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Changes in SNG Leaderboard structure? Changes in SNG Leaderboard structure?

03-14-2015 , 02:48 PM
Does anyone else think that the SNG leaderboards need to be changed? The current SNG leaderboard is always taken over by the high stakes regs. These $200+ skill level players take all the money from the low and medium stakes to. I feel that this discourages casuals and new players from even trying to play the low stakes and medium stakes games. Who wants to play a $10 SNG against 3-4 $50-$200 regs? WSOP is ignoring this problem, and this promo is only beneficial to a few players. Realistically the only players that will benefit from this promo: the ones that mass multi table all week(don't care about profit, just leader board points), and the players that have a positive ROI but only play 2-4 tables at once. The latter only have a shot at 5-10 even if they play all week.
03-14-2015 , 04:56 PM
This is a bit tangential, so forgive me. I personally like level field playing promos, but these almost never happen (as you said, almost all the promos are geared toward higher stakes players). That's why I was so surprised to see (after the site had been up nearly 18 months) the short-handed leaderboard promo which was based solely on hands played short-handed.

As a long time cash game starter who has been buried alive in rake even at micro levels, it was nice to see something like this. They, of course, took away my main game during the promo so I had to play something else. Regardless of that, it's nice to see a promo that rewards pure volume on a level playing field. Based on how successful it was for microstakes grinders, I doubt they'll do another one like it any time soon.
03-14-2015 , 06:01 PM
I've talked about the SNG leaderboards a bunch of time during my live stream on twitch and I believe you are pretty spot on OP. A quick simple fix is to only be eligible for one leaderboard, but I don't see that happening. WSOP seems to be sacrificing long term growth for simple short term profit.
03-14-2015 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Jermz
I've talked about the SNG leaderboards a bunch of time during my live stream on twitch and I believe you are pretty spot on OP. A quick simple fix is to only be eligible for one leaderboard, but I don't see that happening. WSOP seems to be sacrificing long term growth for simple short term profit.
Right, clearly something needs to be changed. There shouldn't be $200 regs constantly playing $5-$10 SNGs and turning off new players. WSOP basically has a monopoly on the SNGs until Borg/Party does something. Borg/Party can give WSOP good competition by offering weekly payouts instead of bi-weekly. No one wants to constantly play sngs for two weeks and then get rewarded. They would have had more interest last time if they had it per week. They also have better payout structures for the SNGs. WSOP offers 70/30 which is way too top heavy. Clearly WSOP needs to make some SNG changes, before Borgata takes their players.
03-14-2015 , 08:15 PM
I'm sort of in the middle on this issue. I'm in fourth place in POY, & I often finish 2-4 on the high SnG leaderboard. I am usually in the top 10 on the mid & the low. If higher stakes players were excluded from the lower tier leaderboards, the site would probably lose money because many middle to higher stakes players would avoid the low and mid level SnG. I don't see WSOP doing that. I enjoy playing against the highest ranked players on the site, but I also enjoy playing against unknown players. I try to limit myself to 6 SnG's at a time. Players that are playing just 1 or 2 SnG at a time can focus more on each table, & perhaps even play a more effective poker game. Last Sunday, I played in 117 SnG across all 3 levels, usually playing 6 tables at a time. I would suggest leaving things the way they are for now. You get 2,000 chips & there are 6 players. You need to finish 1st & 2nd often enough to stay in the game. You need to play within your bankroll(50-100 buyins). And you must keep your emotions in check, If you do all that you have a chance to make money over the long term. SnG money & rakeback should add to your revenue each week. If we are playing together in a $5 or $10 SnG, you have as good of a chance to win as any other player. Even bballwiz and phatdaddy, who are ranked highest on POY and on the SnG most weeks, are beatable players. They are dedicated players, but they can be beaten. You just have to play correctly and wait for good things to happen.

P.S. please consider joining As many of you know, the Federal Government is considering outlawing online poker in this country. If H.R. 707 passes & becomes law, regulated online poker (including NJ, NV, & DE) will be banned in the United States. for more information, please visit A nationwide online poker ban is a real threat to our freedom and our liberty.
03-20-2015 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Trix1969
I'm sort of in the middle on this issue. I'm in fourth place in POY, & I often finish 2-4 on the high SnG leaderboard. I am usually in the top 10 on the mid & the low. If higher stakes players were excluded from the lower tier leaderboards, the site would probably lose money because many middle to higher stakes players would avoid the low and mid level SnG. I don't see WSOP doing that. I enjoy playing against the highest ranked players on the site, but I also enjoy playing against unknown players. I try to limit myself to 6 SnG's at a time. Players that are playing just 1 or 2 SnG at a time can focus more on each table, & perhaps even play a more effective poker game. Last Sunday, I played in 117 SnG across all 3 levels, usually playing 6 tables at a time. I would suggest leaving things the way they are for now. You get 2,000 chips & there are 6 players. You need to finish 1st & 2nd often enough to stay in the game. You need to play within your bankroll(50-100 buyins). And you must keep your emotions in check, If you do all that you have a chance to make money over the long term. SnG money & rakeback should add to your revenue each week. If we are playing together in a $5 or $10 SnG, you have as good of a chance to win as any other player. Even bballwiz and phatdaddy, who are ranked highest on POY and on the SnG most weeks, are beatable players. They are dedicated players, but they can be beaten. You just have to play correctly and wait for good things to happen.

P.S. please consider joining As many of you know, the Federal Government is considering outlawing online poker in this country. If H.R. 707 passes & becomes law, regulated online poker (including NJ, NV, & DE) will be banned in the United States. for more information, please visit A nationwide online poker ban is a real threat to our freedom and our liberty.
If this happens I will move my entire family out of this country. The erosions of rights are getting to the point of absurdity.
03-23-2015 , 04:31 PM
SinisterSqueeze: Sheldon Adelson has purchased members of congress to try to eliminate online poker in the U.S. Please visit and please consider completing The Daily Action Plan - to preserve our right to play online poker in NJ, NV, DE, and also in the 47 other states that may also pass regulated online poker laws. If RAWA, HR 707 becomes law, then it's game over. I urge you to take action now, to step up, and help prevent the ban. Please visit for more information.
03-27-2015 , 04:34 PM
Why no changes for April?!!!!

These SNG leader boards are terrible. At least change the payouts or something. Placing high on the leaderboard and making a profit is very very hard. The 6 max payouts are just terrible at 70/30. Any multi tabler is screwed at these payouts. Make it 65/35 and you will see more action WSOP. Why do you think some players STILL prefer playing Borgata over WSOP for SNGs? It is because of the better payouts!!
04-01-2015 , 03:22 PM
I like the idea of only being eligible for one leader board at a time.
I'm surprised that WSOP being a big name in poker and the best site in Nevada, that things are not rock solid smooth. Do they listen to their small player base regarding improvements at all?

I have only been on the site for a short time but think it could be miles better than its current state.

Maybe a good idea would be to hire actual online players to advise the dev team on software functionality for the greater good of even the casual player.
04-01-2015 , 04:40 PM
SinisterSqueeze & Dough4Hoes: The site would lose too much rake if high limit players weren't allowed to compete on the mid and low leaderboards. Less SNG would run across all levels, killing approximately half the action. It would make the SNG promotion unprofitable, resulting in the leaderboards being reduced again, and probably resulting in the SNG leaderboard promotion being cancelled - a result that no one wants.

Like I said in an earlier post, the current system is fair for all the players. All players can compete in all 3 leaderboards. Players like BBallwiz & Phatdaddy earn the most money each week in the leaderboard promotion, (I usually earn 3rd or 4th most in NJ each week) but those two players play the most SNG, they pay the most rake, and they are very good at what they do. Playing against highly robust competition can work to transform you into a better player - if you are willing to do what's necessary to improve.

P.S. please consider joining As many of you know, the Federal Government is considering outlawing online poker in this country. If H.R. 707 passes & becomes law, regulated online poker (including NJ, NV, & DE) will be banned in the United States. for more information, please visit A nationwide online poker ban is a real threat to our freedom and our liberty.
