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Register NV player warning NV player warning

03-19-2015 , 06:07 PM

I don't know what will be done, but this sure doesn't build confidence. They updated the software the other day. Since then, I have been booted out of multiple games during gameplay. They say, even though my location was verified when logging in, my wifi signal drops and therefore it kicks me out.

Problem is, there is nothing wrong with my wifi signal when this happens. We are very aware of wifi issues. My wife works from home and we pay for the best available service. I may even give them the benefit of the doubt if it didn't start happening immediately after the update. It never happened before the update.

Tilt is hard to control when you are kicked off the site in the midst of a bubble battle.
03-19-2015 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by WeebsUK

I don't know what will be done, but this sure doesn't build confidence. They updated the software the other day. Since then, I have been booted out of multiple games during gameplay. They say, even though my location was verified when logging in, my wifi signal drops and therefore it kicks me out.

Problem is, there is nothing wrong with my wifi signal when this happens. We are very aware of wifi issues. My wife works from home and we pay for the best available service. I may even give them the benefit of the doubt if it didn't start happening immediately after the update. It never happened before the update.

Tilt is hard to control when you are kicked off the site in the midst of a bubble battle.
I can understand your frustration and perhaps it was worded wrongly to you but geolocation works by triangulating your WiFi network in relation to other known WiFi networks. Your connection to your own router can be 100% but the WiFi networks around you that geolocation uses to determine your location are weak you can get geolocation drops.
03-19-2015 , 06:25 PM
thanks for the quick response bill.

what am i supposed to do about it? i have no control over wifi networks that are not mine. rather than boot me out in the heat of battle there must be another way. my phone is an option when registering, can you make this an option for this? i am only dabbling so far before i invest more. how can i play with confidence? the nightmare of being booted when i'm heads up for a title is going through my head.
03-19-2015 , 06:38 PM
can you explain this wifi adapter customer service linked me to. we are all obviously suspect of plugging something into our computers we don't think we need. what exactly is that thing going to do that isn't already being done? will it guarantee not being kicked off the site due to geolocation if used?
03-19-2015 , 06:46 PM
i also forgot to mention. it never has had an issue re-establishing the connection as long as the client is shutdown and restarted. geolocation only seems to be a problem after initial log in and initial verification.

Last edited by WeebsUK; 03-19-2015 at 07:07 PM.
03-19-2015 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by WeebsUK
can you explain this wifi adapter customer service linked me to. we are all obviously suspect of plugging something into our computers we don't think we need. what exactly is that thing going to do that isn't already being done? will it guarantee not being kicked off the site due to geolocation if used?
Nothing is guaranteed in life :-)

The idea with the adaptor is that it generally has a better WiFi receiver than is found in many computers. We've had players who experienced problems with their built in WiFi experience much better reliability using a USB WiFi adaptor.

Just to help you understand the geolocation process better, the regulators authorize certain vendors to provide geolocation services to the gaming operators (i.e. the poker sites). When you login, those vendors send periodic updates which indicate whether you can be geolocated in the state or not. If they say you're okay, there's no problem. If they say that you cannot be geolocated, we must terminate your gaming session. We do not have any discretion.

There are all sorts of reasons why someone may have geolocation issues. For instance, the regulators may instruct the geolocation vendors to modify the ping intervals or the sensitivity of their triangulation. It could be a glitch at the geolocation vendor. Something temporary (or permanent) could be intermittently blocking other WiFi networks from being visible to your WiFi adaptor.

Like I said in my previous post, it's not your connection to the WiFi network but WiFi networks your adaptor can see. The geolocation vendor takes that data and compares it to a database of known WiFi networks to be able to triangulate a location. So, even if you already getting weak signals from those surrounding WiFi networks and something interrupts the signals from those networks the geolocation vendor can no longer verify your location to the degree of accuracy required by gaming regulators.

Here's something about how Mac's are able to geolocate without GPS I found with a quick search:

This is how you can do a Google search for "Italian food" and it returns a list of restaurants near your location. Obviously, the level of accuracy for Google searches and what is required by gaming regulators is entirely different but the technology is mostly the same.

So, anything that helps your computer see other known WiFi networks is going to help.
03-19-2015 , 08:58 PM
i've researched how to possibly boost my current wifi detection, i am changing drivers as suggested, to hopefully show even more networks in my area. it didn't show more networks initially, but i will try it with the client to see if it helped. i will also order the adapter you are giving customers to see if it does better. with being my only real option, and now having partnered with pokerstars, i really want to continue playing. i am excited about the merging of other states and have enjoyed playing on the site. i plan on putting in a lot of hours so i will try on my end to do what i can. thank you for your help and i will update you after receiving the adapter.
03-20-2015 , 03:58 PM
I have had the same problem for over a week now. I am in Reno. Same stuff play for hours and all of a sudden kicked off the site and lose my place in all of the games I am in. Sure am tired of it.
03-20-2015 , 04:11 PM
I have a range extender and still have the problem.
03-20-2015 , 04:22 PM
I have also been kicked off a ton more because of geolocation since the update. Happened 5 times yesterday. Previously this would happen once or twice a week. Talking with other regs on tables and from this thread, clearly many are experiencing this issue.

I understand there is no way to change the geolocation method, as you're at the mercy to whatever company you're using for it, and while it's nice to let us finish the hand we're in before kicking us off, it would be even better to give us 1 minute or 2 to verify our location before kicking us off tables. fwiw, I am always able to re-verify my location within 30 seconds of being booted.
03-20-2015 , 06:56 PM
Again, not our decision to make. The regs spell out everything from how frequently we check geolocation information to what we have to do once we get a geolocation failure.

Like I said in a previous post (and in several previous threads), I'm sympathetic to the frustration and I know nobody wants to hear that there's nothing that we can do. There's no magic setting to get tweaked or no bug to fix.

I mean, it's obviously in our best interests to offer the best playing experience we can. We don't benefit in any way from removing people from games.

But, at the same time, being legal and regulated comes with responsibilities. The regulators have to keep gaming contained to their borders.

That said, the WiFi geolocation technology has been much more reliable than what we originally had with the cellular geolocation. So things do improve and we expect the technologies to keep improving.

Originally Posted by Fat Nicky
I have also been kicked off a ton more because of geolocation since the update. Happened 5 times yesterday. Previously this would happen once or twice a week. Talking with other regs on tables and from this thread, clearly many are experiencing this issue.

I understand there is no way to change the geolocation method, as you're at the mercy to whatever company you're using for it, and while it's nice to let us finish the hand we're in before kicking us off, it would be even better to give us 1 minute or 2 to verify our location before kicking us off tables. fwiw, I am always able to re-verify my location within 30 seconds of being booted.
03-20-2015 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by Fat Nicky
I have also been kicked off a ton more because of geolocation since the update. Happened 5 times yesterday. Previously this would happen once or twice a week. Talking with other regs on tables and from this thread, clearly many are experiencing this issue.

I've been booted much more frequently (2-10 times a day) due to unable to verify location since the update.
03-21-2015 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by WSOPBill
The regulators have to keep gaming contained to their borders.
If someone is playing within the border and then becomes unverified because they made a mad dash and are now playing outside the border, it seems likely, to me, that they probably played a hand or two while not being contained within the borders.

Therefore, the regulators have failed at keeping the games within the

With the current system, when someone is verified within the borders and then becomes unverified, it is much more likely that the technology has failed than that the player has crossed the border.

It seems, to me, that giving players 10 or 20 minutes of warning time while trying to reverify the location would often result in the properly located player not being disconnected and lead to regulators failing only slightly more at having all games played within the borders.

You should let regulators know how important this issue is.

The way it is being done is anal.
03-21-2015 , 03:01 PM
Well, first, the pinging becomes more frequent the closer you are to a border so there's less of a chance of that happening and precisely for the scenario provided.

Second, it seems the position taken by regulators has been better to be safe than sorry. For instance, in NJ, when gaming original launched they dialed in the borders away from the actual borders which meant that people too close to the border couldn't connect at all. As they became more comfortable that the technology was working, they allowed the border to expand out.

Originally Posted by scaryfast
If someone is playing within the border and then becomes unverified because they made a mad dash and are now playing outside the border, it seems likely, to me, that they probably played a hand or two while not being contained within the borders.

Therefore, the regulators have failed at keeping the games within the

With the current system, when someone is verified within the borders and then becomes unverified, it is much more likely that the technology has failed than that the player has crossed the border.

It seems, to me, that giving players 10 or 20 minutes of warning time while trying to reverify the location would often result in the properly located player not being disconnected and lead to regulators failing only slightly more at having all games played within the borders.

You should let regulators know how important this issue is.

The way it is being done is anal.
03-21-2015 , 03:31 PM
If it is so important for the regulators to be safe than sorry then they need to take full responsibility for their policies by reimbursing players for money lost due to these stringent policies. The regulators have seem to have completely forgotten that they are also there to protect players' money.
03-21-2015 , 04:47 PM
Here we go again. Over and over getting kicked off the site. I am 7 miles from the border and now you tell me tough luck. I am in reno with a wifi range extender and wifi all around me and you can't keep me connected. Bull
03-21-2015 , 04:50 PM
Please explain how it is that I can be verified for hours and then all of a sudden not verified.
03-21-2015 , 04:56 PM
Bill, would our best bet be to (in mass) contact NGC. and voice our problem to them as they are the final stop ? They can push buttons that perhaps WSOP can't. Just a thought
03-24-2015 , 08:01 AM
since the update......something has obviously changed. the geolocation rules have not changed. therefore, geolocation cannot be blamed. the software is the problem. widespread similarities statewide. giving players a timebank to get back on would solve the problem, but also fixing the software would as well. i know reimbursing loses is the last thing that wsop would want to do, but the previous poster is correct, our money isn't being protected by this system.
03-24-2015 , 04:14 PM
Every day this happens. Something has to be done. I don't want to hear That you are sorry, I want to hear that you are going to work on this problem untill it is resolved. This is what any responsible company would do and tell it's customers that WSOP will move heaven and earth untill it is corrected. I don't want to hear that it is out of your hands that is a cop out. I spent 40yrs in business and not once did I ever tell a customer (suck it up) if you can't fix the problem yourself then go to whom ever can, but get the job done.
03-27-2015 , 12:24 AM
I am having the same problems while hardwired using COX service. About once per hour connected. Pretty weak sauce. Also bring back 6 max plo8!
03-27-2015 , 12:37 PM
03-27-2015 , 01:14 PM
Since the last update I've occasionally gotten the can't locate message and I am in henderson nv
03-27-2015 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by WSOPBill
Again, not our decision to make. The regs spell out everything from how frequently we check geolocation information to what we have to do once we get a geolocation failure.

Like I said in a previous post (and in several previous threads), I'm sympathetic to the frustration and I know nobody wants to hear that there's nothing that we can do. There's no magic setting to get tweaked or no bug to fix.

I mean, it's obviously in our best interests to offer the best playing experience we can. We don't benefit in any way from removing people from games.

But, at the same time, being legal and regulated comes with responsibilities. The regulators have to keep gaming contained to their borders.

That said, the WiFi geolocation technology has been much more reliable than what we originally had with the cellular geolocation. So things do improve and we expect the technologies to keep improving.
Do you get daily reports on geo location failures ? Has anything changed since the update?

While you may be regulated by gaming commission rules, you are certainly not regulated by your geo location service vendors.

Roll back the update if there is a problem with it.

How about upper management get a little more proactively involved with day to day operations.
03-27-2015 , 02:27 PM
