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Overplayed top pair? Overplayed top pair?

11-24-2007 , 06:52 AM
Villain came to the table short stacked (10 BB) and has yet to play a hand.

PokerStars 1/2 Hold'em (6 handed) Poker Stars Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)

Preflop: Hero is UTG with J, A.
Hero raises, 4 folds, BB calls.

Flop: (4.50 SB) 5, J, 5 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets, BB raises, Hero 3-bets, BB caps, Hero calls.

Turn: (6.25 BB) 3 (2 players)
BB bets, Hero calls.

River: (8.25 BB) 9 (2 players)
BB bets $2 (All-In), Hero calls.

Final Pot: 10.25 BB

I feel that I overplayed the flop and I think the call down might have been pretty standard.

Any opinions on the matter?
11-24-2007 , 07:03 AM
The call-down is fine, maybe calling down after the c/r is a possibility since he could be bluffing on this ragged board and you don't want to fold that. Since I don't think he's capping a worse J you only lose 1 sb when that's the case and you neglect to 3-bet.

FWIW, I never trust people buying in for the lowest amount permited. How does other people view this?

Last thing, he bought in for 10$ - 5 BBs right?
11-24-2007 , 07:31 AM
The call-down is fine, maybe calling down after the c/r is a possibility since he could be bluffing on this ragged board and you don't want to fold that. Since I don't think he's capping a worse J you only lose 1 sb when that's the case and you neglect to 3-bet.

FWIW, I never trust people buying in for the lowest amount permited. How does other people view this?

Last thing, he bought in for 10$ - 5 BBs right?
Oops, my bad. Yeah, bought in for $10.
11-24-2007 , 08:24 AM
Seems like a good spot to call flop and turn and raise the river. You maximize value against bluffs and with his stack size he can't 3-bet the river if he's ahead.

This might actually be the best line against an opponnent with a full stack, at least if you think he's sane enough, that you can raise/fold the river.

Being really worried about being behind, when he raises the flop is weak/tight thinking. Sure it's possible, but in reality not that likely (meaning it's a lot more likely you're still ahead). There's a lot of weaker jacks, pocketpairs, acehigh hands and pure bluffs, and people often wait for the turn with trips.
11-26-2007 , 01:45 PM
I haven't gotten back to this in a bit, but villain has 53o for fives full boat.

I didn't like the flop cap. I figured he'd call a 3-bet with any top pair hand, some pocket pairs and ace high. I figured I was at best splitting the pot when he capped.
11-27-2007 , 06:16 AM
that only shows that he had garbage and would have gotten it in with some pp also
