I was playing with the stove trying to find the ranges that I should 3bet a pf raiser. I just want to check if what I was doing is correct, and also ask some questions
CO raises 30% of his hands. That is 55+,A2s+,K5s+,Q7s+,J8s+,T8s+,98As,A7o+,A5o,K9o+,Q9 o+,J9o+,T9o
If I 3bet from the button with 66+,A5s+,K9s+,Q9s+,JTs,ATo+,KTo+,QTo+
I have 55% equity against CO range.
My question is : is 55% a good guideline for "re-stealing" or its too loose ? Are the "bottom" hands like QTo ,JTs profitable enough to reraise with?
it looks like you've stoved your entire range of 3betting hands against villains opening range, which won't be particularly useful.
when considering a 3bet you are interested in the equity of the specific hand you hold vs villains opening range. for example, A5s has 48.7% vs. the range you provided. this may or may not be enough depending on other factors such as your position, number and tendencies of players yet to act, your postflop skill level compared to the openers, etc.
iirc there is some good discussion on constructing a 3betting range in Winning in Tough Holdem Games.