The first part of this entry will be more of a synopsis of my current mental state, skip to the second part if you want to read about some pokerz, specifically what it is like to play against two very different regs. Enjoy!
Note for the future: I am not going to be discussing a lot/if any strategy here in my blog. I may add in a read here or there but I don't think it would be in my best interest to talk about my game in depth. Not that it's very deep to begin with, lol.
Looking in the Mirror
"I see myself as an intelligent, sensitive human, with the soul of a clown which forces me to blow it at the most important moments."-Jim Morrison
People say that you don't notice differences in your appearance because, well, you look at yourself everyday. Changes are slow and subtle. Well as I splashed water on my face after waking up this morning, I noticed a difference. The years of chain smoking had caught up with me, as my teeth tell me by their dark yellow color. Damn. The bags under my eyes are dark as storm clouds, a sign of the stress I have put myself through over the years. I turn myself sideways and look at my bulging gut, my swingy diet had caught up with me also, the Robertos Taco Shop nachos and Happy's Pizza BBQ had taken it's toll. Damn.
My diet flip flops between eating organic meats and vegetables, drinking kale shakes and natural juices to binge ordering $40 worth of takeout greasiness, everyday, for weeks at a time. Quite a parallel to my drinking habits, actually, I do well for a long time then just say "F it." Binge personality, I guess?
Discipline. It is key in life, especially the life that I live. I had dinner with some very nice people the other night, one being a newly crowned professional poker player. I told him at one point, "You have to be disciplined if you are going to play professionally, it is the key to everything." Coming from me it was laughable, I smiled pretty big when I said it because I knew I needed to heed my own advice.
Time for a change. As much of a sweetheart as I may be, if I keep up my lack of caring about my physical health/looks, my phenomenally beautifully girlfriend is going to pack her sh** and leave. I wouldn't blame her either. She has said before that it bothers her that she works out everyday, eats healthy, keeps her body looking good and I don't. I understand perfectly where she is coming from and if I don't shape up, things may not go much farther. She is a social worker btw, working with homeless addicts, see the irony here?
I splash more water on my face and look one more time in the mirror. Damn.
Tale of Two Regs
There was a discussion in LVL about the importance of treating tourists well, entertaining them at the table and being a consummate professional while playing. I have
strong beliefs when it comes to this. I am (so I've been told) very entertaining at the table, I am very courteous and social with other players, whether they are a tourist or regular. How boring would it be to play at a table full of mopes, silent, headphones on, for 10+ hours? I wouldn't be able to do it. Not that I am chatty like a little schoolgirl every second of being at the table, but I like to get a good conversation going. Hell, if the table doesn't oblige, I talk to the dealers, they enjoy someone wanting to hear a little about their life.
The first reg I am going to talk about, I will call "Johnny." I have played with him a lot but never really talked to him. Why? Because he always has headphones, sunglasses and a hoodie on, he doesn't want to talk, obviously. Does that bother me? Not at all, to each it's own. The way he conducts himself at the table while in a hand is what perturbs me slightly. I have seen him berate other players for their "poor play", using phrases like "game theory", "ranges" and "VPIP". Yes I said VPIP in reference to a conversation in a live game... He just makes other players feel bad about themselves, it is a disgusting thing, my stomach is tossing right now just thinking about it.
Well, myself and Johnny had never really gotten involved before, I know his game, it used to be mine. The extremely tight, nit grinder game. No shame in that game, I grinded out 50-100bb winning sessions for years and supported myself. I have just recently opened my game up a lot to more of a LAGish style of play and seen my hourly grow each session. So Johnny and myself are in a 2/5 game when this hand occurs. I am utg+1 and look down at the 4
, I love hands like this and immediately raise to my standard 15 mcdoubles. Folded around to Johnny, in the BB and he throws in the extra 10. Johnny is sitting on about $400 and I know he is stuck a buy in, while I am up around $1200. I figure he is looking to get unstuck and will call with a wide range of hands here, knowing that I will try to put him into a spot to play for his stack with a broad range of boards. The flop falls 2
. Johnny checks and I throw out $50, he calls. 8
comes on the turn. Time to send Johnny packing. He leads out for $75. I snap throw in my stack of bills, which is kinda a ridiculous move I do a lot, as I threw in 9 bills when he barely has $300 left. Johnny grimaces and looks at me and says "I think I have to call here." "So you call?". "Not yet." "Okay Johnny, let me know when you do." He tanks and finally calls. I know he has a flush draw with the 9
, there is no question about it. The river gives him his 1 card straight as the 5
falls. He jumps up into the air, yells "SHIP IT" and starts fist pumping. Mr. Murata, the other reg I will talk about, and I lock eyes. We don't even have to say anything, we are both thinking the same thing. I look up at Johnny and say "nice hand, well done." He looks down at me, looking like he just ran a marathon and says "thanks man, oh thank you." "Nice hand Johnny, I don't blame you at all for calling brother." To be honest he is a ******* idiot for taking that long to call. I wasn't mad at him. He obviously really needed that money and he didn't get it in bad, good on him. But, this guy is bad for poker. Do I need to explain why?
Now onto a gentleman of Turkish origin, whom we will call Mr. Murata. He is an absolute gentleman at the tables, sipping on his cognac and perrier, being kind to everyone at the table and making jokes. After Johnny got up and ran away (which was not too long after the aforementioned hand), me and Mr. Murata got involved. Every time Mr. Murata comes into a pot with me I chant "Murata, Murata, Murata," imitating the scene from gladiator. I enjoy playing with this man, we frequently trade chips and always give each other action. I am sitting with about an $800 stack while Mr. Murata has amassed a mountain, somewhere in the vicinity of 2.5k, which is not abnormal for him. He has been raising every pot for the last orbit. I am in early position and look down at K
. Knowing that Mr. Murata is going to raise with atc, I limp, he quickly raises to $50 and I say "Mr. Murata I am going to have to raise you here." I make it $125 and he uses my line "I'll join the party." Heads up we see a flop of 6
. "I am going to have to check Mr. Murata." He checks behind. The A
comes on the turn and I check again. Mr. Murata instantly says all in and I snap call. We table our hands and my top set has Mr. Murata's A
drawing dead. I just took $800 of this man's money and he just gives me a smile, saying "nice hand." We continue to converse throughout the night and eventually each have 2k stacks, more chips than everyone at the table combined. We loosen up the table with our conversation and jokes, Mr. Murata is getting kind of hammered which always makes for a funny time and everyone enjoyed themselves. The dealers couldn't wait to get to our table as we were laughing and telling stories, having a grand time.
It was a good night for poker. Something young Johnny grinder may never experience.