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I few spots I'm unsure of. I few spots I'm unsure of.

07-22-2009 , 08:42 AM
1) I'm not sure about preflop. I was planning on capping against SB since he's been 3betting me light from the SB, but then BB capped. I was wondering how good/bad my flop call is.

2)Should I be raising the flop? Against a capping range, I'm only ahead of a few hands, namely TT, JJ, and AK.

3)Since he is betting the turn, I don't put him on TT or JJ anymore and my gut feeling is to let it go cause I'm probably crushed...

How did I do?

Poker Stars $1/$2 Limit Hold'em - 4 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Pre Flop: (1.5 SB) Hero is BTN with K Q
1 fold, Hero raises, SB 3-bets, BB caps!, Hero calls, SB calls

Flop: (12 SB) 3 Q 8 (3 players)
SB checks, BB bets, Hero calls, SB calls

Turn: (7.5 BB) A (3 players)
SB checks, BB bets, Hero ??
07-22-2009 , 08:47 AM
ewwwww......I raise flop to get SB out. If BB just calls then I check behind this turn and call river which is very exploitable but only way I see to play it.

As this is tough......OK I guess I call down and see AJ every time. Problem is SB could be c/r though......other thoughts because I am stuck. I think HU its a call but with SB still in who originally 3 bet it could be a super nitty nitty fold.
07-22-2009 , 08:59 AM
Yeah, not raising flop is horrible. I was just on a hunch that BB had a huge hand. I should have played it WA/WB and just raised and gotten 3bet and call down.
07-22-2009 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by nicecatch08
ewwwww......I raise flop to get SB out.
Raising the flop is good if:

a) you're reasonably sure you have the best hand.

b) you can clean up some outs

c) someone might fold an equal or better hand.

d) there's something to protect it from/charge draws

None of these apply here.

a) If you put BB on a range that either has you completely crushed (AA/KK/QQ/AQ) or is drawing almost dead (TT/JJ/AK/AJ), then raising is either going to get you hammered when you're behind or gain you very little/nothing when you're ahead.

b) Not even in the realm of imagination.

c) see b).

d) Who cares if SB comes along with AK/AJ, 99, etc? Any hand he has that's behind KQ is drawing v. thin. The only card you fear is an Ace and if an Ace hits there's a good chance you're losing to BB anyways (if you weren't already). And just calling the turn preserves your implied odds against AK if a K hits.

The turn is close but we don't really have odds to call to draw, and I don't see calling down as an option, so I probably fold.
07-22-2009 , 12:54 PM
I raise the flop......pot is big, and you can protect somewhat......
07-22-2009 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by DrivingDog
Raising the flop is good if:

a) you're reasonably sure you have the best hand.

b) you can clean up some outs

c) someone might fold an equal or better hand.

d) there's something to protect it from/charge draws

None of these apply here.

a) If you put BB on a range that either has you completely crushed (AA/KK/QQ/AQ) or is drawing almost dead (TT/JJ/AK/AJ), then raising is either going to get you hammered when you're behind or gain you very little/nothing when you're ahead.

b) Not even in the realm of imagination.

c) see b).

d) Who cares if SB comes along with AK/AJ, 99, etc? Any hand he has that's behind KQ is drawing v. thin. The only card you fear is an Ace and if an Ace hits there's a good chance you're losing to BB anyways (if you weren't already). And just calling the turn preserves your implied odds against AK if a K hits.

The turn is close but we don't really have odds to call to draw, and I don't see calling down as an option, so I probably fold.

I have a problem with A. I think you are ahead a good portion of the time. The big blind capping there doesn't narrow his range that much. The pot is big enough to push out the SB even though he is drawing thin to increase our equity in the hand. Every small edge helps.
07-22-2009 , 01:37 PM
I think BB range for capping pre is not nearly as tight as everybody is assuming here. OP noticed himslef that the SB is 3betting light. So if BB noticed that to than his capping range consists of all hands that he doesnt want to fold and just decided to raise them, might be as low as 66 and some Axs, KJs...
So I think raising the Flop is importtant since you have the best hand a lot of the time and it will make your decision on this turn much easier, since you will have more informations about your opponents hand.
07-22-2009 , 01:50 PM
If BB's range is so tight you can't raise this flop, you should have just folded to the cap.
07-22-2009 , 01:53 PM
raise flop obv
07-22-2009 , 01:57 PM
So it seems I should raise the flop. I was strongly considering it, but instead I decided to call down, then the A came, then I folded. =\
07-22-2009 , 02:00 PM
yeah i'd suggest not doing that anymore... also, if you make a mistake on one street (flop call), try not to compound it with another mistake (turn fold)
07-22-2009 , 02:02 PM
Well, what hand do I beat that he bets the turn with?
07-22-2009 , 02:06 PM
07-22-2009 , 02:12 PM
=\ I don't know if many people at 1/2 cap preflop and bluff 2 streets against 2 other opponents. I'm not doubting that you're wrong, I almost did call down, but I just let it go.
07-22-2009 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Tryptamean
yeah i'd suggest not doing that anymore... also, if you make a mistake on one street (flop call), try not to compound it with another mistake (turn fold)

If the turn fold is a mistake, what is Hero's plan when SB check raises this turn and BB calls?

What is Hero's plan when SB calls and BB bets river and Hero is UI?
07-22-2009 , 02:17 PM
yeah well its not like someone is gonna be all like "hurr hurr hurr ima cap some cheese pf and then barrel through everybody no matter what"... but if he finds himself on the turn with a ****ty underpair/KJ/possible light caps with sc's ... then he'll be like "damn, i guess ima bet here and hope for the best since im getting a big price on my bluff and i can credibly rep this card"
07-22-2009 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by mknoll1
If the turn fold is a mistake, what is Hero's plan when SB check raises this turn and BB calls?

What is Hero's plan when SB calls and BB bets river and Hero is UI?
folds after the extreme show of strength and almost certainly dirty outs

hero calls and curses his flop play once again...

idk its a ****ed up spot, perhaps ill just leave it at that since we shouldnt be here anyway.
07-23-2009 , 06:40 PM
make the flop Q73r and i think calling down is fine. turn has to be very close either way. admitted i sometimes would call and fold the river UI hoping to get free showdowns with the best hand sometimes.
