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This make me puke This make me puke

03-15-2010 , 09:15 PM
Hi guys want to have your opinion about something that makes me puke.
The reason why I post it here because I always been here , okay not posted a lot but read enough and really enjoyed and respect the knowledge people have here.

There is this guy , who uses a programm called poker inspector.
And the reason why I don't like it is because it looks like I have to learn and learn and calculate and reevaluate hands , etc. and he has to do nothing.

You can program it just the way you like it, you wanna play like a rock he plays like a rock, you wanne play a different style you can adjust it after 10 min. as a example. Your hole cards and the board is put in the programm and he says you what to do , after he calculate odds , outs etc.

The good players among us probably notice this bot style and adjust to it properly. I watch this programm and it looks reasonable, you can put in the handrange you want to play PF , what to do if you have a FD in a multiway pot. I think if you put in enough effort you can put in your best PF starting hand chart and tell excactly what to do and when to do in every possible situation. I know there are a gaziljion possibilities but what I am trying to say , is that you can put enough info for maximizing your descisions for maximal profit in each situation.

So , WTF makes me puke about this. Well you all probably know it by now and have the same ugly feeling as I am right now.
Why do I learn so much why this mofo puts in zero.
The good thing he doesnt know much about poker and don't know what to do in certain situations. I am talking about basic stuff. I searched him he has a 35 botscore on pokertable ratings okay he is loosing a bit, that makes me feel good again but still. This things ruins the game agree.

Am I exaggerating atm , please guys put my both feet on the ground and tell me this isnt profitable at all.

Ty for listening
03-15-2010 , 09:24 PM
I'm pretty sure it's banned on most/many sites. No idea what the chances are of getting caught.
03-15-2010 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by mute
I'm pretty sure it's banned on most/many sites. No idea what the chances are of getting caught.
It is not a bot who does all the work for you , there is a voice sais FOLD/RAISE/CHECK so he does all the math for you and he can run a gazilljion possibilities which possible hands villain could have.
You can even put your whole DB of Pokertracker in it so he can make better descisions against your opponents you allready have info on.
Really sick

So answer on your question he is a bot in descision making but not fully automatic so you can go to bed
03-15-2010 , 09:49 PM
Only know that it's banned on Stars. Short search didn't really say for sure if it's banned anywhere else.
03-15-2010 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by mute
Only know that it's banned on Stars. Short search didn't really say for sure if it's banned anywhere else.
I hope it is banned 4 life . I hope all pokersites have very very good programmers to ban these things for not ruin all the effort and hours of study people putting in here
03-15-2010 , 10:48 PM
please learn poker the right way by reading this forum and putting in hours of time examining your play. This program is obliviously illegal on stars. You wont get far with it at higher limits either.
03-15-2010 , 10:54 PM
This isn't the place for this.
