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Looking to back Elite MTT Players Looking to back Elite MTT Players

10-08-2009 , 03:49 PM
I am looking for elite, full time MTT players to stake long term in online MTT's as well as the WSOP. Other juicy live events such as PCA and LAPC may be
included. I made a previous post in this thread, but there have been some changes.

Here is what I require:

- At least 100k in PROFIT on opr/bluff
- At least 30% ROI(exception would be if you have a high ABI and are
willing to play smaller)
- Coachable and high poker intelligence
- Must be full time. Be able to play every Sunday and at least 30
MTTs/wk on average
- Honest, trustworthy, and emotionally mature
- At least 1 year contract

My requirements are stringent compared to most backers, but I am only
looking for the highest quality horses. I also offer a lot more than
the typical backer. I am a fairly well known backer in the
cash game arena, just recently moving over to MTTs. I am currently backing many successful and talented players. I will be creating a forum for all of my horses to discuss strategies/reads/hands, etc. If you pass myscreening process, I can provide referrals. As a backer I am very
fair and flexible, I seek to maximize the long term EV of everyone

Most of you will be offered backing in FOs up to 530, rebuys up to 55r, and most WCOOP and FTOPS events. If you are truly elite then I'd consider 109r, 215r, and weekly 1ks.

If you are interested and meet my requirements, please reply to this
post with the following info. If you PM me you will be instantly
disqualified for not being able to follow instructions.

1) PS name (if you don't play there state why)

2) FTP name (if you don't play there state why)

3) Other sites played on with names

4) # of MTTs you can play on a weekly basis (be realistic)

5) Why you are looking to get backed

6) What your expectations for getting staked are

7) References (if you don't have references say that)

8) Any other information you think may be pertinent for me to know.

If I am interested I will PM you. If I don't reply to you within 48
hrs that means I am not interested.

Last edited by xavier0730; 10-08-2009 at 04:00 PM. Reason: was missing information
10-08-2009 , 04:26 PM
1) PS name: IV.Geoffrey

2) FTP name IV Geoffrey

3) Other sites played on with names -

4) # of MTTs you can play on a weekly basis (be realistic) most of saturday and sunday tournaments(more then 30 obv)

5) Why you are looking to get backed Because I'm a student and I have a tight bankroll management.

6) What your expectations for getting staked are: Making the max amount of money for me and my backer and improve obv.

7) References (if you don't have references say that) Daryl Jace(aaaaaaaa),Gypsiechris

8) Any other information you think may be pertinent for me to know.

I have a topic for it too for additional information and links to cash game/mtt stats(Please check it for my background info).
One thing about profit is that I have 65k profit on stars+ftp and like 30k on cash games but I have a very high ROI(obviously because of the tournament ABI's)
10-08-2009 , 05:21 PM


3)other sites played on with names:
titanpoker : greatitan
partypoker: medlingmage

4) # of MTTs you can play on a weekly basis (be realistic) 60 to 100 mtts

5)why you are looking to get backed ; because i wanna jump to the next step , to be better and play mtts without having to cashout every month

6)What your expectations for getting staked are : destroy online mtts, putting lot of volume = lot of money.

7)references : brianpokeremail

8) Any other information you think may be pertinent for me to know ; i run like god
10-08-2009 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by xavier0730

Here is what I require:

- At least 100k in PROFIT on opr/bluff
- At least 30% ROI(exception would be if you have a high ABI and are
willing to play smaller)

i realize this is slighty under your requirements but my sample size is relatively small compared to most. My OPR without RA expenses has my profit at 140k+

75k profit
25% ROI with $124 ABI on ftp
24% ROI with $91 ABI on stars

- Coachable and high poker intelligence - had pokerpwnage membership and also lurk strat here, and am an active poster on other forums. I am extremely coachable

- Must be full time. Be able to play every Sunday and at least 30
MTTs/wk on average - easily done

- Honest, trustworthy, and emotionally mature - 21 years old, have bills, rent etc..been living on my own for 3 years now. Have been backed before so i am very trustworthy and emotionally mature for this situation.

- At least 1 year contract

Most of you will be offered backing in FOs up to 530, rebuys up to 55r, and most WCOOP and FTOPS events. If you are truly elite then I'd consider 109r, 215r, and weekly 1ks.

4 109r final tables along with a 12th, 15th, 23rd etc

1) PS name (if you don't play there state why) ajacejackaj

2) FTP name (if you don't play there state why) mutha flushaa

3) Other sites played on with names

4) # of MTTs you can play on a weekly basis (be realistic) 60+

5) Why you are looking to get backed- variance

6) What your expectations for getting staked are- become a better player, and $$$

7) References (if you don't have references say that)

Looshle (previous backer for 530s and less 100rs and less)

If I am interested I will PM you. If I don't reply to you within 48
hrs that means I am not interested.
10-08-2009 , 06:14 PM
1) PS name (if you don't play there state why) Pboy987

2) FTP name (if you don't play there state why) Lrbear10

3) Other sites played on with names

4) # of MTTs you can play on a weekly basis (be realistic) 100

5) Why you are looking to get backed: I had to withdrawl all of my money to pay for 3 years of college so far

6) What your expectations for getting staked are To crush online and live for you and me, I had just hit a good spot in my game in last 120 days on tilt but had to withdrawl for school

7) References (if you don't have references say that) None

8) Any other information you think may be pertinent for me to know. I've played in EPT Bahamas 2 years ago and have been doing real well online of late just need
a backer to be able to play in the higher buyins on a more regular basis
10-08-2009 , 06:48 PM
smurf0 on pokerstars

smurf0 on FTP - but really play here

Dont play on any other sites

Play around 25-30 MTTs per week

I am looking to get back because at the moment I cant properly bankroll myself and I dont just want to take shots, I dont feel like I can play my best when I do this.

My expectations for getting staked are having a solid bankroll so I can play and not have to worry about cashing out. I want a group of players to learn from, which you say you have. I want to have the chance to play in bigger live events with massive prize pools. I want to make us both lots of money.

I dont have any references

My OPR -
10-08-2009 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by ship_itt
Oh hai.

AJacejackAJ's profile on PTP

AJacejackAJ's RA thread RA

BAP that AJacejackAJ rolled

Any comments?
10-08-2009 , 08:54 PM
Thanks Bobo,

Someone had PM'ed me and alerted me to those threads. It's good that you are bringing it to everyone attention though.
10-08-2009 , 10:11 PM
1) PS name- flopp_deuces

2) FTP name- flopp_deuces

3) UB- flopp_deuces....played there before it merged with AP

4) # of MTTs you can play on a weekly basis (alot, can play 10-12 at a time comfortably)

5) Why you are looking to get backed- looking to buy a house within next 6 months and want to keep my money for that

6) What your expectations for getting staked are- allow me to play bigger buyins on consistent basis, continue and speed up learning curve

7) References- not real close to anybody in poker, always played with own money

8) Any other information you think may be pertinent for me to know-
satellited into 3 lives tournies
10k 2008 wsop main event- 541/6800, $23k....kk<Ak pre. for 500k
5k 2008 aruba classic- money bubbled
10k 2009 pca- 41/1400, $30k....AA<99 pre. to alex gomez for 700k

Over 100% ROI in Mtt's over all 3 sites I played on.
Didn't ever want to play under anybody else's money but I think for me to move up and play big tournies cons. I have to for now and to keep my money to put down on a house.

PM me if interested
10-08-2009 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by xavier0730
Thanks Bobo,

Someone had PM'ed me and alerted me to those threads. It's good that you are bringing it to everyone attention though.
That's who PMed me as well. Also, the first reply from smuve is a person in a similar situation; you'll find Mark posted about him in the <6 month thread.

I've asked both of these characters to reply to the posts made about them; if they don't do so soon, further steps will be taken.
10-09-2009 , 12:09 AM
I am far short of your criteria but believe I have the tools to turn huge profits for a backer. I have never had a bankroll to play myself really and whenever I get a small one I blow it not following management rules. I need to be backed for the big tourneys so I can get away from the tourneys with a billion players. Also, I have an unbelievable live tourney record in Vegas and California so if you are interested I can give you more details. Just thought I would reply to this post as I have a lot of time on my hands to play and I know one day with the right backing I will be a success in the industry. Let me know if you want my details and you can check my stats. At least, maybe you can just give me your advice on where I have been going wrong. I want to get better and be more disciplined in every aspect. Hope to hear from you.
10-09-2009 , 05:49 AM
1) PS name (if you don't play there state why)
2) FTP name (if you don't play there state why)
3) Other sites played on with names
no real volume on any other sites
4) # of MTTs you can play on a weekly basis (be realistic)
30-40 + sngs
5) Why you are looking to get backed
Cannot build a roll at the moment due to university fees
6) What your expectations for getting staked are
Judging from other responses in this thread I dont think I understand this question, but I would say my expectations from you would be a fair deal, and some flexibility in my schedule.
7) References (if you don't have references say that)
Mement_mori, nutshot2 (carried out large transactions with both)
8) Any other information you think may be pertinent for me to know.
My staking thread:
I know I do not meet your 100k criteria but I believe I excel in the other areas.
10-09-2009 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fat
All i can say is that those are from over two years ago when i was young, immature, and made a mistake. I think everyone makes mistakes and like i posted i have many references who can vouch for my integrity. My previous backer 'Looshle' can vouch that i have never met him IRL and i have won and shipped him tens of thousands of dollars including final tabling the $1500 ME at turning stone and depositing the money on stars and shipping to him. I am willing to admit that I have made a mistake when I was in high school years back, but I can have many top MTT regs speak on my behalf that I am beyond trustworthy.

EDIT: looshle is also aware of these ptp threads.
10-09-2009 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by The_Jeebus
1) PS name (if you don't play there state why)
2) FTP name (if you don't play there state why)
3) Other sites played on with names
no real volume on any other sites
4) # of MTTs you can play on a weekly basis (be realistic)
30-40 + sngs
5) Why you are looking to get backed
Cannot build a roll at the moment due to university fees
6) What your expectations for getting staked are
Judging from other responses in this thread I dont think I understand this question, but I would say my expectations from you would be a fair deal, and some flexibility in my schedule.
7) References (if you don't have references say that)
Mement_mori, nutshot2 (carried out large transactions with both)
8) Any other information you think may be pertinent for me to know.
My staking thread:
I know I do not meet your 100k criteria but I believe I excel in the other areas.
jeebus has been very solid in all my dealings w/him, and is a solid thinking player too. plus he binked some stuff for me when i backed him for some sundays
10-09-2009 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by ship_itt
All i can say is that those are from over two years ago when i was young, immature, and made a mistake. I think everyone makes mistakes and like i posted i have many references who can vouch for my integrity. My previous backer 'Looshle' can vouch that i have never met him IRL and i have won and shipped him tens of thousands of dollars including final tabling the $1500 ME at turning stone and depositing the money on stars and shipping to him. I am willing to admit that I have made a mistake when I was in high school years back, but I can have many top MTT regs speak on my behalf that I am beyond trustworthy.

EDIT: looshle is also aware of these ptp threads.
If this is true, then please do the right thing and log into PTP and post an appeal in the appeals section and pay back the money you owe in a mature fashion and put this mistake behind you so that you can have a bright future without having this come up every time. I understand that people make mistakes, heck I've made plenty, but its never too late to do the right thing sir.

I'll stop cluttering up this thread, apologies to the OP for this and best wishes for you and your stakees.
10-09-2009 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by cds0699
If this is true, then please do the right thing and log into PTP and post an appeal in the appeals section and pay back the money you owe in a mature fashion and put this mistake behind you so that you can have a bright future without having this come up every time. I understand that people make mistakes, heck I've made plenty, but its never too late to do the right thing sir.

I'll stop cluttering up this thread, apologies to the OP for this and best wishes for you and your stakees.

are you a part of PTP? i can not log in there anymore..i need someone to talk to a mod or whoever can give me access to the site
10-09-2009 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by ship_itt
are you a part of PTP? i can not log in there anymore..i need someone to talk to a mod or whoever can give me access to the site
Yes I am, I'll be happy to help ya... but lets sort this out of this thread and let OP handle his buisness I'll be in contact with ya via PM shortly.
10-14-2009 , 01:56 PM
10-14-2009 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by xavier0730
I am looking for elite, full time MTT players to stake long term in online MTT's as well as the WSOP. Other juicy live events such as PCA and LAPC may be
included. I made a previous post in this thread, but there have been some changes.

Here is what I require:

- At least 100k in PROFIT on opr/bluff
- At least 30% ROI(exception would be if you have a high ABI and are
willing to play smaller)
- Coachable and high poker intelligence
- Must be full time. Be able to play every Sunday and at least 30
MTTs/wk on average
- Honest, trustworthy, and emotionally mature
- At least 1 year contract

I dont have the 100k profit but my OPR is legit 99.77 onFT dont play on stars much anymore

1) PS name (if you don't play there state why)
2) FTP name (if you don't play there state why)
3) Other sites played on with names

4) # of MTTs you can play on a weekly basis (be realistic)
30-50 maybe more
5) Why you are looking to get backed
To get my name more out there in the poker community make money and make a good name for myslef. also in the process of selling my house and just dumped a bunch to fix it up. to take shots at tournies and make myself play perfect.
6) What your expectations for getting staked are
make serious money, have a good realtionship with my staker and just learn everyday, try to become as good as i can b
7) References (if you don't have references say that)
ive just started on here so dont have any.
8) Any other information you think may be pertinent for me to know.
my OPR is legit im a good player i usually scoop a 26 dollar tounry a month i just dont play the volume i should of 55 and 109. i think im so solid and with more shots i really see a big hit coming. if not for 200 dollar buy-ins and higher i would b willing to make my way up. I have alot of potential. my stats dont lie. PM me if interested. i hope i did this right. if not sorry
If I am interested I will PM you. If I don't reply to you within 48
hrs that means I am not interested.
10-14-2009 , 06:12 PM
1) PS name (if you don't play there state why)Apowers1968

2) FTP name (if you don't play there state why)LeonP

3) Other sites played on with names:

4) # of MTTs you can play on a weekly basis (be realistic)up to 30-40 realistically

5) Why you are looking to get backed: I have always been backed more comfortable/my bankroll does not dictate the stakes i like to play
6) What your expectations for getting staked are: Sharing Hand Histories getting advice if i feel i have a leak and makin profit

7) References (if you don't have references say that)

8) Any other information you think may be pertinent for me to know.
not sure i exactly meet your criteria with the at least 100k profit but i just started playing MTT in later march of this year and have around 80k
10-19-2009 , 03:05 AM
1) drew5927

2) drew5927

3) Ultimatebet/Absolute - same sn

4) 30

5) I've never been backed. I've wondered if it could improve my play. I switched to live cash games since I finished school. I'd like to play live tournaments, but they are normally 'shots' for me

6) Good communication

7) A few acquaintances but no reference on 2+2

8) Also check my sharkscope
10-25-2009 , 01:05 AM
The forum is up and running with some great contributions from NoraJean, Oncommand, and Footwork.
10-25-2009 , 05:50 AM
I would like to apologies in advance for posting this as my total profit is a bit less than 100K, but I thought it might catch your interest as I do fairly well in Absolute Poker.

1) PS name is Farhad101 (2470 Mtts)
2) FTP name is Persian Cat (272 Mtts)
3) AP name is Perisanmike, (1990 Mtts)
UB name is Persian cat (264 Mtts)
4) I have no conflict playing sat or sun, an can easily play up to 75 per week (i use a 48" LCD 1080-1920 res) 9 tabling most of the time

5) I was a full time MTT player on Absolute Poker and part time on starts (Sunday Majors mostly) until mid may of 2009. Mid May I took my bankroll and bought in direct to WSOP main event, unfortunately did not place in money and came back without a bankroll (lesson learned bankroll management 101)

6) I would like to have a backer because It would allow me to play all day everyday in higher buy in tourneys with a comfort of being able to absorb the high variance in MTTs that we all know that exists. Also very simply put I am not capable of bankrolling myself for the higher buying MTTs that I was costume to play.

7) Yes I do have references

8) I do fairly well in Absolute poker, now that could be because the field is much smaller plus i know all the regs or perhaps the field is much softer than other sites. I am willing to be coached and trained to improve and plug in any leaks. Would love to travel to any events and have played the past two WSOP main events but did not finish in money.
Here is the link to all my MTT stats
10-25-2009 , 10:57 PM
I would also like to add that I am a member of Poker X factor and have been for past 2 years.
