-2014 , 03:40 PM
going to a casino to sit and play with your computer is better.
04-07-2014 , 05:54 PM
obviously online.

but why travel all the way to borgata to do that?
04-07-2014 , 07:07 PM
Yes, mathematically you can obtain a much higher ROI online because of the sheer volume. What I was trying to discern, is there enough fish playing online right now that it is profitable? On the floor, there will be plenty of recreational players. I wasn't sure if there were many casuals playing online in NJ yet, or if it was mostly reg filled.
04-16-2014 , 02:23 AM
I'd think 1/2 online has more fish than say pokerstar's 1/2 or full tilt because that's where live players start to play when they deposit. 1/2 plays harder online than it does live. But the 1/2 game on partypoker is softer than other 1/2 games on other sites. I wonder if this makes any sense lol. EV wise I believe players can make more money playing .25/.50 sitting at home than playing 1/2 in a casino.
04-17-2014 , 08:05 AM
if u can get the POS party poker to work online would be better but it never works for me
04-20-2014 , 07:10 AM
Maybe my view is askew because I only have time to go to the Borgata on weekends and holidays.
The LIVE level of play is absolutely atrocious in both 1/2 and 2/5. Just horrible.
The swings can be rough at times, but the EV is definitely excellent.
I can't tell you an hourly rate based on the 5 or 6 weekends I spend there a year...
05-16-2014 , 05:44 PM
Online is more profitable if you are good
Live is more fun though
05-16-2014 , 10:07 PM
Only problem is, too many of the remaining online players in NJ are "good". It was a lot easier for a recreational player like myself to win a few months ago than it is now. Player pools have shrunk at the lower levels (which is consistent w/ the 20% poker revenue drop that DGE reported for April). What's worse is that 20% decline is over a period that included NJCOP and the tail-end of 888's 80% rakeback promotion.

I would believe that dropoff is mostly from losing players. Only problem is, there's very little marketing out to the general public to create an influx of new casual players, and the marketing that does exist is all for the casino games. So everyone playing online is more or less solid now.

In the long run, I say more +EV to play 2/5 live against bachelor party attendees on the weekends than to play .5/1 online against a few dozen regs.
