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Tight fold Tight fold

05-27-2012 , 04:53 AM
Villain was 29/22 with 3b% of 18 in 516 hands

- 3b KQo vs UTG raise 5 handed and cbets flop and turn , chks riv UI on 9h5c9d4dJs board
- does 3b AQo in BB and other strong hands. Didn't see a JTs or something for not only having other hands in his 3b range in BB.



Preflop: Hero is MP with T T
UTG folds, Hero raises, 2 folds, SB 3-bets, BB folds, Hero calls

Flop: (7 SB) 3 Q A (2 players)
SB bets, Hero folds

- Title speaks for itself: I am winning from 44-99, JK but nothing more right, or
is this enough to see at least the river and his actions.
05-27-2012 , 09:01 AM
imo u can peel one and reevaluate turn since with only 88+, AQ+ from villain , ure at near 30% with position, if u think smaller pp than 88 3bet, easy call flop
05-27-2012 , 02:09 PM
Call-call-fold seems about right given the indicators of a wide 3b'ing range.
05-27-2012 , 04:11 PM
Most bet flop 100% here so you beat a fair bit of hands still on this flop. So I would say folding is definitely a small mistake.
Agree that call-call-fold seems likely to be best. Although vs some who prefer to get defensive with a weak pair or K-high on turn you could likely make a fold on turn if he bets then.
