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***** Official SSSHLHE Stats Thread ***** ***** Official SSSHLHE Stats Thread *****

07-08-2009 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by timoK
is your W$SD incredible high?
Yes it is. But I do think it is suitable for the games I play. Perhaps it is a notch too high since I probably should go to showdown some more.

EDIT: These were my stats for 2007-2008 (which I found at Photobucket) and with a 26/18 (not filtered)style. 2009 I have stats around 30/22 (not filtered) which has lowered my W$SD to 55.6%.

My point is that your BB stats is a result of which environment you play in. Every free walk in the BB means roughly 0.20 BB/100 extra profit.
So you cannot say that a certain BB stat is impossible to reach or that a certain figure is standard since we all play in different games and we all spend a different amount of time on table selection.
Or we have different priorities when it comes to table selection

Last edited by Apanage; 07-08-2009 at 10:49 AM.
07-08-2009 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Apanage
EDIT: These were my stats for 2007-2008 (which I found at Photobucket) and with a 26/18 (not filtered)style. 2009 I have stats around 30/22 (not filtered) which has lowered my W$SD to 55.6%.
as this is the stats threat are there any other opinions about this?
does anybody else think you can achieve 55.6% W$ST?

because mine is alway because mine is always slightly below 50% and I still make m00nies
07-08-2009 , 01:53 PM
Timo, back when I played 44/20 in 2/4, my W$SD was slightly less than 50%, but I was making oodles. Nowadays it's around 52%. Not sure how 56% is sustainable without missing value somewhere.
07-08-2009 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by timoK
as this is the stats threat are there any other opinions about this?
does anybody else think you can achieve 55.6% W$ST?

because mine is alway because mine is always slightly below 50% and I still make m00nies
Seriously why do you ask? My sample is over 350K and a W$Sd of over 57.5%.
Of course it is sustainable if your goal just is to be a 1BB-1.5 BB/100 winner. Sure it is from 2007 and 2008 but I find ten tables every day that looks like those days.
That doesn't in anyway mean it is optimal. I'm probably losing value in some hands.

And also If you look at GianthBuddhas OP that started this thread you can see that he too had a very high W$SD.
His samples are not very big, but you can see that his W$SD is 54.88% in his 5/10 example playing 29/21 and it is a whopping 57.82 % playing 23/16 at 3/6.

I'm just guessing but I think the differences in our W$SD stats depends on:

1) How high your VPIP are.
2) Table selection. The more loose passives the higher W$SD.
3) Styles differences

Last edited by Apanage; 07-08-2009 at 02:30 PM.
07-08-2009 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Apanage
My point is that your BB stats is a result of which environment you play in. Every free walk in the BB means roughly 0.20 BB/100 extra profit.
So you cannot say that a certain BB stat is impossible to reach or that a certain figure is standard since we all play in different games and we all spend a different amount of time on table selection.
Or we have different priorities when it comes to table selection
While this is certainly true, the number of players is one of the most relevant conditions of that environment. The majority of hands in your sample were 5-max. There are about twice as many hands dealt with 4 players than with 6 players. The fewer players at the table, the smaller your BB loss rate should be.
07-08-2009 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by GiantBuddha
While this is certainly true, the number of players is one of the most relevant conditions of that environment. The majority of hands in your sample were 5-max. There are about twice as many hands dealt with 4 players than with 6 players. The fewer players at the table, the smaller your BB loss rate should be.
you both are right for sure.
the fewer people the smaller the lose in the BB is and the lower the VPIP is the higher is your W$SD (and mine is actually a lot higher than yours)
07-08-2009 , 07:14 PM
This Year - 90% Full Tilt (filtered 4-6 players)

1. Am I going to get run over at 3/6+?
2. I know I'm too tight...but am I being especially too nitty in EP?
3. Unusually low StdDev? (not that it matters probably, just a curiosity)
4. Any other comments/suggestions would be helpfull.
07-08-2009 , 07:20 PM
No you are not. But as you move up it will gradually be harder for you to win with that style.

One major leak btw is your 3bet percentages. These should not be as constant over the positions as they are. 3bet % OTB should be almost twice as high as HJ
07-08-2009 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by Oink
No you are not. But as you move up it will gradually be harder for you to win with that style.

One major leak btw is your 3bet percentages. These should not be as constant over the positions as they are. 3bet % OTB should be almost twice as high as HJ
My HJ 3bet is 12% and my button 3 bet is 16%. It would be suicidal to have a 3 bet of 24%, no?

Maybe I am 3 betting too light in the HJ, or maybe you meant it should be double of what his was (8.2%)?

I agree that with his tighter style he could really change up his play on the button very efficiently. If you are looser and more aggressive in the earlier positions, though, the increase on the button shouldn't be a straight 100% right?
07-08-2009 , 08:02 PM
I cant imgaine 3betting top 12% in the HJ unless UTG is a complete ******. My HJ 3bet% is just below 9. 77, ATs, AJo, KQs is my default range barring any reads
07-08-2009 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Oink
I cant imgaine 3betting top 12% in the HJ unless UTG is a complete ******. My HJ 3bet% is just below 9. 77, ATs, AJo, KQs is my default range barring any reads
Well, I definitely play with a lot of ******s (2/4 and 3/6) and go out of my way to 3 bet isolate against them, and also search and search for tables where I can do this. Still though, perhaps I am 3 betting too light if 9% is the highest you'd go.
07-08-2009 , 08:12 PM
Mine is 11.3% over a pretty big sample and I'm winning at 9.15BB/100 with that. It might have to do with the level we are playing at. I often have position on a spazzy player or a tag who folds too much.

So, earlier I posted how the first 50K hands this year at 35/25 wasn't doing as well as last year when I was playing more of a 32/23 style and within a 95% confidence interval I wasn't even close to the winrate I had last year. Well, the next 70K have been more in line with my previous results. Overall my winrate hasn't gone up though with a more laggy style, but I'm sticking with it since I don't think it's gone down much either. I think I'm just still getting used to it and I still get frustrated too much.
07-09-2009 , 04:33 AM
Has anyone ever checked their Folded Big Blind Not to Steal? I suspect I could be playing too loose against UTG and HJ openers in general but really have no idea. I know where I stand against someone with stats similar to mine, but what about the 23/14 guys or 52/10 droolers? I'm also not sure how things change if say a TAG opens UTG and some complete chimp calls OTB. It seems like my range shifts a bit in this situation to things that are more playable multiway like the connectors or suited gappers.
07-09-2009 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by RonMexico
Has anyone ever checked their Folded Big Blind Not to Steal? I suspect I could be playing too loose against UTG and HJ openers in general but really have no idea. I know where I stand against someone with stats similar to mine, but what about the 23/14 guys or 52/10 droolers? I'm also not sure how things change if say a TAG opens UTG and some complete chimp calls OTB. It seems like my range shifts a bit in this situation to things that are more playable multiway like the connectors or suited gappers.
I think this is a leak for a lot of TAGs (calling too much in the BB against early position raises from good and/or tight players). Things like small suited connectors aren't great hands in that spot for example, but they rarely fold them. Also, hands like Kxs, Axo and even JTo/T9o. You get a decent price on them, but you have little implied odds and usually reverse implied odds. Also, the rake is consideration in that spot.
07-09-2009 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by timoK
as this is the stats threat are there any other opinions about this?
does anybody else think you can achieve 55.6% W$ST?

because mine is alway because mine is always slightly below 50% and I still make m00nies
Yeah, I'm super jealous of those W$SD stats. Heck, I'd settle for 50%. Here are my stats for the year (filtered for 5-6 handed). My ATSB is 53% and FBBTS is 24%.

07-09-2009 , 12:42 PM
UTG looks a little too loose, unless you're playing in a 2/3 structure. There should be more of a gap between UTG and HJ UO PFR%, imo. CO may be a little loose, too, unless you're vigilant about tightening up when the BTN is aggressive. BTN looks good, although in comparison to your other positions, it actually looks tight to me. If you can open 43% profitably from the CO, I feel like you should be able to open ~70%+ from the BTN. HJ 3-bet looks a little high, too. WTSD/W$SD looks extremely showdown bound, but it could be indicative of a hyper aggressive, strong W$w/oSD style.

I would take a look at calldowns that are bordering on hopeless, as well as UTG and CO opening ranges. I don't think any of these things are necessarily out of line, and your overall strategy seems to be successful.
07-09-2009 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by GiantBuddha
UTG looks a little too loose, unless you're playing in a 2/3 structure. There should be more of a gap between UTG and HJ UO PFR%, imo. CO may be a little loose, too, unless you're vigilant about tightening up when the BTN is aggressive. BTN looks good, although in comparison to your other positions, it actually looks tight to me. If you can open 43% profitably from the CO, I feel like you should be able to open ~70%+ from the BTN. HJ 3-bet looks a little high, too. WTSD/W$SD looks extremely showdown bound, but it could be indicative of a hyper aggressive, strong W$w/oSD style.

I would take a look at calldowns that are bordering on hopeless, as well as UTG and CO opening ranges. I don't think any of these things are necessarily out of line, and your overall strategy seems to be successful.
Thanks GiantBuddha. What does W$w/oSD mean? I think I do make too many calldowns (probably why my W$SD is so low) and probably defend my BB too much (is 24% way too low? I notice most people don't lose as much as I do in the BB).
07-09-2009 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by nickabourisk
Thanks GiantBuddha. What does W$w/oSD mean? I think I do make too many calldowns (probably why my W$SD is so low) and probably defend my BB too much (is 24% way too low? I notice most people don't lose as much as I do in the BB).
Won Cash Without Showdown. If you graph your winnings and click "showdown winnings," there will be a red line and a green line. The green line is how much you win at showdown. The red line is how much you lose when hands don't go to showdown. This is typical for a 6-max player. In HU, the red line is often positive and the green line negative. Having high W$woSD generally means that you're stealing a lot of pots.

Your SB and BB loss rates are both rather high. 24% is a way low FBBTS (in HEM, in PT3 it's more reasonable). I'm not convinced that it's bad, but you have to play very well postflop to make it profitable. What's your FSBTS?
07-09-2009 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by GiantBuddha
Won Cash Without Showdown. If you graph your winnings and click "showdown winnings," there will be a red line and a green line. The green line is how much you win at showdown. The red line is how much you lose when hands don't go to showdown. This is typical for a 6-max player. In HU, the red line is often positive and the green line negative. Having high W$woSD generally means that you're stealing a lot of pots.

Your SB and BB loss rates are both rather high. 24% is a way low FBBTS (in HEM, in PT3 it's more reasonable). I'm not convinced that it's bad, but you have to play very well postflop to make it profitable. What's your FSBTS?
Ah, I see. How do people normally represent their W$w/oSD number (BB/100)? Based on the graph, mine is about -3.1 BB/100.

My FSBTS is 74%. What sort of SB/BB loss rates should I be aiming for? What about FSBTS/FBBTS?

07-09-2009 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by Absolution
I think this is a leak for a lot of TAGs (calling too much in the BB against early position raises from good and/or tight players). Things like small suited connectors aren't great hands in that spot for example, but they rarely fold them. Also, hands like Kxs, Axo and even JTo/T9o. You get a decent price on them, but you have little implied odds and usually reverse implied odds. Also, the rake is consideration in that spot.
If you filter for 6 handed, 1 raiser (early position) and you are in BB, what type of VPIP are you showing?
07-10-2009 , 11:43 AM
This is the first 10,000 hands I've played since I read this thread and realized I should loosen up (I previously was 25/18.5). It's 2/4 with a couple K of 3/6, and there was a 180BB downswing toward the end. It's filtered for 5-6 players.

Do you see leaks and weirdness? Any positives? The WTSD seems pretty low, especially in the BB? And I don't know what to make of my 3bet PF stats. In the BB, I've been leaning toward just calling many attacks.

Thank you!

07-11-2009 , 06:14 PM
Good evening all (well, it is evening here over in the UK anyhow)

This is my very first and most likely not the last stat post I have made, i've now reached my first 10k hands at 6H LHE.

I would like some honest feedback on where i'm at stats wise, although it's a relativly small sampe size any possible leaks I would like to work on now rather than later.

For ease of knowing more about my stats here is a summary of what i'm doing and what I know:

- All of these hands are 6H LHE played on Stars
- Over 90% of them are at $0.25/$.50, only the first 900 or so hands were at lower limits
- I've been playing for around 2 months now and settled on Short handed around a month ago (when I started this graph)
- I've joined Deuces cracked, posted hands and done my research
- I play 1 or 2 tables max at one time to maximise my bb/100

Stats as follows:

My summery is to be honest i've been feeling frustrated in the last 3k hands or so, not just because it's a breakeven/loosing stretch (abliet short I know) but that i'm getting shafted for rakeback at this limit and am trying to build my BR to $500 so I have enough for the $0.50/$1.00 level where rakeback in terms of fpp's is semi-decent - I got around 150 fpp's for playing these 10k hands and I want to go up like yesterday. Perhaps I need to work on my patience more than anything?

I'm looking foward to your feedback
07-12-2009 , 02:35 AM
Why would you grind low limits without Rakeback???

Full Tilt for smaller limits ALL the way. 27% is too much to give up at small stakes LHE.
07-12-2009 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by GootRuck
Why would you grind low limits without Rakeback???

Full Tilt for smaller limits ALL the way. 27% is too much to give up at small stakes LHE.
Thanks for the advice, I will consider that. I was thinking of doing it but the recent problems at FT put me off a little, perhaps my next 10k hands will be played there.

Any advice on my stats would be most appreciated.

07-12-2009 , 04:24 AM
I think your stats look pretty good. As you gain more and more experience you should try to loosen up a little probably, but dont worry about that yet.
Work on hand reading. Put people on ranges and try to maximize EV vs that range etc.

Then take shots at higher limits aggressively if you can afford to redeposit. At Stars you should try to get to at least 2/4 as fast as possible
