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Is this a calldown? Is this a calldown?

03-19-2008 , 02:59 AM
Villian is a regular maybe some of you know him it is ted bacon.
He plays sometimes very weired, but most of the time he is not getting out of line.
Does he have often enough flushdraws in his range to make a calldown profitable?

Poker Room skin
Limit Holdem Ring game
Limit: $10/$20
5 players

Pre-flop: (5 players) Hero is Button with J J
UTG folds, CO raises, Hero 3-bets, SB folds, BB calls, CO calls.

Flop: 9 K 3 (9.5SB, 3 players)
BB checks, CO checks, Hero bets, BB raises, CO folds, Hero calls.

Turn: K (6.75BB, 2 players)
[color=#cc0000]BB bets, Hero???
03-19-2008 , 03:06 AM
I call down here every time. His PF lets in a lot of mid PP too. If behind you could have as many as 4 outs, and or looking at something in the TJ, TQ, QJ range too.

If he doesnt get out of line a lot there shouldnt be a lot of K's in his range that would want to C/r the flop I'd think

in position at least make him barrel all three streets
03-19-2008 , 11:28 AM
I just call down and let him hang himself with QJ, JT. Calling also saves us the agony of being 3-bet by 99 or 33 and ending up folding a 4 outer in a huge pot or putting in 3 bets with a 4 outer.
03-19-2008 , 11:39 AM
I call down for the reasons Oink mentions.
03-19-2008 , 12:00 PM
Until proven otherwise assume everyone is an idiot. Call down and collect a nice pot from A9 or 9 10.
03-19-2008 , 12:51 PM
his preflop range is prob like mid PPs, mediocre broadways like JQs JKs KQ, maybe something like 9Ts. I think it is def a call down because he would certainly play 66 (if he calls it pre) 77 88 like this and likely TJs QJs sometimes as well, as well as any flush draw

ted is a tricky player and I think he is more tricky than usual in big pots. he is one of the best on that site imo
03-19-2008 , 04:05 PM
im not giving advice because evidently i suck at poker, but if i was playing this hand I would call the turn.

Question, if the river is an A do we still call?
