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Number of tables at once Number of tables at once

03-31-2008 , 04:34 PM
How many tables do you guys play at once? I used to play 10 and ran at 1.73ptbb/100 over 50k hands but ever since I upped it to 12 I'm breakeven and even slightly worse for the past 15-20k hands. Could 2 more tables be the problem (i rarely time out) or am I hitting that normal breakeven stretch that's inevitable? I feel like I'm playing fine and my stats are pretty much exactly the same as before. I'm also curious as to how those who play more tables do it as it's incredibly hectic as it is already, and when I pause to do anything else for ever a few seconds I usually wind up timing out.
03-31-2008 , 04:43 PM
uhm what games and stakes to you play?
03-31-2008 , 04:54 PM
2/4 and 3/6 now trying to get enough points to buy a wsop package
03-31-2008 , 04:59 PM
10-12 tables of shorthanded limit is seriously pretty sick
03-31-2008 , 05:02 PM
Is it really? I always assumed that you sickos did a lot more, but maybe this 20k breakeven is telling me to go back to 10 tables.
03-31-2008 , 05:04 PM
I've been trying to work my way up to 4 for like 6 months now.... I know my play seriously deteriotes from 2 to 3 and from 3 to 4.... I'm pretty sure I'd either die or play like -10BB/100 poker if I tried to 10 table.... prolly die.
03-31-2008 , 05:08 PM
Depends on your goals. If you want to play 3/6 and 2/4 forever, 10 tables might maximize your ev. I don't think it's going to allow you to develop the skill necessary to beat 10/20+ however.
03-31-2008 , 05:18 PM
i used to do 3 on a regular basis for about a year, i couldn't do 4 cause i'd get too much action and everything was just a blur and i couldn't concentrate. on 2 i just played way too loose.

but i realised about a month ago i can now keep up with 4 tables easy, didn't look back. maybe maybe i'll try getting one or two more in a couple months, if i see it can work,b ut prolly not
03-31-2008 , 05:24 PM
I play my best game with 2 tables but usualy i play 3 tables. I tried to play 4 tables but i made to many mistakes..
03-31-2008 , 05:25 PM
I am anywhere from 3-8. If only 2 games are good I usually just quit.

I missclick about once or twice every session when I 6+ table. This is usually rivering a straight when where has been no action up until river. Or missing who was the preflop raiser and thus donking or checking behind in some bad spots.

What I miss are hands that I am not in. So it will take longer for me to know which players will semi bluff turn or always float and bet when checked to.

But I still feel that the added table is EV.
03-31-2008 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Leader
Depends on your goals. If you want to play 3/6 and 2/4 forever, 10 tables might maximize your ev. I don't think it's going to allow you to develop the skill necessary to beat 10/20+ however.
I think this is totally wrong. The more hands you put in the better feel you will get for me game. I am much better at exploiting the limits I play now after 30k hands. I can only imagine how I would be after 200k.

Also if you play 10+ tables at stars you cant be table selecting well and thus if you beat it for even 1BB/100 you are dominating.
03-31-2008 , 05:32 PM

I use this thread to put in my question about m'tabling ...
You guys might know that I'm a LHE learner.
I play 2-tables at once because one single table does not give me enough action so I might loosen up too dangerously ... do you guys thik it's fine ?
03-31-2008 , 05:38 PM
I'm only doing it for vpps, since I can play for 3-4 hrs or so a day opposed to NL where I play 1-2 a day and am burnt out already. I'm giving up on limit after the wsop. Also would it be ok if I made a thread and asked some common spot questions all at once rather than individual q's with individual HH's? Such as in general, do I call 910s or 10Qs with a raiser UTG and all calls? Or what is the worst hand to call with in the sb to a button raise ? I know all these answers are strewn about, but it would be nice to have it condensed into one thread. I have a lot of questions and need some answers to more standard and maximizing ev's against unknowns since I barely have any reads and dont use a hud.
03-31-2008 , 05:54 PM
I sit at tables with 40%+ PFR in the beginning, but I don't change tables unless it gets down to 3 handed. So you're right that I don't table select really, since after an hour or so the table is completely different and I play 2 hr sessions normally.

I feel like I make a few mistakes in forgetting the preflop raiser or something, but I don't consider them real mistakes because I would never make them while less than 10 tabling. I do realize that certain spots I'm playing badly like folding too many sb's, but it's only because I know I don't have time to make reads and play well, so folding it is less EV than playing it though normally it would be the other way around. I'm forced to make a lot of plays I know aren't optimal because I am readless.

I still expected more than 1bb/100, but I guess if that's what to really expect I might have to rethink playing limit taking up limit.
03-31-2008 , 06:42 PM
I think the stars 3/6-5/10 games are just bad. There are about 2-5 "good" tables at the times I play at most. And then you really need to be lucky with the seat placement.

Ok, I might be a nit but I dont think its possible to beat a table with 30/13, 25/12, 35/20 guys with the rake.
03-31-2008 , 06:49 PM
I tried to play 5 tables of 5-max one time and after a while I thought it went pretty good. Thats when I realized I had timed out on 3 tables and was in fact only playing 2 tables as I usually do.

I'm really impressed by you that can play winning poker on 10 tables of SH-limit.

Last edited by Gurravasa; 03-31-2008 at 06:54 PM.
03-31-2008 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by Keepitsimple
I think this is totally wrong. The more hands you put in the better feel you will get for me game. I am much better at exploiting the limits I play now after 30k hands. I can only imagine how I would be after 200k.

Also if you play 10+ tables at stars you cant be table selecting well and thus if you beat it for even 1BB/100 you are dominating.
I think there are far more effective ways to get that knowledge then playing a lot of tables. I'm not sure how you can get a real feel for the table/your image/real reads ect playing a large number of tables, and to me those things are essential to beating mid-stakes.

Mostly I think that you get better away from the table. You're correct that you need to put in hands, but the quality of those hand and your ability to understand and remember what is happening is pretty important. The key thing though is to figure stuff out away from the table and then apply it. Maybe others are better at doing that application at 8 tables, but I would find it rather impossible.
03-31-2008 , 07:15 PM
I think at around 2am and after eastern time the games become essentially unbeatable after rake. You might squeeze out a realliy miniscule winrate, but I've decided to just not play at those times. After reading this thread I think I'll cut back to 10 tables, because those extra 2 tables might really be killing my winrate. It's gonna be a long grind for 500k fpp though =/
03-31-2008 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by godofgamblers
I think at around 2am and after eastern time the games become essentially unbeatable after rake.
I disagree with this. There are some really good games at 4 or 5 am. The thing is that there are less tables. So if you're playing 2 or 3, then you can pick those good tables. If you have to play every table though, you're probably right that it gets more difficult late at night.
03-31-2008 , 07:30 PM
That is probably what I mean. If you try to multitable all the games available late at night, I don't think you can beat rake for much. If you table select then yeah, that's usually when the tilted or drunk people are playing.
03-31-2008 , 07:37 PM
Also, early morning you're more likely to see good players playing poorly than when they start their sessions.
03-31-2008 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by GiantBuddha
Also, early morning you're more likely to see good players playing poorly than when they start their sessions.
The best is when they try to chase their loses huhu and of course, they play tight and flip out after losing to J2o for the fifth time.
03-31-2008 , 08:00 PM
OP, that's too many tables. period.
03-31-2008 , 08:21 PM
hmmm...i used to change my entire summer schedule to work around me being able to play from 12am-5am. was glorious at the time, havent been able to do it recently, though
03-31-2008 , 08:24 PM
im sorry but saying things like that's too many tables period is very nonconstructive. I won over a 50k sample which isn't that much but not totally insignifcant either. I am confident and willing to bet that I can win at ten tables over 200k hands but possibly not twelve, though that isn't farfetched in the future.
