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***Official SSSH LC/NC Thread For July*** ***Official SSSH LC/NC Thread For July***

07-05-2010 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by boc4life
What I enjoy is Elo's total dismissal of any kind of mental exercises that could help him conquer the psychological demons that clearly plague him. I'm not into much new-age/mind control/pseudoscience bull**** myself, but seriously, isn't it worth considering a little bit at this point? Mental instability is clearly bringing you down as a player right now.

I went through so much of my poker career feeling bulletproof, feeling like I could do whatever I wanted and act whatever way I chose, and that there'd be no consequences. At some point last year, while mired in easily the largest $$$ and BB downswing of my life, I realized that it was time to take responsibility for myself and get control of my mental game. I still don't have the best mental game of everyone on Pokerstars, but I know I've come a long way. I truly feel like I would be busted right now if I didn't make that decision.

Basically, my point is... STOP GLOSSING OVER THE MENTAL ASPECT OF THE GAME! If you're so ****ing hyper-competitive, why not challenge yourself to be the most levelheaded LHE player on the planet? The sooner you realize that being technically "skilled" at LHE is only half the battle, the sooner you'll be on the road to recovery.
i don't see your problems as being similar. or maybe i don't see your consequences as being similar. like everyone elo gets angry. is it logical? maybe, maybe not. what we do know is that changing your decision making based on anger is not logical. do we believe he's suffering as much as he lets on in his whine posts? i definitely don't. i think it's far more likely that he's not crushing 2/4+ anymore because he's not running hot as the sun anymore (this isn't to take anything away from the accomplishment as to say there wasn't skill involved would be silly), and doesn't know any better than to not feel sorry for himself because he hasn't faced adversity yet. people who aren't assertive and aren't charismatic do not make 100s of thousands as a rule. but he was lucky enough to find poker and his talent. the question is whether he knows he got lucky and is savvy enough to make himself better for it. the whine posts are a way to remind himself and provide a forum ego boost that there was a time when he crushed (i lost 6 figs, but i had 6 figs to lose don't forget).

i think to understand elo you had to have had your share of awkwardness, but more importantly laziness. i've been in the spot where obviously good things are right in front of you, but i couldn't be bothered to make the first step towards them. if i never stopped doing what i did everyday, nothing could ever bother me. i absolutely guarantee you this is his subconscious mindset. why go to the great restaurant where i'll get something i don't like 2/100 times and something really good 98 times when i can go to sbarro and get the breadsticks i like 100/100 times. if i never took my first trip to commerce i never would've made it above 20/40. no one could touch me in my local room. unquestioned top dog, but did it matter? no. i could make 60 bucks an hour until the game died, which it's in the process of doing now, or i could be uncomfortable for a while. yes, going through the unfamiliar can be awkward. but awkward is not that bad unless you force it to be and the potential rewards are all that matters in the end. i used poker in that analogy, but it really doesn't have anything to do with stepping out and actually making something happen rather than counting on it happening to you, when enough fortunate things have happened to you already.

i'm always surprised when i hear about people who came up in the theory of poker by sklansky way and learn the game based on ftop and expectation have tilt issues. almost my first building block was knowing that results didn't matter and sklansky bucks did. but i guess that's neither here nor there.

i'm rambling.

Last edited by lolmitHE; 07-05-2010 at 04:35 PM.
07-05-2010 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Distajo
That only makes sense if you want it to make sense. Otherwise, it has pretty shallow thought. However, i can see if you mean that if someone only does what he enjoys and that is poker, then it will be monotonous and thus live a life of mediocrity. Although, i don't think anybody likes "grinding" poker and that becomes unenjoyable.

I also know a wise man who said, "Just do it."
Mike Rowe (of dirty jobs fame) said something like it. Not particularly insightful, but it is pretty apt to Dr. Emo. Most people take the easy path in life, rarely going out of their comfort zones. Elo is taking that to an extreme, and he will end up being extremely mediocre (is that possible?) if he doesn't challenge himself.
07-05-2010 , 04:51 PM
Anyone fold this against wads?

Poker Stars $3/$6 Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: (1.333 SB) Hero is MP with A A
UTG calls, Hero raises, CO calls, BTN 3-bets, 2 folds, UTG calls, Hero caps!, CO calls, BTN calls, UTG calls

Flop: (17.333 SB) K K 6 (4 players)
UTG checks, Hero bets, CO folds, BTN calls, UTG folds

Turn: (9.667 BB) 3 (2 players)
Hero bets, BTN raises, Hero folds
07-05-2010 , 05:08 PM
42250 at first break.
07-05-2010 , 05:12 PM
Full Tilt Poker $0.25/$0.50 Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: (1.4 SB) Hero is BTN with A 4
3 folds, Hero raises, 1 fold, BB calls

Flop: (4.4 SB) Q 8 9 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets, BB calls

Turn: (3.2 BB) 2 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero bets, BB raises, Hero 3-bets, BB caps!, Hero calls

River: (11.2 BB) Q (2 players)
BB bets, Hero raises, BB 3-bets, Hero calls

Final Pot: 17.2 BB
Hero mucks A 4
BB shows J T (a straight flush, Queen high)
BB wins 16.4 BB
(Rake: $0.40)

At least he slowplayed the flop and the board paired to save me a bet on the end...
07-05-2010 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by sethypooh21
So because I'm a doofus playin day 1A of ME as we speak.
Originally Posted by sethypooh21
42250 at first break.
gogogogo sethypooh!

Originally Posted by La Peste
Anyone fold this against wads?
i dont think i'd fold that. but i'd certainly be thinking "fml"
07-05-2010 , 06:14 PM
Blech 29200 after guy tarps himself with AA.
07-05-2010 , 07:02 PM
Super card deadaments. 26k
07-05-2010 , 07:29 PM
36475 at 2d break after I flop a boat and bust a short stack.
07-05-2010 , 07:46 PM
I can't believe I witnessed this happen. Lol what in the world.

Poker Stars $1/$2 Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: (1.5 SB) Hero is CO with 4 5
UTG calls, 2 folds, BTN raises, 1 fold, BB calls, UTG 3-bets, BTN caps!, BB calls, UTG calls

Flop: (12.5 SB) 7 3 4 (3 players)
BB checks, UTG bets, BTN raises, BB calls, UTG 3-bets, BTN caps!, BB calls, UTG calls

Turn: (12.25 BB) 8 (3 players)
BB checks, UTG bets, BTN raises, BB folds, UTG 3-bets, BTN caps!, UTG calls

River: (20.25 BB) 9 (2 players)
UTG bets, BTN raises, UTG 3-bets, BTN calls

Final Pot: 26.25 BB
UTG shows Jc Td (a straight, Seven to Jack)
BTN mucks 3h 3s
UTG wins 25.75 BB
(Rake: $1.00)
07-05-2010 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by DrElo
Probably what I will end up doing is to have Stars ban me from other games and just grind 10/20-30/60
i think this is the answer dude. with your skill you can still make a substantial living in these games and you'll be way less stressed out. i understand that it's probably an unappealing idea (after playing the nosebleed stakes you probably don't value the money as much at 10/20 for example and also i'm sure you want to get in as much HS action as possible in case the games are gone in a year) but i would at least give it an honest shot, say like 6 months or something, after which point your BR will be rebuilt and if the HS games are still around you can hop back in. i definitely agree with everyone who said to take some time off though, even if it's only a few weeks or whatever, if you totally ignore poker for that time you will likely have a renewed passion for the game when you come back to it.
07-05-2010 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by kikadell
speaking of traveling, airport noob question:

im stopping for a few hours in bangkok before flying on to london. do i get to leave and go outside? if i can is this a bad idea?

also, if i cant leave the airport do i use thai baht (currency) in the airport?

probably stupid question
How many hours specifically?

If you are catching a connecting flight you will be routed through a "transfer area" directly to your new boarding gate. You don't go through Thai immigration. All your luggage will be forwarded to your new plane.

You won't need much Thai baht, just convert about 20 AUD for food or whatever.

Also stay out of the duty free shops:
07-05-2010 , 09:01 PM
Defend SB with 99, shortish stack checks behind AJ2 flop turn 9, he bets 2/3 pot, I c/r he shoves with AT, I snapcall. River A no help ~40k
07-05-2010 , 09:03 PM
gogogogo ship me that 1% of 9M plz (if I don't win as planned that is)
07-05-2010 , 09:08 PM
I guess I have bad rep

Poker Stars $3/$6 Limit Hold'em - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: (1.333 SB) Hero is UTG with T A
Hero raises, ShatteredDrm 3-bets, 3 folds, Hero calls

Flop: (7.333 SB) 2 6 A (2 players)
Hero checks, ShatteredDrm bets, Hero raises, ShatteredDrm calls

Turn: (5.667 BB) 4 (2 players)
Hero bets, ShatteredDrm calls

River: (7.667 BB) 9 (2 players)
Hero bets, ShatteredDrm raises, Hero calls

Final Pot: 11.667 BB
Hero shows T A (a pair of Aces)
ShatteredDrm shows Q K (high card Ace)
Hero wins 11.333 BB
(Rake: $2.00)
07-05-2010 , 09:12 PM
Seat 5 at my table is apparently somebody as cameras are hovering over him. Looks like standard Internet kid to me...
07-05-2010 , 09:21 PM
pics or we cant figure out who it is
07-05-2010 , 09:23 PM
Well, Allan Goehring is the 1 seat...
07-05-2010 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by sethypooh21
Seat 5 at my table is apparently somebody as cameras are hovering over him. Looks like standard Internet kid to me...
you should tell him to get off your lawn
07-05-2010 , 09:29 PM
Of course he just 3bombed my utg raise when I had Qq.
07-05-2010 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by DrElo
A couple have people have mentioned Tommy Angelo to me, but I've always been dubious. His writing is entertaining, but I don't always think it is consistently sound. For instance, here's part of an article called "How to Tilt" (, which "teaches" people to become great tilters:

"Let's say you're in a big hurry, and you're in line at the grocery store, and the old woman in front of you finally gets her huge order all rung up, and just when you think she's about to finish, she says to the cashier, "Honey, look at my ice cream. It's already melting. And it's going to be very hot in my car. Would you please run this back to the cooler and trade it for a colder one? Thanks!" Then she hands the ice cream to the cashier, and off he goes to the frozen food cooler.

This is the key moment for you. Even though you know that it would be totally illogical and absurd to get upset right now because you have no control over the situation (emphasis mine), it is absolutely imperative, for the purpose of curing your tiltlessness, that you do. For poker's sake, you must summon the strength to be agitated at the woman, and at the cashier, and at the whole universe if need be. You must not remain calm. I know, it's tough. I never said this was going to be easy. But I have faith you can do it. I believe anyone can."

It seems completely logical to get upset at the situation:

1 - Staying at this grocery store for longer than I intended upsets me, because I have picked up everything I need here and so I desire to be somewhere else

2 - This dumbass old lady is making me stay in the store for longer than I intended by making a stupid request of the cashier

Conclusion: I am upset


I know it's not practical to get upset at the situation, but it's logically sound.

I haven't read enough of Angelo to make a complete assessment of his work, but this kind of fuzzy math reasoning bothers me, so it's hard to accept his advice. And this in general is why I find it very hard to accept the Zen/Tao/whatever else way of life; it doesn't appear to be based on any logical model of reasoning.
There's nothing fuzzy about this example.

Your logic simply isn't on a high enough level. You shouldn't be thinking "is this occurrence annoying enough to trigger my 'upset' emotional response". You should be thinking "how should I control my emotions to most benefit my general well being". That's what Spock would do. Spock would say that getting upset over something that you have no control over is illogical. And it is.

Originally Posted by DrElo
Thanks kik, I appreciate you taking time to make your post and offering your advice, but I don't think it applies to me, for a few reasons:

- I don't have nearly as much money as you seem to think I do (Income tax+self employment tax in the US is a bitch -- like 33% of income goes to Uncle Sam). I'm not broke, or anything, especially because I'm not at all baller and rarely (if ever) make expensive purchases, but I'm certainly not loaded.

- I can't get into any remotely decent school even if I wanted to, because of failing out of (a second or third tier) college before. Basically the only school I could go to right now is something like Ivy Tech (don't know if they have them where you are, but it's a super ****ty school -- a glorified high school filled with Neandertal *******s). Besides, I hated school my first go around, and I don't really have any interest in any subject as it is.

- I don't like travelling because (other than the cost, long plane rides, etc. etc. etc.) I have no interest in other cultures nor in looking at historical artifacts nor in nature in general.

Probably what I will end up doing is to have Stars ban me from other games and just grind 10/20-30/60 for eternity and make a decent living while still constantly tilting at people and feeling like an ******* for doing it.

In any case thanks again and to everyone I apologize for emo'ing up the thread again; I have a tendency to do that from time to time.
"I'm unhappy but I don't want to to anything about it"

Originally Posted by DrElo
And no, I didn't eat anywhere except for Bally's. They have Sbarro's and Nathan's, plus the room service was delicious, why would I eat anywhere else?
Jesus, you fail so much at life it's unbelievable.

You would eat somewhere else for the experience of eating somewhere else and maybe discovering something new and exciting!

My face is sore from all the facepalming I've been doing while reading your posts.
07-05-2010 , 09:50 PM
33k at dinner break - got a little passive and every spot was iffy to play back at them. Or I'm a huge vag.
07-05-2010 , 10:22 PM
GL Sethy, TID (or one of other the other SSSH Reg's).
07-05-2010 , 11:09 PM
Best story teller EVAR....
07-05-2010 , 11:51 PM
Lots of k3 o right now.
