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Fire the second barrel? Fire the second barrel?

03-18-2010 , 03:47 PM
Villain is 20/11/1.7 Tag for .5/1.00 For this stake a good player.

Villain is UTG, Hero is Button

Sb=.25 BB=.5

Preflop HERO has KQ
UTG=Raises, MP=fold, CO=fold, Hero=3 Bets,SB=fold,BB=fold

(7.5sb) Flop AT5
UTG=check,Hero=Bet, UTG=check

(4.25BB) Turn 8
UTG=check, Hero=?

Should I fire second barrel at this point or check. With the idea of check/folding unimproved on river and calling a K/Q.

My thinking on hand is Villain is positional aware so has AT+,KQ,QJ,JTs and 66+. Flop is not to good put out a bet and fold to raise most likely. My bet is just called I can be behind and villain is looking to raise turn or is afraid of the A and has a pocket pair.

Turn is brick, but I figure I'm drawing dead or behind a lot here so would like to save the bet and not have to fold to a raise giving up a bet. So I check, however is a bet better to fold the PP that have me beat and if raised just fold at this point.
03-18-2010 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by dmyers1166
(7.5sb) Flop AT5
UTG=check,Hero=Bet, UTG=check
lol why cant I do that?

I would definitely fire again and most likely c/f the river UI
03-18-2010 , 04:13 PM
You just got called on a pretty dry board by a thinking player that showed aggression. You are behind here vast majority of the time. Your bet can only hope to fold out KJ/QJ/KQ and maybe 66-77. He is unlikely to try to steal with his KJ/KQ/QJ as he does not appear aggressive, so folding them out seems wasteful.
Flop cbet is standard.
I 2nd barrel here like never.
03-18-2010 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by dmyers1166
Villain is 20/11/1.7 Tag for .5/1.00 For this stake a good player.
Insta fold pre flop, and's not close

Vilan: 63.439 % {77+, ATs+, AQo+} --> Top 7%
Hero: 36.561 % {KsQs}
03-18-2010 , 05:25 PM
Really fold preflop, I can see KQo but the suited. I think 7% is a bit too tight but I doubt I get it to 47% if he is 11%, just not that super sure of his range this was 200+ hands but if you don't get cards you can looks a lot tighter than you really are. I can't remember blinds status. If there loose might help the equity a bit not sure. Against 12% to 15% utg I think raise is the correct play.

Figure this against my range with is 14% it comes in right at 47% which with position seems to be correct with blinds folding.
03-18-2010 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by dmyers1166
Really fold preflop, I can see KQo but the suited. I think 7% is a bit too tight but I doubt I get it to 47% if he is 11%, just not that super sure of his range this was 200+ hands but if you don't get cards you can looks a lot tighter than you really are. I can't remember blinds status. If there loose might help the equity a bit not sure. Against 12% to 15% utg I think raise is the correct play.

Figure this against my range with is 14% it comes in right at 47% which with position seems to be correct with blinds folding.

I dont agree, matbe i'm a girly or whatever, but i dont think that KQs plays very well post flop vs an 15% of range, sure we have position but really RIO issues.

I'm not sure about this, but my 3rd bet range vs players that i dont have an huge post flop edge usualy tends to be narrow
03-18-2010 , 05:38 PM
What's villain's fold to 3bet %?
03-18-2010 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by wants
What's villain's fold to 3bet %?
0% i mean, anyone folds?
03-18-2010 , 06:16 PM
Why would you bet the turn? You're almost always behind. He's never folding. You need to hit to win. He's probably not even turning the neglegable amount of his range you beat into a bluff on the river. You can take a free card. Do it. And fold pf.
