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TeamDucks Cash Games Staking+Coaching NL20-NL100 TeamDucks Cash Games Staking+Coaching NL20-NL100

03-31-2015 , 11:28 AM
Oferring Coaching/Staking deals for NL 6max cash games NL20-NL100

About Us

We are a team of mid/high stakes players from Portugal interested in give stake deals and coaching to players that would like to improve their game on the 6max cash game tables.
All the coaches have millions of hands played on several sites and also experience in teaching and making videos for some poker schools.

What are we looking for

Small stakes NLH players breakeven or winning players who want to learn more and improve their game.
If you are a breakeven or a small winning player and cant move up we are here to help you to reach the next level.
Since you are going to be staked, you wont feel so much the swings as if you played with your own money.

If you think you are a good candidate please fill this form and send it to us:

Why are you interested to join TeamDucks?

Do you play poker for a living? If not, why?

How many hours do you have avaliable for poker daily? / weekly ?

How many tables can you play simultaneously?

Please right your nicknames on the pokersites that you play:

Have you been on a profit share deal before? If so, with who?

Please right a breaf resume of you poker career

Fill all the form and send it to, with na attachment of some holdem manager or poker tracker graphs in which we can see you EV bb/100, VPIP, PFR, 3bet and Hands played.

*Dont forget to respond on this thread as per forum rules!!!

What we offer

We offer coaching depending on the demands of the different players. It could be individual or group sessions.
Detailed database analisys, how to build a detailed HUD, video reviews, site/table selection, bankroll management, etc.

6 Months deal, which can be renewed when it ends if both parts agree.
55% profit for the player
Rakeback percentage for the player calculated according with the number of hands played in the month:

Less than 40k hands the player doesnt receive any rakeback
40k – 50k hands, the player gets 25% rakeback
50k – 65k hands, the player gets 35% rakeback
65k – 80k hands, the player gets 45% rakeback
80k – 95k hands, the player gets 50% rakeback
95k – 110k hands the player gets 55% rakeback
110k+ hands, the player gets 62% rakeback

Its a make up deal, in which the losses from one month need to be cleaned in order to withdraw in the next month
Rakeback will clean the make up (if there is any) before we share it
Profit shares done at the last day of each month
Rakeback shares done when we receive it
The player will have a Google Docs file in which he MUST fill everyday with the “initial bankroll” and “ending bankroll”, for each day
The player must play the limits that the coach tells him to play
The deal can be ended at any time by TeamDucks
The deal only can be ended by the player before the contract end by paying a fee of 200€ and without make up. (the player can pay the make up plus the fee in order to leave)


03-31-2015 , 12:42 PM
pm and emal sent. paosil85 at stars
04-03-2015 , 02:58 PM
04-03-2015 , 04:28 PM
email sent
Dokkebi6 on pokerstars
04-20-2015 , 08:48 PM
email sent
TensTT on PokerStars
04-21-2015 , 01:20 AM
Well, quite a few items have sold, and nary a post in this thread. I figured it had probably been forgotten; hopefully a bump will get some feedback going!
05-30-2015 , 05:33 PM
email sent
06-02-2015 , 02:04 AM
pm and email sent

gunsnpoker22 on stars
06-13-2015 , 10:07 PM
email sent
Skunkboy77 on PS
06-22-2015 , 10:01 AM
email sent

ivkooo @ pokerstars
07-09-2015 , 06:08 PM
email sent
07-15-2015 , 02:32 PM
email sent
pokermajor @ prima
07-15-2015 , 11:11 PM
Email sent bovada bfouroh
