Originally Posted by Scottyy
The plan is to build to the larger events, right now we don't have enough players to support larger tournaments.
Wouldn't it make sense to put tourneys that draw people, that perhaps can help provide a consistent flow of players, that will help draw others in? A guarantee that perhaps say was $5R/1k, seems like it would overlay, and it would, at first. But as you gain a foundation from it, it helps build tournament/site regulars. I think the difference between the other sites thus far is, they are willing to overlay a bit, knowing that it's a long term process. As a result, players see the site, like that the guarantees are worthwhile, and then come back, as new and more players join. The result of having a consistent amount of tourney players, is that the SNG's which run seemingly rarely, and cash games which are very few, would then see more traffic, and each supports the other over time.