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Official SSSH LC/NC Thread for November! Official SSSH LC/NC Thread for November!

11-10-2008 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Oink
It would be unbelievably funny if they banned all online poker in the US imo.

I am dead serious. Maybe that would teach you morons to a) vote and b) not vote for right winged religous monkey psychopaths
Don't judge all of us by what those ******s in the middle and southeastern parts of the US do.

Most of us are getting tired of Christianity taking away everything fun.
11-10-2008 , 05:41 PM
I am so frustrated right now. This Poker thing really gives me headaches. It seems I just can`t beat that stupid 1/2 Stars game for more than 1 BB/100 anymore. Right now even 1 BB/100 seems far away. After 115K hands my winrate just dropped to a laughable 0.55 BB/100.

And I just have no clue why I can`t win (more) money. Sure there are some leaks to fix. But in my mind at 1/2 these are just minor leaks and I should nevertheless be able to beat that stupid game for 2+ BB/100. I did for a long time even up to 3/6.

I did even fix some things like loosening up (again) from my nitty 21 VPIP to 25+, finding better spots to calldown and the other way around fold when obv beat, defending Blinds a little more, avoiding situations where I spew money away.

I just don`t know why the results are not there. Where is the money, where do I lose it?
11-10-2008 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Yasawa
I am so frustrated right now. This Poker thing really gives me headaches. It seems I just can`t beat that stupid 1/2 Stars game for more than 1 BB/100 anymore. Right now even 1 BB/100 seems far away. After 115K hands my winrate just dropped to a laughable 0.55 BB/100.

And I just have no clue why I can`t win (more) money. Sure there are some leaks to fix. But in my mind at 1/2 these are just minor leaks and I should nevertheless be able to beat that stupid game for 2+ BB/100. I did for a long time even up to 3/6.

I did even fix some things like loosening up (again) from my nitty 21 VPIP to 25+, finding better spots to calldown and the other way around fold when obv beat, defending Blinds a little more, avoiding situations where I spew money away.

I just don`t know why the results are not there. Where is the money, where do I lose it?
If you're anything like me your biggest leak is strippers
11-10-2008 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Yasawa
I just don`t know why the results are not there. Where is the money, where do I lose it?
fwiw I think you are still too tight and don't show down enough, and you don't defend enough. Just my 2cents. btw you lose it to me, you are my biggest donator in 1/2 so far I do lose some of it to Abso though, try to win it back from him and you'll be fine
11-10-2008 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Scorcho
Don't judge all of us by what those ******s in the middle and southeastern parts of the US do.

Most of us are getting tired of Christianity taking away everything fun.
Obviously I was thinking about those who did either a or b.

I feel sorry for guys like you or Seth. But I know at least one reg poster here who is a poker pro who couldnt be bothered voting. Obv I hope said person whines so I can flame
11-10-2008 , 05:45 PM
I think your winrate has gone down because I don't play on the same tables as you much anymore (by choice). Therefore you can't flop monsters while I flop slightly smaller monsters anymore.
11-10-2008 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Oink
It would be unbelievably funny if they banned all online poker in the US imo.

I am dead serious. Maybe that would teach you morons to a) vote and b) not vote for right winged religous monkey psychopaths
It would be funny in a getting killed in a car accident just after surviving cancer sort of way. If they shove through these regs just after most of the right winged religious monkey psychopaths just got voted out of office in the election with the highest voter turnout in history, then yeah, joke's on US.
11-10-2008 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Oink
It would be unbelievably funny if they banned all online poker in the US imo.

I am dead serious. Maybe that would teach you morons to a) vote and b) not vote for right winged religous monkey psychopaths
not like the left winged monkey psychopaths are much better. If this passes I'm going to see if I can get my apartment complex to secede from the nation
11-10-2008 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Yasawa
I am so frustrated right now. This Poker thing really gives me headaches. It seems I just can`t beat that stupid 1/2 Stars game for more than 1 BB/100 anymore. Right now even 1 BB/100 seems far away. After 115K hands my winrate just dropped to a laughable 0.55 BB/100.

And I just have no clue why I can`t win (more) money. Sure there are some leaks to fix. But in my mind at 1/2 these are just minor leaks and I should nevertheless be able to beat that stupid game for 2+ BB/100. I did for a long time even up to 3/6.

I did even fix some things like loosening up (again) from my nitty 21 VPIP to 25+, finding better spots to calldown and the other way around fold when obv beat, defending Blinds a little more, avoiding situations where I spew money away.

I just don`t know why the results are not there. Where is the money, where do I lose it?
stop playing pots against me.

11-10-2008 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Oink
Obviously I was thinking about those who did either a or b.

I feel sorry for guys like you or Seth. But I know at least one reg poster here who is a poker pro who couldnt be bothered voting. Obv I hope said person whines so I can flame
The problem doesn't only lie with the voters though. The fact that we have methods that are perfectly allowed but 100% ridiculous that occur in order to push legislation through in the first place (such as the initial bill that got attached as a rider to a completely unrelated Port Security bill that no congressperson in their right minds would vote down, pork barrel spending, and now this midnight regulations nonsense) points to a glaring hole in the way that our lawmakers can just do as they please without much debate or research.

But yes, it is no secret that our voters are ******ed en masse. A majority of the country has the right and privilege to vote but I'd say about 10% of that majority is educated enough to use that right and privilege properly. Yes, just as there are people that vote strictly down the party lines, there are also people that vote solely with their own personal interests in mind. Perhaps my utilitarian stance on such matters may not be best but in my mind it's sure a hell of a lot better than "I'm only voting for people who love Jesus because *I* love Jesus".

People here annoy me.
11-10-2008 , 06:00 PM
People here annoy me.
You'll be welcome in the Nation of ZOMG imo. Bible thumpers here wont be allowed unless they're dancing on a pole.
11-10-2008 , 06:03 PM
In addition to sending an email with the above links, make sure you digg this to get the word out.
11-10-2008 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
Just one week after a historic election the Poker Players Alliance is pitted in a fight to keep anti-Internet poker regulations from being enacted and we NEED YOUR HELP!

The current Administration is hastily finalizing a number of “midnight rules” before they leave office and the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) is on the list. See the 11/06 story in Dow Jones. Just like UIGEA was snuck into legislation in the dark of night in 2006, our opponents are again trying an 11th hour sneak job. We need you to help us expose and stop this reckless rulemaking.

Please call the U.S. Federal Reserve and tell them not to approve the UIGEA regulations -- Consumer Complaints, 888-851-1920 or Public Affairs, 202-452-2955.

Tell them:
• The federal agencies responsible for our nation’s economy should not be focused on Internet poker regulations.
• Finalization of the UIGEA rules will add additional burdens on our already crippled financial systems.
• Internet poker is a game of skill and form of recreation for millions of Americans; it should be exempted from the UIGEA.
• Please do not finalize the UIGEA regulations until their impact on our banking systems and average Americans has been fully studied.

Tell us how the call went by clicking here.

Your call will make a huge difference and will add the public’s voice to these last minute policy decisions our government is poised to make. We can’t stand idly by while they make decisions that will impact our right to play America’s card game. PLEASE CALL TODAY!

Proud to play,
Alfonse D’Amato, Chairman
Poker Players Alliance
11-10-2008 , 06:14 PM
i suggest people calling/emailing/ leaving voice messages to focus your message around the banking issues--the undue burden banks will be charged with, the lack of effective monitoring ability, the financial costs to implement, the impractical job of writing regs for ambiguous and vague legislation, the collateral damage to legal transactions, etc.

imo the fed will put little weight to the skill and freedom arguments (they may even not understand them) and the effects the regs will have to legal gambling. lobby the fed on issues banks are worried about, not what us poker players are worried about.
11-10-2008 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Robin Foolz
i suggest people calling/emailing/ leaving voice messages to focus your message around the banking issues--the undue burden banks will be charged with, the lack of effective monitoring ability, the financial costs to implement, the impractical job of writing regs for ambiguous and vague legislation, the collateral damage to legal transactions, etc.

imo the fed will put little weight to the skill and freedom arguments (they may even not understand them) and the effects the regs will have to legal gambling. lobby the fed on issues banks are worried about, not what us poker players are worried about.
11-10-2008 , 06:19 PM
I'm not sure why they're trying to fight it right now. America is better than everyone else at poker and we need all the economic stimulus we can get.
11-10-2008 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Scorcho
I'm not sure why they're trying to fight it right now. America is better than everyone else at poker and we need all the economic stimulus we can get.
Because Bush is leaving office so he has to do it now?
11-10-2008 , 06:22 PM
Don't interrupt me with real responses when I'm trying to pick on non-americans here
11-10-2008 , 06:24 PM
those who file as pros and end up netting about 100k

do you end up paying about thirty thousands of dollars?

it is so awesome that they just boss you with an additional 15% tax for being self-employed.
11-10-2008 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Scorcho
Don't interrupt me with real responses when I'm trying to pick on non-americans here
how does it feel paying taxes on winnings? must suck heh?
11-10-2008 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by skillgambler
how does it feel paying taxes on winnings? must suck heh?
taxes? huh?
11-10-2008 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by Scorcho
Don't interrupt me with real responses when I'm trying to pick on non-americans here
fwiw I'm a European, and I'm a Stars reg staying up all night to be able to play with US guys - for a reason :P
11-10-2008 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by daiquiri
fwiw I'm a European, and I'm a Stars reg staying up all night to be able to play with US guys - for a reason :P

One of the things I looked forward to the most about going to China was playing during Euro day/evening hours -- for a reason

11-10-2008 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Scorcho
One of the things I looked forward to the most about going to China was playing during Euro day/evening hours -- for a reason

I'd be interested in which sites were your reason, and if you found what you were looking for. I think US guys who haven't set foot on sites like party since the old days, think that Euro sites are still sheer heaven. Well I think they just have more rake+less traffic+at least as many TAGs as US sites.
11-10-2008 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by milesdyson
those who file as pros and end up netting about 100k

do you end up paying about thirty thousands of dollars?

it is so awesome that they just boss you with an additional 15% tax for being self-employed.
assuming no deductions, credits, exemptions, blah blah blah

you're looking at 20k federal income, 15k self-employment, so 35k to pay tribute to the king. (this assume your state has no state income tax; add more tribute if your state has one).

also, you end up paying way more than that since this doesn't include sales, property, inheritance, gift, municipal, federal and state agency (fcc charges, homeland security airline tax, etc) and other blah blah taxes.

lol at not really being in the 6 figures club.
