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***Official SSSH LC/NC Thread for September*** ***Official SSSH LC/NC Thread for September***

09-01-2011 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by JDalla
it hurts me to admit this, but since u always tell it like it is and don't hide from the truth I'm inspired to man up to the truth.

I'm really suffering financially right now. shelling out for a hotel room would be like waaay too much of my bankroll. thankfully, I have friends (and siblings) that live close enough to commerce that I can grind out a few free days on various couches. my trick is I make them think that it's normal for poker players to do this, vaguely implying that I might one day let them crash at my house in Vegas (but the joke is on them when they find out I'm actually homeless full time!)

I've never really been too good at poker, I think my problem was I thought about math too much and lacked actual talent. you yourself put it best in your amazing "top 10 in 2010 thread:"
I'm starting to think you are leveling me. You're attempting to mock my poker talent in the same post as you admitting your broke? If your so good at poker why ru broke? I mean its obvious you play poker better than me if you're broke. I try to go broke every day tilting my azz off yet i, so far, am still surviving because of my talent.
09-01-2011 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by Scorcho
10-1 that fishboy posts at least one post in september > 100 words
Winner !!!!!!!!
09-01-2011 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by fishboy
I'm starting to think you are leveling me. You're attempting to mock my poker talent in the same post as you admitting your broke? If your so good at poker why ru broke? I mean its obvious you play poker better than me if you're broke. I try to go broke every day tilting my azz off yet i, so far, am still surviving because of my talent.
I'm starting to think you're the smartest guy around these parts and we could all learn a lot from you.
09-01-2011 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by gameoverjc
This: - goes through my head every time I read a post by fishboy.

I've come to realize what your serious flaw is that makes you imo not a good person/unhappy(good news is you can still change so take my advice).....

Your life is concentrated on trying to impress people, it is a superficial existence. You think happiness is getting people to think you're the best at everything. Example: you once told me you've had sex with more hot chicks than i've paid to talk to me. This is important to you to prove yourself worthy, and to try and make others think you are important.

Another example: i said to you one time "good luck being a shrink" and you came back with something like A SHRINK LOL, SHRINKS GET PAID WAY LESS THAN ME, I AM GOING TO BE A PSYCHIATRIST!!! Like you wanted to make sure the forum knew you were even more important than a shrink (more importantly you wanted them to know you would be making alot more money than the shrink). Its all about status for you, its a horrible way to live.

You need to be happy with YOU, and not worry about wanting to impress people. When you let go of your vanity you will then be on your way to happiness/goodness!!!! And try being a good person to people "treat others the way you like to be treated" and you will find yourself starting to like YOU.
09-01-2011 , 07:58 PM
Now everybody from the 313
Put your mutha******' hands up and follow me,
Everybody from the 313
Put your mutha******' hands up
Look Look...

09-01-2011 , 08:04 PM
You think happiness is getting people to think you're the best at everything.
isnt your whole post pretty hypocritical sense you made a thread about the top 10 players on ftp just to stroke your own ego and get people to talk to you?
09-01-2011 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by gameoverjc
This: - goes through my head every time I read a post by fishboy.
09-01-2011 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
isnt your whole post pretty hypocritical sense you made a thread about the top 10 players on ftp just to stroke your own ego and get people to talk to you?
Ya, and that went well for him
09-01-2011 , 08:11 PM
quite you floozy flea
09-01-2011 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
isnt your whole post pretty hypocritical sense you made a thread about the top 10 players on ftp just to stroke your own ego and get people to talk to you?
lol why are you being such a douche to tuan? He made that post because he was bored and felt like it would be an interesting read. Honestly with his level of talent he was kinda being humble by putting himself down at #7, but he recognizes that since he has the occasional tilt issue he would drop down a few spots. so not only is he extremely talented and extremely humble, but also extremely honest, and extreme douches like you just cant help yourself from running in and smearing him is this how you take out your anger of being made fun of for living with your parents look buddy these guys (the bigger douches and ugly whores like gameomino) are the ones coming after you Tuan's just (SHOCKER COMING ) AN ACTUAL NICE PERSON. btw sorry I called you a douche early in this wall of text but I just like f****g with internet dbags. oh sorry I just did it again that last sentence but really its just because im all riled up and agitated I dont necessary think that about you . anyway, i really dont have time for any of this you guys are just trying to set me off so you can pat each other on the back about it later over beers as you compliment each other on your che guvara tee shirts and attention whoring dress wearing and your nerdy formulas (that like you know, might win you money but will never equal true talent) I'm just glad I have real friends who dont treat me like this, they respect what I have to stay and charge me a modest $40-50 per night to sleep on their couches. (some of us are actual adults and not college douches who drive around with mattresses and care what other people think about us ). I'm just lucky to not care what anyone thinks or says about me, in the end the haters know im right about everything deep down. so yeah, leaving this thread, cant give you dbags too much free life advice, but you'll all thank me when ur older and stop caring so much about impressing your broke insecure friends on the internet.
09-01-2011 , 08:25 PM
Someone recommend me an mtt book for a friend,it's good if it's quite basic too
09-01-2011 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
isnt your whole post pretty hypocritical sense you made a thread about the top 10 players on ftp just to stroke your own ego and get people to talk to you?
Lol no, I knew when i made my original thread of top 10 players that i would be attacked for putting tuanleewannabee on there. I knew people would say he sucks and what not, i just thought it would be fun to put me on there to see what they would say about me. Not to stroke my own ego, how would i be stroking my own ego knowing i would get ripped for it? But even though i knew people would be critical of my list i thought it would be in a fun way discussing tuan and others, but instead they all got their panites in a bunch if they didn't make the list. Many like jdalla, palomino, xerok, gameoverjc acted douchey turning it into an argument instead of some good fun talking bout the players. I am not arrogant, just confident(big difference). And i'm a good person that treats others the way i would like to be treated. And i don't insult and shame others for their shortcomings like gameover and palomino do.

I'm still waiting to see my irrational posts?
09-01-2011 , 08:31 PM
Lol no, I knew when i made my original thread of top 10 players that i would be attacked for putting tuanleewannabee on there
but you still did it to just attention whore and give yourself a reason to tell the world how good you think you are
09-01-2011 , 08:32 PM
Zomg, fireworks week 1, Saturday night.

3 Oregon vs. 4 LSU
09-01-2011 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by skillgambler
Someone recommend me an mtt book for a friend,it's good if it's quite basic too
only 2 options really

1) both Harrington on hold em books
2) Kill Phil followed by Kill Everyone

personally I think (2) is better material, but most of the good stuff comes from the second book, but if you're starting from basics you should read them in that order. But (1) is really solid stuff too. Maybe just read all 4, I mean if you're trying to break into poker in today's day realistically you're going to have to spend a ton of hours studying anyway.
09-01-2011 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by AndyBernard6
Zomg, fireworks week 1, Saturday night.

3 Oregon vs. 4 LSU
Like I need any reminding. I've had a hard on for this game for weeks
09-01-2011 , 08:45 PM
I call my psychiatrist my shrink. Am I doing it wrong.
09-01-2011 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by fishboy
Lol no, I knew when i made my original thread of top 10 players that i would be attacked for putting tuanleewannabee on there. I knew people would say he sucks and what not, i just thought it would be fun to put me on there to see what they would say about me. Not to stroke my own ego, how would i be stroking my own ego knowing i would get ripped for it? But even though i knew people would be critical of my list i thought it would be in a fun way discussing tuan and others, but instead they all got their panites in a bunch if they didn't make the list. Many like jdalla, palomino, xerok, gameoverjc acted douchey turning it into an argument instead of some good fun talking bout the players. I am not arrogant, just confident(big difference). And i'm a good person that treats others the way i would like to be treated. And i don't insult and shame others for their shortcomings like gameover and palomino do.

I'm still waiting to see my irrational posts?
"I'm not an attention whore, I just made that post to get people to talk about me!"
09-01-2011 , 08:51 PM
At this point, I'm not even sure if Tuan is talking about me or just lumping every single player that hated him online into my persona.

Regardless of that, jdalla outdid himself.
09-01-2011 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by gameoverjc
At this point, I'm not even sure if Tuan is talking about me or just lumping every single player that hated him online into my persona.

Regardless of that, jdalla outdid himself.
I'm just excited I made it up to your level of douchiness.
09-01-2011 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
but you still did it to just attention whore and give yourself a reason to tell the world how good you think you are
Like i said no, no matter how many times you say it doesn't mean its true. I did it because 1)i was bored and wanted some gossip 2)wanted to know what other players thought of tuan(the crazy player/maniac) and the other players on my list. 3) thought it would be fun

Unlike most of you i was playing on ftp by myself. I didn't have a bunch of my friends playing the same games so we could discuss players on instant messenger. I didn't know one person playing in the games, so i had no idea what anyone thought of anyone on the lists and was curious.

You make me laugh the when you say "to tell the world how good you think you are". I'm pretty sure YOU, and almost all of your internet buddies are much more full of yourselves than I. When i play live with you you ooze arrogance, but yet your gonna say "how good i think i am"?

Still waiting for the irrational stances?
09-01-2011 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by networth
I call my psychiatrist my shrink. Am I doing it wrong.
it's american english

you'll find some articles on the inet about the origin of the word
09-01-2011 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
Like I need any reminding. I've had a hard on for this game for weeks
Ok, just checking.

09-01-2011 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by Palomino
I'm just excited I made it up to your level of douchiness.
You didn't make it to his level, you were always there. I just wasn't 100 percent sure of it til now. Because you finally dropped your act and showed your true colors.

If poker doesn't work out for you buy an air mattress(easier to travel with) and travel the country with gameoverjc. I hear he has friends in many states he can mooch some free room and board off of.
09-01-2011 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by fishboy
You didn't make it to his level, you were always there. I just wasn't 100 percent sure of it til now. Because you finally dropped your act and showed your true colors.

If poker doesn't work out for you buy an air mattress(easier to travel with) and travel the country with gameoverjc. I hear he has friends in many states he can mooch some free room and board off of.
isnt it about time you make an other 12 page post about how you never pick a fight or call people names and you're only defending yourself?
