Memorable Poker Chronologies
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 364
Been playing low limit poker, live and online for the last 10 years. I tweet and promote our game routinely. The social aspect, math, reads and training are a nice mental escape from the daily "grind". I've played at countless casinos throughout the U.S. and micro staked mixed games on Full Tilt. Loved the Poker School Academy. To get to the point, the title of this thread. I've been thinking back over this decade and coming up with my best poker memories. Just a few to start. Please join in.
2004 - $65 MTT 80 runners, 1st Place $1200 Mesqwaki Casino
2007 - 1-2 NL cash. Flopped a 650K to 1 shot. Royal Flush
2008 - After drinking with customers, played 3-6 limit. Posted. Cards 2-7, made quads $160 pot. Lost it all in an hour. Potowatami Casino
2009 - Joined Full Tilt. Lots of tourneys. Lots of cashes. Playing vs the red pros.
2010-2012 Circuit Event Hammond - Omaha 8 and HORSE. 10 hours each. A blast!