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***Official SSSH LC/NC Thread for April*** ***Official SSSH LC/NC Thread for April***

04-11-2011 , 12:50 PM
so i just got a 80GB Intel SSD and the 600gb VELOCIRAPTOR (10k rpm)
04-11-2011 , 12:55 PM
why didn't you get a better ssd?
vertex 3 is just hitting the shelves and it's pwning the **** out of every other ssd
plus the smaller an ssd the slower and you have to keep like 30% empty space on it otherwise it will perform far from optimally
80gb for win+db doesn't sound like fun
04-11-2011 , 12:55 PM
Pretty certain she's talking about a cold sore on her lip. But my Spanish is getting worse everyday so eh.
04-11-2011 , 01:03 PM
yeah i couldnt get any 120 without having to wait a day, so unaccaptable. i think 80 should be fine for now, im fine with not having my whole database on it and will probably get a bigger SSD in a couple months when theyre more reasonable priced/bigger.
04-11-2011 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by sledghammer
En lo malo siempre estás ahí... querido herpes labial, xD

From my facebook news feed. Does this mean what I think it means?
Originally Posted by Scorcho
sry about your labia herpes
Wow Scorcho, you nailed this translation perfectly. lolololololol
So awesome!!!
04-11-2011 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
you're still way better than that Kwealert guy. I'm watching you buddy
Awwww, cute. I have a fan.

Originally Posted by Verno
Probably the best Masters since Jack won in 1986. There were so many people that had chance to win. Charl birdies the last four to win. I guess that had never been done before. Pretty impressive.

Is Charl a pretty common name in South Africa? Because here in the U.S.A. we added an "es" on the end for Charles and then shorten it to Chuck

Way to finish strong McIlroy. I wonder if he will ever recover from this. At least he waited until the final round this time to throw up all over himself.
Yeah, it was by far the most intriguing final round in golf tourney since the '08 open. Though thanks to Charl's (prounounced "Sh-arl", wtf?) unbelievable final four holes it kind of fizzled at the end there. I was hoping for a multi-way playoff. Tiger should've been up there too but he missed some pretty stupid putts, especially that eagle on 15.

And yeah, lol at Rory, I had left the room for a couple minutes and came back to see him hitting from between two houses. Complete meltdown after that. His 10th hole looked like 75% of my holes when I play.
04-11-2011 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by sledghammer
En lo malo siempre estás ahí... querido herpes labial, xD

From my facebook news feed. Does this mean what I think it means?
Originally Posted by Scorcho
sry about your labia herpes
please tell me it wasn't posted by zomg's mom
04-11-2011 , 01:21 PM
cant be, she hasnt visited me in over a month
04-11-2011 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by efficacy
I am considering doing the $2,500 6max LHE and $10k LHE WSOP events this year. I would probably want to sell about half of my action. Any interest in here???

I would also like to hear from people that played in either of these events last year, regarding the general level of play and the tournament structure.
Didn't play in any other LHE events, but my 10k table was very soft and I think maybe one person other than me would be able to beat 3/6 online (especially when the young Asian guy switched tables). Alex Kravchenko was at my table too. Let me put it this way: Vanessa Rousso was in the top half skill-wise at my table. And she kept talking to me for some reason (sick brag amiright). It was weird. I ran horrible and lost, but I'm definitely gonna play it again.

I might sell some of my action too, we'll see how busto I am.

Originally Posted by ZOMG_RIGGED!
does anyone else say "bink" out loud when they catch a gut shot in a huge pot?
nah I type it in
04-11-2011 , 01:24 PM
Leave it to Kik to try and bazinga! Someone and end up bazinga!-ing himself.
04-11-2011 , 01:25 PM
ZOMG's mom:

[ ] big whore
[ ] biggest whore

discuss . . .
04-11-2011 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by DrElo
Let me put it this way: Vanessa Rousso was in the top half skill-wise at my table. And she kept talking to me for some reason (sick brag amiright). It was weird.
even she knows she's supposed to be nice to the fish
04-11-2011 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by kwealert
Leave it to Kik to try and bazinga! Someone and end up bazinga!-ing himself.
wasn't going to say it

ok, so I played a 26 hour session, and then slept for 15 hours

And now somehow it is 1:30 PM on Monday

Originally Posted by daiquiri
even she knows she's supposed to be nice to the fish
she was sitting directly to my left too, hmmm
04-11-2011 , 01:34 PM
I, to this day, still do not get why people sell half or more of themselves in mtt's. I mean, I understand getting experience, or selling the main event (which I think is an awful idea since it's value is so good), but I mean in terms of pure $, selling half or more is bad, no?

idk, I'm just saying this off of a pro who ft'd wsop me and a big wpt same year, but he sold off half (+taxes) and now he is broke as a joke. Seems like the big scores (top 3) in ft's occur so rarely that it's supposed to compensate for all the bubbles+min cashes that you would want closer to 75% of yourself or moar.
04-11-2011 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by reaper6788
Nice level. Either that or you're crazy.

Btw this a complex situation but from what I knew last year it could go either way. However from how unsuccessful the spending cuts were I am gonna have to start leaning towards inflation.
there's two sides to every trade... if everyone believed dalla's view the usd would already be toilet paper.
04-11-2011 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by gameoverjc
I, to this day, still do not get why people sell half or more of themselves in mtt's. I mean, I understand getting experience, or selling the main event (which I think is an awful idea since it's value is so good), but I mean in terms of pure $, selling half or more is bad, no?

idk, I'm just saying this off of a pro who ft'd wsop me and a big wpt same year, but he sold off half (+taxes) and now he is broke as a joke. Seems like the big scores (top 3) in ft's occur so rarely that it's supposed to compensate for all the bubbles+min cashes that you would want closer to 75% of yourself or moar.
maybe because you need an insanely large bankroll to play a lot of high buy in mtts has something to do with it?
04-11-2011 , 01:44 PM
i'd willing to sell 150% of myself in the wsopme
04-11-2011 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by DrElo
Didn't play in any other LHE events, but my 10k table was very soft and I think maybe one person other than me would be able to beat 3/6 online (especially when the young Asian guy switched tables). Alex Kravchenko was at my table too. Let me put it this way: Vanessa Rousso was in the top half skill-wise at my table. And she kept talking to me for some reason (sick brag amiright). It was weird. I ran horrible and lost, but I'm definitely gonna play it again.

I might sell some of my action too, we'll see how busto I am.

nah I type it in
i dont get how you guys are going on and on about how soft the 10k is. sure live pros make a fair number of mistakes etc etc, but they are usually basically competent.

ive seen practically zero bona fide fish in any lhe wsop events.
04-11-2011 , 01:47 PM
well, to clarify, there was maybe only 1 player at that table that I'd classify as a legit fish, but I really do think most/almost all of the table couldn't beat 3/6

also you know 8sup was in that tournament somewhere
04-11-2011 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by skillgambler
i'd willing to sell 150% of myself in the wsopme
in b4 you accidentally win trying to dump your chips, and owe everyone millions.
04-11-2011 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Tryptamean
maybe because you need an insanely large bankroll to play a lot of high buy in mtts has something to do with it?
I mean other than playing the tourneys for the experience, wouldn't the main point be to make a profit. And doesn't that lay in the top places? It's like splitting a lotto ticket; would have no effect on min cashes, but a big win would change your life more than chopping a big win, no?

Again I'd likely sell upwards of 40% of myself for the me, or any lhe events, but that's just because I believe they are crapshoots and would rather have the exp than the money (i'm sick).

Originally Posted by skillgambler
i'd willing to sell 150% of myself in the wsopme
We all know what you would do with that money.

Last edited by gameoverjc; 04-11-2011 at 01:54 PM. Reason: add to your pics collection obv
04-11-2011 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by Tryptamean
i dont get how you guys are going on and on about how soft the 10k is. sure live pros make a fair number of mistakes etc etc, but they are usually basically competent.

ive seen practically zero bona fide fish in any lhe wsop events.
I remember sweating your table, schneids, and xeroks, and recalling all your tables were absolutely insane.

I recall also you sending me on mega tilt, when we saw some of the 6 max ft hands of the 2.5k, as it being some of the biggest botched atrocious hands evaarrr.
04-11-2011 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by skillgambler
so i just got a 80GB Intel SSD and the 600gb VELOCIRAPTOR (10k rpm)
shoulda got a philosoraptor instead
04-11-2011 , 01:52 PM
i <3 philosoraptor fwiw
04-11-2011 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by gameoverjc
I mean other than playing the tourneys for the experience, wouldn't the main point be to make a profit. And doesn't that lay in the top places? It's like splitting a lotto ticket; would have no effect on min cashes, but a big win would change your life more than chopping a big win, no?

Again I'd likely sell upwards of 40% of myself for the me, or any lhe events, but that's just because I believe they are crapshoots and would rather have the exp than the money (i'm sick).

We all know what you would do with that money.
I don't get what kind of valuable experience a LHE reg thinks he will derive from playing a few hundred hands of live play
