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Icky spot on flop with overpair Icky spot on flop with overpair

01-09-2008 , 04:10 PM
Hey guys

I posted this on DC as well

So I have trouble with flop play here. Whats my best line?

I can see arguments for
call and pop blank
call down blanks

BTN is unknown. Seems aggro. So a TAG or LAG prolly
BB is unknown as well but seems terrible. And by that I mean something like a 70/20 type.

Party Poker $10.00/$20.00 Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: Hero is UTG with K K
Hero raises, 2 folds, BTN 3-bets, 1 fold, BB calls, Hero caps!, BTN calls, BB calls

Flop: (6.25 BB) 7 Q T (3 players)
BB bets, Hero raises, BTN 3-bets, BB calls, Hero???
01-09-2008 , 04:16 PM
I assume BTN's is TT, QQ+, discounted AQ and discounted 77? I wouldn't be capping here especially as your hand, when you are ahead, is far from a lock. I think I'd just call down barring maybe an ace or queen? I think this kinda underreps your hand which is OK in this spot and I don't think any free cards will be taken or you miss any value.
01-09-2008 , 04:26 PM
AK, KQ, QJ and KJ as well. But yeah an unknown should have some distribution over

77, TT, QQ,
01-09-2008 , 04:33 PM
AK could often play it like this but should be discounted as most of the time vs. our capping range it is going to be kinda spewy.

QJ I would almost totally discount but I don't play in the game.

KQ is something I forgot, could definitely be played like this.

KJ too but discounted a little because of the preflop action.

I think all the other hands might not need to be discounted at all, looking again.
01-09-2008 , 04:38 PM
Yeah. Def discount a bunch of the hands. I meant that range as the widest possible range of hands he could have with some reasonable probability
01-09-2008 , 04:39 PM
He plays 77/TT/QQ/KK/AA/AQ like this about 100% of the time.

KQ would be discounted (not to mention you hold 2 kings). The rest would have to be discounted pretty heavily.

Don't feel like stoving it but I would imagine our equity would tell us to call down even if it feels weak.
01-09-2008 , 05:35 PM
vs. a sane opponent, your hand looks more like a fold the turn UI than a c/r the turn UI

He is going to have you beat most of the time here, and really, when you are winning, you still get 2BB from him.

Also, if you c/r the turn, and get 3bet, are you folding then? I don't like that line.

I just call down from the 3bet and hope for the best.
01-09-2008 , 05:41 PM
I have to take into consideration that Oink is a lag and is raising J9s ect utg. If villains have seen any of this their ranges are broader and their play more aggro than they would be otherwise. On the other hand, the pf cap may mitigate some of this, tho not neccessarily exclude KJs et. al. as once tagging someone as a lag some players will overplay everything regardless of the action.

If we are SD bound I don't really want the lead on the turn where I will be rr and c/r too often. With 2 dead Ks and the probability that there are 2 dead Qs given BB's donk the combos for hands we want to see are drying up.
01-09-2008 , 07:11 PM
he raised and capped utg 3-way. his range is strong, people realize this. there's no way you can justify putting any more bets in here than you need to showdown for one more bet each street. hope he has AQ QK or KK.
01-09-2008 , 07:21 PM
**** it

Everytime I think I have an interesting hand everyone thinks its painfully obvious

I obviously spewed by capping and pwned KQ
01-09-2008 , 07:23 PM
oink, that was a cap for info. you weren't going to showdown if you ever got raised again.
01-09-2008 , 07:30 PM
01-10-2008 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by Oink
**** it

Everytime I think I have an interesting hand everyone thinks its painfully obvious

I obviously spewed by capping and pwned KQ

since he had KQ, you should have capped every street, all those missed BB
01-10-2008 , 05:10 AM

I tried. He wouldnt let me
