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11-03-2022 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by Zeno
“to finish things up” has an ominous ring. I do hope it goes well but I personally would not bet on it. Good Luck.
Hehe. Yeah.

Brian came out and fumbled around some, then left. He's really not very competent. Later in the evening a much more competent worker came and removed the scaffolding. It's hard to explain, but this was not an easy job, nor one that a single person should even try. But he did it. I didn't even want to watch.

One of the motors won't turn. I don't think this is the motor, though, because the same motor on the old lift wouldn't either. It has to be in the control box. The guy that removed the scaffolding said he would bring me another box to see if that was the issue.

Until the motors work, this cannot be considered done, even if Brian insists that the control box is the issue (he didn't give a bid for that). The cables are not properly wound around the thing that the rotates to move the lift up and down. Nor is everything lined up properly for our boat.

I'm now completely second guessing myself. By now the first guy might have had a new lift in. But, who knows.
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11-03-2022 , 11:58 AM
Wouldn't be a boondoggle if the lift was already in!
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11-04-2022 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Wouldn't be a boondoggle if the lift was already in!
Yeah, no kidding.

I'm sure I'll look back at this and laugh (not). Ultimately I ended up going the cheap route and am paying for it with the time it is taking.

Brian came out again this morning. I told him about the motor not turning and he decided to call the electrician, who came out right away. The electrician did some debugging and determined that the motor was bad. Brian made some calls and said someone would be out later today to replace it.

I asked the electrician about when he might get to the 220 upgrade. Probably not next week

I'm going to do some more googling to make really sure I can run these motors on 110 in the interim.

Brian can't finish anything until the motor gets replaced, but he was able to line up the guideposts and bunks.
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11-04-2022 , 12:06 PM
I really think we're missing some primo gambling opportunities by not having pools for the over/under finishing times for these projects.
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11-04-2022 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Phat Mack
I really think we're missing some primo gambling opportunities by not having pools for the over/under finishing times for these projects.

Lift - still needs a motor, adjustments, and new 220 circuit. My estimate 11/10

Dock - Needs demolition which includes removing boards and hardware (i.e. carriage bolts that might be rusted). Order lumber. Assemble dock. This will include drilling new holes for carriage bolts for support beams. installing support beams. Putting down stringers (with spacers). Laying decking. This cannot proceed until lift is complete. 95% of the work will be done by myself. I'll get my wife (when available) to help with things like leveling beams, etc. My estimate - 12/15.

Bathroom - remove garden tub and convert that area to walk-in shower. This includes new shower pan, framing a wall, tiling it all. Convert walk-in shower to urinal area. Replacing sink cabinets. Adding another plug to vanity area. Replacing all floor tile. Possibly re-paint. Very little plumbing work necessary. I will do all of the non-tile work. My tile guy is my wife's father-in-law. He does A+ work but is slow as molasses. My estimate - 3 months. Start time tbd.

Install pavers on both sides of driveway. Approximately 30" x 20' (each). More pavers along sidewalk - approximately 14" x 25'. Put pavers down where we stow trash cans. Approximately 4'x8'. This might include removing a section of the sprinkler system. Includes putting base down, and all that. Start time tbd. My estimate - 2 weeks.
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11-05-2022 , 07:13 AM
Well well well. Brian showed up late in the afternoon with a guy that had another motor. They got it on, then lined everything up. So, Brian is officially done. Electrician scheduled for Wednesday.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
11-05-2022 , 02:47 PM
Took a few more planks off the dock. While I was working on it, my wife camd out with the weedwhacker she was having trouble with. I took the head off and, of course, the spring inside rolled right into the water. While I was looking for it from above, I spotted a hammer and a tape measure that the lift workers must have dropped. Sweet.

Note the middle support beam.
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11-05-2022 , 09:13 PM
If you don't enlarge the dock picture, and squint your eyes a little bit, it looks like oak! Should last a long long time!
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11-09-2022 , 12:24 PM
My wife thought she might get through closing without any more histrionics. Not.

Although closing is the 16th, the funds won't be getting to her client until the next day. Not exactly sure why. Anyway, he has gone completely ballistic. He's yelling at my wife and the title company and threatening all sorts of stuff. Completely off the rails.

On a lighter note, the electrician is here!
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
11-09-2022 , 02:44 PM
And thus it has always been. Unless you are closing with scrip. When my dad was in his 90s, he sold a couple of houses to a friend from high school and the Secret Service was knocking on his door the next day. Texas never gets old.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
11-09-2022 , 05:34 PM
We officially have a boat lift ready for our boat!

Of course, we also have a hurricane on its way so we'll have to wait a bit.
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11-09-2022 , 11:21 PM
the title company does not register the title to the new owners, until they have the funds in their hands. so both sides are protected.

it is the buyers responsibility to have the funds to the title company before the closing. otherwise there isnt a closing then. you just have a signing of the papers.
after the deed is registered then the house keys are passed and possession is taken.

simple, is to move the closing a day or two to satisfy .
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
11-09-2022 , 11:24 PM
hurricane is going to hit my county dead on. the street below me is already flooded and some sharks have been seen nearby in flooded streets. so no swimming in the rain,
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
11-10-2022 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Ray Zee
the title company does not register the title to the new owners, until they have the funds in their hands. so both sides are protected.

it is the buyers responsibility to have the funds to the title company before the closing. otherwise there isnt a closing then. you just have a signing of the papers.
after the deed is registered then the house keys are passed and possession is taken.

simple, is to move the closing a day or two to satisfy .
The whole thing is pretty much a statement on the mental health of the seller. We suspect he's a bit bipolar since he spends 20 minutes ranting at my wife, followed by complimenting her on how good of a job she's done.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
11-10-2022 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Ray Zee
hurricane is going to hit my county dead on. the street below me is already flooded and some sharks have been seen nearby in flooded streets. so no swimming in the rain,
I hope everything is OK. Need an update after this blows over.

Right now I'm seeing the worst of it in our area. Not horrible but nothing you want to be out in.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
11-10-2022 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
The whole thing is pretty much a statement on the mental health of the seller. We suspect he's a bit bipolar since he spends 20 minutes ranting at my wife, followed by complimenting her on how good of a job she's done.
Selling a house is an extremely big deal for a lot of people and he's panicking. She'll see a lot of this, but not so extreme.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
11-10-2022 , 03:39 PM
im not there but the street below me my access is closed due to flooding. i dont think the storm surge will or got to my house.
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11-11-2022 , 11:46 AM
On a completely unrelated topic.

Sometimes life throws something at you that makes all the things you worry about meaningless.
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11-11-2022 , 05:29 PM
Uh oh. I'll put a preemptive sorry to hear about it.
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11-12-2022 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by golddog
Uh oh. I'll put a preemptive sorry to hear about it.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
11-12-2022 , 11:03 AM
Thanks guys.

My wife's son (30 yrs old) called her on Tuesday to take him to the hospital. He had been vomiting for 2 days.

She got him to the emergency room and they admitted him right away. They gave him some sort of test (unsure what - maybe cat scan? I don't know).

The next morning, the first doctor in was an oncologist. He said they discovered a large mass on his liver. He said they needed to perform an EGD test and an MRI before they could know much more.

The hospital has 2 mri machines but one was not functioning so there was quite a wait. They kept saying he's in line, but it never seemed to happen. Finally after 2 days they got him in.

The oncologist came in this morning and said it was "definitely NOT cancer". Apparently he has some abscesses on his liver that are very treatable.

It is some kind of scary **** to hear "large mass" from an oncologist and not know for several days.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
11-12-2022 , 01:19 PM
Wow, that seems about as good of news as you could get, given the initial statement. Glad to hear it's treatable.
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11-12-2022 , 04:45 PM
most major medical things come from what you put in your mouth, goes through your nose, and the environment you are in. those things need to be looked at in good or bad health.
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11-13-2022 , 06:10 PM
Things I would be fine never learning:

My way around any hospital.
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11-13-2022 , 07:06 PM
Just follow the colored lines on the floor. It will be fine.
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