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***** Official SSSHLHE Stats Thread ***** ***** Official SSSHLHE Stats Thread *****

07-23-2012 , 02:31 PM
too tight/passive. Preflop play more hands: 28-35 vpip, and 3 bet like twice as much. More aggression postflop something like 49-55 AGG%. Go to showdown quite a bit more.
08-07-2012 , 09:56 PM
I would like to ask winning players.....
1) what winrate do you have on BB when you defend the big bling versus 1 raiser excluding small blind position....
in holdem manager:
posiiton - big blind
1 raiser
position of first raiser (all besides small blind)

2)your winrate on BB vs SB (no HU)
players - more than 2
position - big blind
1 raiser
posiiton of first raiser - small blind

thank you
08-13-2012 , 11:16 AM
What's a good range for River AFq? I see a lot of tag/lagtags whose flop and turn AFqs are in the high 40s/50s but then their River AFq drops into the mid 30s or even lower. My own is about 37 and I think I'm too passive on the river.
09-07-2012 , 03:39 PM

I recently started playing poker again after several years of not playing / playing casually. I have logged about around 5k hands on stars playing 0.25/0.50 6-max.

I have spent alot of time the past 3-4 weeks reading pokermaterial and watching ducescracked movies.

I have completed:

Limit hold'em: Winning short-handed strategy
The Theory of poker
Small stakes hold'em: winning big with expert play
and Lee Jones winning low limit holdem

and i think i understand most concepts and have been trying to play accordingly. I might have started a bit early playing, cuz i felt i did too many mistakes in the first 1000 hands, but as i felt i started playing better, the results are not agreeing with me at all.

I then decided to ask here if anyone would be kind enough to take a look at the pictures i took from pokertracker and tell me what i might look into to fix my play. I dont know any pokerplayers irl, so i have no other place to turn for help

Here we go:

My "profit-graph"


Complete stats:

Positional stats:

Day by day:

There we go, if I should supply any other info plz let me know, and i would be eternally grateful for ANY help that can stop my bankroll from running out :P

09-07-2012 , 05:42 PM
i dont get to press the edit button anymore, but here are some more stats :O
09-08-2012 , 05:12 AM
5k is a really small sample, but to start:

* You are too tight/passive pf.
* You need to defend the BB like 30% more and the sb at least 7% more.
* You're showing down too much post.
* You're cBetting the flop much too little.
* You're folding the flop to cBet too much.
* You need to 3b more.

Try to work on these things over the next 30-40k and see where you are.
09-11-2012 , 05:12 AM

I'm hoping someone can explain to me why/how my standard deviation is/could be so low with such a low WR? Filtered for 5-6 handed. thanks for any help.

09-11-2012 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by 'Toyevski'sTheGamb

I'm hoping someone can explain to me why/how my standard deviation is/could be so low with such a low WR? Filtered for 5-6 handed. thanks for any help.

While winrate and sd depend to a degree on some of the same factors, there's not any kind of direct linear relationship. Your sd is likely low because you're too tight/passive.

Last edited by Leader; 10-09-2012 at 04:54 AM.
09-11-2012 , 07:39 AM
That sounds like me. Thanks for the answer!
09-16-2012 , 08:15 AM
I'm watching the new CR vid from 'jacksup' and he says we should flop cbet HU from C/O 95%, HU from BTN 85%, and HU from the SB 90%. What do people here think about these numbers? Also, what is a good overall total flop cbet % these days?
10-09-2012 , 02:17 AM
Hey not sure if this thread is still giving out advice il give it a shot. Just started playing 6max Limit holdem i am already a winning HU player over a few years so hoping i should catch on quickly i have played 2500 hands over the last couple days, watched videos and made charts etc. I ofc know this is a very small hand sample but just wanted to know if my stats had any major leaks so far. Advice would be appreciated.

10-09-2012 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by Deal8888
Hey not sure if this thread is still giving out advice il give it a shot. Just started playing 6max Limit holdem i am already a winning HU player over a few years so hoping i should catch on quickly i have played 2500 hands over the last couple days, watched videos and made charts etc. I ofc know this is a very small hand sample but just wanted to know if my stats had any major leaks so far. Advice would be appreciated.

You're too tight/passive pf. You also need to stop cold calling. You're flop cBet is way too low. As a beginning player at 6m your strategy should be pretty simple. CBet 100% HU. CBet almost always 3w. For example, you should only check things like JT on 765. CBet less 4w+ unless you think you have the best hand or the board smashes your range. You might have some other issues, but you'll have to fix these first because they will effect other stats.
10-09-2012 , 03:58 PM
Hey Leader thx for your advice.

Ive been opening my hand ranges more and more so i guess il add some more, would you have any numbers that i could aim for hitting i find i learn more that way such as 34/23 etc. My total cold calling 11 percent what would be a more optimal percentage?

My cbet i think has been affected because i have been C/R a ton as players bet such a large percent when you check, though i still will increase my cbet 3way pots. C betting in limit in just so diff like i feel like people are just never folding weather its 1 or 3 barrels, basically only folding missed non SD hands by river. Thx again really is appreciated
10-09-2012 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by Deal8888
Hey Leader thx for your advice.

Ive been opening my hand ranges more and more so i guess il add some more, would you have any numbers that i could aim for hitting i find i learn more that way such as 34/23 etc. My total cold calling 11 percent what would be a more optimal percentage?
Would probably be best if you didn't call as your first pre-flop action outside of defending the BB vs a single raise and completing the small blind vs limps unless there are three or more players already committed to the pot.

There are some limited exceptions, but imo there not that significant.

My cbet i think has been affected because i have been C/R a ton as players bet such a large percent when you check, though i still will increase my cbet 3way pots.
While I can't cite direct evidence that your strategy is -EV, I would say that it's very non-standard and I can't recall from my analysis of players any top-level players that take that strategy.

C betting in limit in just so diff like i feel like people are just never folding weather its 1 or 3 barrels, basically only folding missed non SD hands by river. Thx again really is appreciated
It's important to account for the odds you're getting, your equity, and your fold equity you gain on future streets when looking at these spots. I think you need to be careful not to make too broad of an assumption about players as well. It's one thing to make these kind of adjustments when you have a specific read, although even that would be a pretty rare event, but it's another to make these kind of changes as a default. The latter requires you to gather evidence that on average your opponents have a flawed approach and that flaw is enough to change your default. Without experience, that is borderline impossible.
10-12-2012 , 04:20 AM

Hey Leader this is me now at 5700 hands i took all your advice and after playing more hands i take back a lot of my thoughts about c betting and game play. My cold call is still high but its all from BB which ive been defending alot against Btn and SB. Are my stats still showing big leaks? Btw i wont be doing this every few thousand hands i do like your advice just wont be exploiting it. Thx again
10-12-2012 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Deal8888

Hey Leader this is me now at 5700 hands i took all your advice and after playing more hands i take back a lot of my thoughts about c betting and game play. My cold call is still high but its all from BB which ive been defending alot against Btn and SB. Are my stats still showing big leaks? Btw i wont be doing this every few thousand hands i do like your advice just wont be exploiting it. Thx again
Flop c-bet should be much higher imo, turn seems fine. As mentioned, it's important to consider how your fold equity on later streets increases when you c-bet flop, (turn and river).

It could also be useful to post your blind defense stats.
10-12-2012 , 01:33 PM
Hey Mao thx for your comments, what would be the best filters to use in Holdem manger 2 to show the info for BB? Yeah its gradually going up it was like 60 percent so itl even out over another 5k hands or so.

Should i expect my win rate to drop over time my understanding is over 2bbs is runnin hot?
10-12-2012 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Deal8888
Hey Mao thx for your comments, what would be the best filters to use in Holdem manger 2 to show the info for BB? Yeah its gradually going up it was like 60 percent so itl even out over another 5k hands or so.

Should i expect my win rate to drop over time my understanding is over 2bbs is runnin hot?
It's been some time since I used HM but there should be some stats called "fold BB/SB to steal" or similar. In regard to c-bets I'm definitely no expert but for reference, my c-bet flop is around 97.5%.

Well you should expect your win rate to fluctuate a lot, 2bbs/100 (1BB/100) is a very decent (if true) win rate.
10-12-2012 , 03:04 PM

Ok so this is BB defend vs steal i think, really not sure if looks right? Not use to filters.

Yeah that has just been over 6k hands that win rate so i expect it will drop and even out over alot of hands. Thats a high cbet dont think mine will go that high.
10-12-2012 , 10:33 PM
Hi, I'm new to this forum. Just wanted some advice. Just started playing 100 NL 6 max games this week. These stats are 90% in Zoom 0.50/1 NL.

10-12-2012 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by iCanucks88
Hi, I'm new to this forum. Just wanted some advice. Just started playing 100 NL 6 max games this week. These stats are 90% in Zoom 0.50/1 NL.

Whoops sorry guys, wasn't aware of the "Limit Texas Hold'em" part :P
10-13-2012 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by iCanucks88
Whoops sorry guys, wasn't aware of the "Limit Texas Hold'em" part :P
Some decent stats didn't think zoom was be that tight pre flop gl
10-13-2012 , 11:02 PM
I assume it's not normal to lose that much in the blinds lol
10-14-2012 , 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by Deal8888

Hey Leader this is me now at 5700 hands i took all your advice and after playing more hands i take back a lot of my thoughts about c betting and game play. My cold call is still high but its all from BB which ive been defending alot against Btn and SB. Are my stats still showing big leaks? Btw i wont be doing this every few thousand hands i do like your advice just wont be exploiting it. Thx again
Well I think you need to play about a 10k sample excluding the hands from before. Things look like they are heading in the right direction, but it's hard to say whether they are reasonably correct with the previous hands in the sample.
10-14-2012 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by Leader
Well I think you need to play about a 10k sample excluding the hands from before. Things look like they are heading in the right direction, but it's hard to say whether they are reasonably correct with the previous hands in the sample.
Cool on 7.5k hands now so il get it to 15-20k then re-access thx again
