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Offering Staking Offering Staking

03-08-2011 , 05:59 PM
pm sent

Semi-chemmy on PS
03-08-2011 , 07:53 PM
pm sent
roflbot - ftp
03-09-2011 , 12:44 AM
PM sent
takemychai on Cereus

Last edited by brandnewday; 03-09-2011 at 12:52 AM.
03-09-2011 , 11:43 AM
pm sent

(justblaze47 on stars/ftp)
03-09-2011 , 01:57 PM
Hello, pm sent

FT - Fiv3-n-Dim3
365bonitaspoker - FivenDime

Some results below

03-09-2011 , 02:38 PM
pm sent
FTP a33bars
stars a33bars
04-02-2012 , 01:08 PM
hi there ! i cannot send pms!/PokerStars ( skype ) ida.goodman
04-02-2012 , 02:58 PM

Songok1 / Pokerstars
SkYPE : Songoki2
I Can't send pm Yet addme at skype if you are interested.
04-03-2012 , 10:18 AM
PM sent corto12@stars
04-04-2012 , 05:47 AM
hi i am a new member with two plus two and and cant send pms but i am very intrested in your staking offer my name on pokerstars is th3 d3v1!!/PokerStars also my names on ipoker are showme5 . eight88888888 i am looking to put in maximum volume and am looking for $5 -$50 mtts also can play around 4-5 tables at once i am from u.k and i am looking for low stakes and mtts ... thankyou for your time and consideration i look forward to hear from you . thanks again ( skype ) ida.goodman
04-04-2012 , 08:02 PM
pm sent
drewgodofpoker ftp
04-04-2012 , 09:14 PM
Can't send any pm's.
I play by the name "pxpkr" on Stars , and FT check out my results.
I have no refferences but my poker skills and since u sayd u know some coaches as well , I'm very willing to improve my game.
Stakes 0 - 11$ mostly 13.50ko's and some 22$'s big 22$ and maybe big 27.50$ since there are such good value.
I play 4 tables , 6 if im feeling good.
I don't have a skype account atm. So send me an e-mail at if u are interesent and any other thinks needed to be cleared up.

Regards , Px
04-05-2012 , 10:13 AM
Hi i cant send pm message!
I play by name SuchyJP on Poker Stars
My refferences only OPR stats:
Stakes:1,5$ SNG:6 max hyper turbo
staking offer:150$ for my bankroll i will played 1000 SNG=1 month, i offer profit 65% for you and 35% for me. If you are interested pls send me
I Guaranted 100% profit!!!
04-08-2012 , 06:40 AM
mp sent
L0000L (pokerstars)
04-08-2012 , 09:26 AM
- What is your primary poker account and where else HAVE you played?
iknowurleaks (pokerstars) and nowhere else
- Please provide references if you have them. It is a plus if you do.
- Why do you want to be staked?
Don't have proper BR to play on my own
- Which buy-ins/formats are you looking to be staked for?
2.5/180 or 3r/180 or even better for scheduled MTT's
- Do you have any previous stats available to show past results?

- How many tables at a time are you able to play efficiently?
- How much volume do you think you could put in per week/month?
- If you have aim/msn/skype I need this information to contact you
skype: xxxaivariuxxx
- Is there any other applicable info you would like to share?
had some coachings w/ decent coaches
04-09-2012 , 02:21 PM
pm sent,

stars 0r0b0t0
04-10-2012 , 06:58 AM

Let me introduce myself:
I'm (Skobold on PS) a 21 year old student from Austria and I play poker since I was 18 online (started out with 15 like many of you with home games).
In the last few years I invested much time to improve my skills and did very well. I started out with 100$ grinding the micro stakes and worked my way up to over 50.000$ in profit.
I read many articles and watched countless videos on poker related issues.
In the last 1,5 years I focussed on playing MTTs and turbo SNGs only before I was mixing it up with cash game.

I'm an aggressive player and so money swings and a higher variance is normal. Since I saw nearly every bad beat out their I'm very tilt resistant – I know how it is to bubble a final table of a big mtt since this not only happened once to me in my career.


All time Graph SNGS+MTTS:

*1st rank 5$+r for 8,3k (3200 entrants)
*9th 3+r (8435 entrants)
*4th 11$ tournament (1200 entrants)
*Supernova (playing NL100 Multitable)

* EPT Snowfest Package (busted day 1 in the last level with a squeeze A4 < KJ pre)
*2nd 16.5$ Turbo for 5,4k (3400 entrants)
*2nd 16.5$ Turbo for 5,2k (3200 entrants)
*2nd 22$ for 3,6k (1300 entrants)
*1st 2+r$ for 2,2k (2000 entrants)
*1st 44$ turbo for 2,3k (302 entrants)
*1st 7$ turbo for 1,5k (1200 entrants)

*2nd SCOOP 22$ low 6max for 39k (20000 entrants)
*4th 3+r for 2,4k (4000 entrants)

I'm capable of playing up to 24-30 tables SNGS or up to 16 MTT at one time. Besides my MTT skills I'm also good at beating the 180s on Stars.

So here is what I'm looking for:

-Full staking for MTTs up to 55$ (and the 1r1a 22$) and Sunday million and warmup on sunday (since I beat these majors easily.
-Full staking for 180s turbo sngs up to 30$
-Full staking for 18 man turbo sngs up to 15$
-eventually also a staking for 45 man sng turbos although I'm only breakeven I guess
-50/50 Profit split, all rakeback on my side.
-If possible hand reviews.

I'm a student so there are times were I got more time to play and times where I will play nothing (exam weeks at the end of the semester for example, holidays).
I can play most Sundays since I don't have to go to the university on Monday this semester.

On average I would say I will put in between 10-20 hours a week.
I'm looking for a deal until the beginning of July with the opportunity to extend if both sides agree. Since I got Easter holidays for one other week and I got much time I would like to start as soon as possible. I want to be staked due to cash outs and a down swing.

As a reference that I'm trustworthy I can mention Giuseppe Pantaleo (ansgar2000).

If you are interested please feel free to contact me via skype (skobold1) or pm

04-10-2012 , 03:14 PM
pm sent jareth3542 stars
04-12-2012 , 03:12 PM
PM sent- Saywatagain! on PS
04-14-2012 , 09:48 AM
PM sent
BCP (BreakUrRange)
RPM (getgoodLOL)

04-14-2012 , 02:47 PM
PM Sent

Stars: DBerglin
Unibet: DBerglin
04-16-2012 , 12:00 AM
PM sent

bruno N.A (PS)
04-22-2012 , 05:19 AM
pm sent th3 d3v1! stars showme5 eight88888888 ipoker
04-22-2012 , 02:07 PM
PM Sent Libertine48 Stars
05-13-2012 , 09:48 AM

Just wondering if your still looking for horses?
